Zone 9 - What to Plant in September

Zone 9 - What to Plant in September

September is one of the best months to start gardening in Zone 9. You're just past the dog days of summer and the weather is starting to cool down a bit. The typical first frost in Zone 9 is mid December but even then it can be very mild. This allows for easy winter growing of several crops. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 9 in September.

The Optima Lettuce is a large-framed Boston type that produces dark green leaves that have excellent heat tolerance and will resist bolting. This variety is known for being resistant to tip burn as well as races 1-4 of mildew. This great lettuce also has a juicy, crisp flavor that is amazing cut up in salads or on sandwiches!

Organic - The Star of David is an Israeli okra variety with grooves, making it resemble a "star." This okra's unbranched stalks grow 8-10 ft. and produce 7" long pods with medium spines if left to mature.  Star of David is a bright green okra with purple coloration on top of leaf petioles and major leaf veins. This variety is best picked when small and will keep well. Conventional seed available.

Tall Utah is very dependable celery variety for home gardeners and market growers alike! This celery is a favorite that now comes in organic seeds. Tall Utah has dark green stalks that pacts in a crisp delicious flavor. Start seeds when weather has warmed up so that the crop matures in fall. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

Clemson Spineless 80 Okra is the most popular okra found in home gardens and markets and an All American Selections winner for a reason! This high yielding plant that produces dark green, grooved pods that stay spineless and non-woody. Clemson Spineless grows to 4' tall and pods are most tender and flavorful when harvested at 3-4". Okra is excellent for pickling or cutting up and using and some fresh gumbo or strews. The Clemson Spineless 80 is a popular pick that is now available in organic seeds! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Sweet Valentine Lettuce is a beautiful bronze-red variety that turns apple-green in the center, making it look and taste sweet! This lettuce starts out as a head lettuce before forming a looseleaf romaine excel. Sweet Valentine holds long into the heat without bolting and is one of the sweetest lettuces around.

The Dwarf Romaine is just like its name, a dwarf romaine lettuce type. This variety has a dark green color with a crispy and tender texture. The Dwarf Romaine is adapted to indoor & outdoor production. This romaine lettuce is mainly for cool season production.

The Champion collard is a tasty improved Vates selection! These large, dark green, cabbage-like leaves retain eating quality for up to 2 weeks or longer. Champion is a compact collard plant that has an increased bolt resistance and enhanced winter hardiness, truly making it a champion!

Certified - The "Bunch" Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes are the perfect bush or vine-less variety for gardeners that have limited growing space! These copper-colored sweet potatoes have a delicate light yellow to pink flesh that has a delicious flavor that will bring back memories! This old-fashioned tasting variety makes for the perfect baking sweet potato. Use the "Bunch" Porto Rico as a "baby baker" in just 100 days!

SPRING SHIPPING - The Color Mix is a tasty and colorful mixture of red, white, yellow and purple seed potatoes that will brighten up any dish! Each variety of potato in the Color Mix has approximately 8 potato seed pieces per pound. Usually 3-5 potatoes that can be cut into more pieces to plant. Minimum of 4lbs (1lbs of each variety). Yukon Gold - Best seller and an excellent keeper! Attractive, smooth, thin yellow skin, shallow eyes, yellow flesh and uniform yields. If you like your fried potatoes golden brown, Yukon Gold will almost turn that color by themselves. However, with Yukon Gold, your mashed potatoes are golden and beautiful to both the eye and the taste. When first harvested, Yukon Gold shows unique pink eyes not seen in other yellow varieties. They are best when home grown! Adirondack Blue - Brighten your meals with this tasty blue-purple potato! With deep blueish-purple skin and flesh that almost appears purple, here is another potato to brighten your table and your favorite potato salad. A family favorite for making awesome french fries or mashed potatoes. Abundant yields of medium sized oblong tubers. Russet - Easy and adaptable red potato for home gardening.Most likely the easiest and most adaptable red potato there is to grow, not to mention the consistent flavor! Attractive deep red skin and eyes, white flesh. The tuber of choice for new potatoes or fresh eating. Red Pontiac came from Florida in 1945 so it grows well in both the South and North regions. Adirondack Red - To say this potato is excellent, is an insult! Completely red! Both inside and out. A fun to cook with and delicious tasting potato. If it is late in the season and we are out of a variety above, we will substitute the next closest variety.

SPRING SHIPPING - Certified - The crisp, yellow flesh of the Red Gold Potato is great for making fries! This potato variety produces medium sized tubers with light red skin wrapped around a delicate yellow flesh that has the texture and flavor that no other potato has! Red Gold is a semi-moist, high yielder and shows some resistance to scab. Red Gold potatoes are excellent steamed, boiled, baked, fried, mashed, roasted or scalloped! This delicious red skinned potato was named after the Red River, which runs between North Dakota and Minnesota.

The Murasaki Purple Sweet Potato is a very delicious purple-skinned sweet potato with white flesh. This sweet potato variety is a Japanese sweet potato that offers very good yields and a delicious taste!

SPRING SHIPPING - Certified - The Banana Fingerling is a beautiful light brown skinned potato with a creamy inside! This variety is the most popular fingerling and it's also the easiest to grow. Developed in Europe, the Banana Fingerling is proclaimed to be excellent in salads. It is used amongst chefs and gourmet markets. The yellow, banana-shaped, waxy tubers have a firm texture that has wonderful flavor when baked, boil or steamed Mid-season!

The Watermelon is a very unique looking radish that does great at farmers markets! This variety has an excellent flavor and actually looks just like a watermelon inside! This radish has a round root that is 4" in diameter. The Watermelon radish is crispy with a mild and sweet flavor, that is excellent for salads, garnishes and even cooking in Asian dishes! Watermelon radish is the perfect radish for not only market growers, but also for home gardens.

The Amish Rocambole garlic is certified with a very strong and hot flavor! Amish Rocambole (aka Amish White or Amish) has a pungently hot and lingering flavor. A lively growing cultivar, the Amish Rocambole grows better in areas that have cold winters. Approximately 10 garlic bulbs per pound. Approximately 8-10 cloves per bulb.

The Comet Radish is an old All-America Selection winner that has proven its quality! This variety has been popular since it won AAS in 1936. This variety has a ruby red skin with a crisp snow white flesh. Its globed and almost perfectly round shape, made the Comet a popular supermarket variety for years.

Atomic Red carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals! Bright red root, tapered 1.5 x 11" long, super healthy high lycopene, crispy, intense color even when cooked. Atomic Red carrots are very healthy and unique-looking. The bright red is sure to add color to your garden. Atomic Red is especially high in the anti-oxidant lycopene, which is also found in tomatoes.

The Susan Delafield is a dazzling hardneck Porcelain variety that produces delicious and attractive purplish-pink cloves. This garlic has a delicious spicy flavor and will store well for up to 8-9 months. This variety is perfect for northern climates and is acclimated to moist conditions. The Susan Delafield averages 4-6 cloves per bulb.

Chamisal Wild is a hot and spicy garlic with cloves that are deep red! This variety can reach up to 3" in diameter, loves cold winters and matures late in the season. The Chamisal Wild was first discovered on the creek banks of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in New Mexico.