Dichelachne crinita, commonly known as the longhair plume grass, is a type of grass found in Australia, New Zealand and islands off the Pacific Ocean. It is often seen on sandy soils near the sea as well as woodlands. The flowering panicles are open and feathery at maturity.
A large reed-like plant with long dark green stems that produce male and female flowers. Flowers are dark brown and can sometimes appear almost black. Individual flowers are almost microscopic and can number anywhere from 50 to over 500 flowers per stem.
Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean, also known as Lablab purpureus or simply Hyacinth Bean, is a unique and versatile legume known for its vibrant appearance and culinary potential. This heirloom variety is named for its striking ruby-red pods and dark green foliage, making it an attractive addition to both ornamental and edible gardens. Ruby Moon Hyacinth Beans are typically grown as annuals, but in tropical regions, they can be perennial. In terms of taste, the young pods and seeds of Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean are edible and have a mild, nutty flavor similar to green beans. They can be consumed both raw and cooked. However, it's important to note that mature seeds contain toxic compounds and should not be eaten without proper processing. Ruby Moon Hyacinth Beans have a rich history, with their cultivation dating back centuries, primarily in Asia and Africa. They are valued not only for their culinary uses but also for their ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, enhancing soil fertility. This plant is categorized as a warm-season annual and typically matures in about 60-90 days, depending on growing conditions. The size of the Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean plant can vary, but it generally reaches a height of 6-10 feet, making it suitable for trellises or fences. When it comes to yield, you can expect approximately 10-15 pounds of pods per plant or around 800-1,200 pounds per acre under ideal conditions. These beans thrive in full sun and well-drained soil, and they require a warm climate to grow successfully. Adequate moisture and support for climbing are essential for a bountiful harvest. With proper care, Ruby Moon Hyacinth Beans can be a delightful addition to your garden, offering both visual appeal and a tasty, nutritious addition to your plate.
Snowy Wood Rush is a slowly spreading evergreen perennial with fairly dense clusters of shimmering white flower spikes in early and mid-summer. The plant forms a loose clump of narrow, rich, green leaves, 12" long with edges of fine hairs.
Sunshine and Wine Swirl Cool Wave is a fast growing, long lasting trailing pansy for Spring and Autumn. Very similar to Red Wine with yellow petals and maroon tips. Avg. 24,415 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.
Carex comosa is a large tufted wetland sedge. The narrow leaves are lime green and shiny. In late spring triangular culms rise above the foliage to 5’ bearing large chartreuse bottlebrush shaped spikes. Attractive warm brown seed spikes follow. This bold sedge flourishes in sun or part sun in damp or wet sites. Plants prosper in difficult wet mucky soils or even in shallow water.
Indian Steel is a clump-forming perennial grass with an upright, open habit typically growing upwards of 5' tall. Under the right circumstances it can be 7-8' tall. Features slender (1/2" wide), blue-green leaf blades (8-12" long) which turn yellow in fall and retain some gold color throughout the winter.
Fire Cool Wave is a fast growing, long lasting trailing pansy for Spring and Autumn. Rich dark red with a yellow face brings “fire” to Cool Wave. Shows more red in the face during Winter/Spring production (cool season) and more yellow in the face during Summer/Autumn production (warm season). Ht. 6–8". Avg. 24,415 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.
A common grass in wet or moist habitats in temperate to cold temperatures. The stems of sedges are solidly filled with pith, and do not have nodes. They are triangular in cross section. The leaves are arranged in three rows, with sheaths usually fused around the stem. Leaf blades of sedges are usually grass-like; with evergreen or semi-evergreen foliage.
Purple Diamond offers superb garden performance in spring and autumn with its high uniformity in plant habit. Produces beautiful purple petals that bloom for an extended time. The Diamond is an early series, blooming simultaneously on main and lateral stems with flower size of 1.5 inches in diameter. Ht. 6-10". Avg. 32,500 seeds/oz. Packet: 50 seeds.
The Big Bluestem is a warm season ornamental grass that actively grows during the summer when soil temperatures are warm but is beautiful all year round. This variety is a big plant, getting over six feet tall in most situations! In a landscape, the Big Bluestem can be used as an accent. This ornamental grass has a great fall color in the range of gold and pink.
Also know as Bush Bluestem, this perennial grass is a tufting, sturdy, warm-season grass that will grow up to 4'. The foliage has a reddish tint. Interesting, beard-like flowers appear in fall. This plant prefers moist to damp sites and is not drought tolerant.
Frost Cool Wave is a fast growing, long lasting trailing pansy for Spring and Autumn. White flowers develop light blue “frost” from the edges as they mature. Cool temperatures enhance the color pattern. Ht. 6–8". Avg. 24,415 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.
Beautiful purple and white bicolor bell-shaped blossoms on bright green foliage. 12-18" stems add movement and interest to arrangements. If cut back regularly these flowers will bloom continuously. A 5-7 day vase life once cut so these do best in casual bouquets or home cutting gardens. Also a favorite for hummingbirds in pollinator gardens. Also known as flowering tobacco.
Raspberry Swirl Cool Wave is a fast growing, long lasting trailing pansy for Spring and Autumn. Rich, velvety rosy-purple with white and yellow centers. Avg. 24,415 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.
Raspberry Wing Cool Wave is a fast growing, long lasting trailing pansy for Spring and Autumn. Yellow petals with dark maroon colored tips. Offers better branching and a more mounding habit that matches the newest varieties in the series. Avg. 24,415 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.
Pink Diamond offers superb garden performance in spring and autumn with its high uniformity in plant habit. Produces beautiful pink petals that bloom for an extended time. The Diamond is an early series, blooming simultaneously on main and lateral stems with flower size of 1.5 inches in diameter. Ht. 6-10". Avg. 32,500 seeds/oz. Packet: 50 seeds.
Scarlet Snapdragon produces beautiful red blooms. Floral Showers is one of the best performing dwarf snapdragons around! This early, day neutral has a delicious fragrance, making it a perfect addition to any garden. Performs well in both spring and fall. Excellent cut flower variety. Ht. 8-10". Avg. 185,000 seeds/oz. Packet: 100 seeds.