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Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts

Brussels sprouts, Brassica oleracea, are sometimes referred to as mini cabbages. Brussels Sprouts are easy to grow, take up little space and are flavorful raw or cooked. Most varieties can be frozen for long storage. Brussel sprouts can be grown in both spring and fall but give best results during a fall harvest.

The Catskill Brussels sprout produces numerous heads with strong stalks! Delicious flavor, extra large sprouts that grow up to 2" round with medium green color.  Catskill has large yields on strong stalks (24" tall) that make it easy to pick. First introduced in 1941 by Arthur White, this heirloom is great fresh eating or freezing. Brussels sprouts are best grown for fall harvest due to cold weather giving sprouts more flavor.

Silvia is a great choice for small gardens. Grows on a compact plant that reaches 2' tall. They may be short but they are packed full of 45+ sprouts per stalk. This early maturing is great roasted, sautéed or steamed. For the sweetest flavor harvest in the fall after several frost.

Redarling produces beautiful purplish sprouts with firm heads. The uncommon color and mild taste make Redarling ideal for fresh market sales. Produces high yield potential.

Gustus Brussels sprout is a newer variety with great taste and high yields! An excellent variety for home gardens and markets. Gustus is an early maturing with mid-green, firm buttons that are evenly spaced on the stalk. A high yielding sprout that grows 24" tall. Sprouts weight 6 oz. with a smooth texture and cabbage-like flavor.

The Long Island is a compact Brussels sprout with heavy yields! This is a workhorse variety that produces very flavorful sprouts. This compact, 24" tall plant yields 75-100 dark green, 1-2" sprouts over a long period. Don't overlook this popular vegetable for your garden. First introduced in the 1890's. This variety is a great freezing variety for long storage. Dependable yield. Great for small gardens.

The Churchill Brussels sprout is a fast growing Brussels sprout that is earliest to mature! Churchill is an early maturing Brussels sprout that produces medium green, smooth, large heads. Sprouts are flavorful, nutritious and rich. This variety is easy to grow and does well throughout the United States. Good for fresh eating and freezing for longer storage