
Okra Seed

Okra is not the most popular vegetable in the garden but it's growing in popularity. Grows fast and tall up to 7' high. Okra is best picked young and tender at 3-4" long. Popular for canning, pickling and slicing up for gumbo or stews.

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How to Grow Okra

The Jing Orange Okra is a very tender Asian variety that is known for its breathtaking red-orange hue that is sure to stand out in the garden. This okra is drought tolerant and produces 6-7 inch pods. The Jing Orange is not a canning okra, but it is absolutely delicious in soups, stir fries and stews or fried up.

Just like its name, the Jambalaya Okra is the perfect okra for making jambalaya! This variety produces dark green, smaller and more tender pods! This okra is an extra-early maturing variety that boasts a very compact plant with small leaves. Jambalaya offers high yields of very uniform, shiny, dark green pods.

The Red Burgundy Okra is a deep red variety that produces a tender and delicious pod. This productive burgundy red okra adds a nice crunch, delicious flavor and beautiful color to any soup or stew, especially gumbo!

The Emerald Okra is a beautifully bright early maturing okra variety! This okra is an old heirloom variety from the 1950's that was first developed by the Campbell's Soup Company. This variety produces straight okra that keeps its vibrant green color even after being cooked. Emerald Okra is best harvested between 3-4" for the most tender and tasty pods.

The Star of David is an Israeli okra variety with grooves, making it resemble a "star." This okra's unbranched stalks grow 8-10 ft. and produce 7" long pods with medium spines if left to mature.  Star of David is a bright green okra with purple coloration on top of leaf petioles and major leaf veins. This variety is best picked when small and will keep well. Conventional seed available.

Rainbow Fiesta Okra is such a fun okra to grow! This festive, beautifully colored blend consists of red, orange, white, and green okra varieties. The Rainbow Okra is a colorful addition to the dinner table.

Organic - The Star of David is an Israeli okra variety with grooves, making it resemble a "star." This okra's unbranched stalks grow 8-10 ft. and produce 7" long pods with medium spines if left to mature.  Star of David is a bright green okra with purple coloration on top of leaf petioles and major leaf veins. This variety is best picked when small and will keep well. Conventional seed available.

The Blondy Okra is a dwarf spineless variety that has ribbed creamy-lime green pods that are perfect for adding to soups or stews. This okra plant gets to be three feet tall and two feet wide, making it perfect for smaller gardens or containers. This okra is very productive and can be sown directly once the soil reaches to be 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Clemson Spineless 80 Okra is the most popular okra found in home gardens and markets and an All American Selections winner for a reason! This high yielding plant produces dark green, grooved pods that stay spineless and non-woody. Clemson Spineless grows to 4' tall and pods are most tender and flavorful when harvested at 3-4". This okra is excellent for pickling or cutting up or using in some fresh gumbo or strews!

Cow Horn Okra is one of the best flavored okras around that is great for pickling or gumbo! This variety produces larger pods than most okra and should be harvested young and tender. The best time to harvest Cow Horn is at 6," but it can remain spineless, crunchy and tender up to 10" long. This old heirloom okra dates all the way back to the early 1900's. The twisted shape of this variety somewhat resembles the horns of a cow, getting its name, Cow Horn. Use shorter more tender pods for pickling or longer pods for tasty gumbo! The flowers on Cow Horn will start to appear within 45 days with okra pods soon to follow.

Perkins Long Pod Okra is an old Southern heirloom that grows long and tall! This variety will grow to be to 5' and produces bright green pods that are up to 8" long. Perkins Long Pod is an early maturing okra that should be harvested at 3-5" in length for most crisp, tender pods. This okra is excellent for canning, pickling and cutting up for gumbo or stews.

This is an excellent okra plant for tight spaces. French Quarter Red does well in containers and smaller gardens. Produces attractive, compact plants that only reach 24-30 inches tall. Yields 3-5 pods at a time when harvested regularly. Harvest pods at 3-4" in size and use for grilling, stir-fry or jambalaya.

Clemson Spineless 80 Okra is the most popular okra found in home gardens and markets and an All American Selections winner for a reason! This high yielding plant that produces dark green, grooved pods that stay spineless and non-woody. Clemson Spineless grows to 4' tall and pods are most tender and flavorful when harvested at 3-4". Okra is excellent for pickling or cutting up and using and some fresh gumbo or strews. The Clemson Spineless 80 is a popular pick that is now available in organic seeds! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

A high yielding producer of uniform, red okra. Harvest while young for small, deep red pods or wait for larger semi-pink pods. Fast-maturing at 51 days with stalky, upright plants. Produces edible flower with pink petals.

This is an excellent okra plant for tight spaces. French Quarter Pink does well in containers and smaller gardens. Produces attractive, compact plants that only reach 24-30 inches tall. Yields 3-5 pods at a time when harvested regularly. Harvest pods at 3-4" in size and use for grilling, stir-fry or jambalaya.