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The Carpatica Clip Mix is a blend of dense crowns of large upright light blue, white, and purple delicate campanula flowers that are great for pots. This variety is the perfect indoor-outdoor plant. The Carpatica Clip Mix's flowering is uniform and occurs 2-3 weeks earlier than other varieties.
The Komachi Balloon Flower is an exotic baby blue bellflower that kinda resembles many tiny colorful umbrellas from above! These compact plants can reach to be 18 inches tall and produce unopened buds with puffed out petals. This eye-catching display is sure to stand out in any garden! The Komachi Balloon Flower thrives in a sunny garden or as a cut flower in a vase.
The California Bluebell Campanula is a very popular, beautiful and hardy annual that has been adapted to very arid environments. The stunning deep blue, bell-shaped flowers of this variety are highlighted by long golden stamens. It's leaves are heart-shaped, covered with soft white hairs closely resembling an African Violet. This flower prefers full sun in very sandy or well-drained soils. The California Bluebell is one of the most extravagant shades of blue.
Deep Blue is a fast-finishing, high-yielding Champion Pro series produces smaller but higher yields of blooms per stem. The higher amounts of deep blue flowers a more vibrant color impact. Champion Pro also offers firmer flower petals and thinner more flexible stems. Deep Blue Champion Pro flowers can be either the focal point or filler in cut flower arrangements. Pelleted Seed
Light Pink Campanula is a fast-finishing, high-yielding Champion Pro series produces smaller but higher yields of blooms per stem. The higher amounts of light pink flowers a more vibrant color impact. Champion Pro also offers firmer flower petals and thinner more flexible stems. Light Pink Champion Pro flowers can be either the focal point or filler in cut flower arrangements. Pelleted Seed
Lavender is a fast-finishing, high-yielding Champion Pro series produces smaller but higher yields of blooms per stem. The higher amounts of lavender flowers a more vibrant color impact. Champion Pro also offers firmer flower petals and thinner more flexible stems. Lavender Champion Pro flowers can be either the focal point or filler in cut flower arrangements. Pelleted Seed
White Campanula is a fast-finishing, high-yielding Champion Pro series produces smaller but higher yields of blooms per stem. The higher amounts of white flowers a more vibrant color impact. Champion Pro also offers firmer flower petals and thinner more flexible stems. White Champion Pro flowers can be either the focal point or filler in cut flower arrangements. Pelleted Seed
A beautiful blend of purple, pink and white Campanula that are fast-finishing. This high-yielding Champion Pro series produces smaller but higher yields of blooms per stem. The higher amounts of flowers produces a more vibrant color impact. Champion Pro also offers firmer flower petals and thinner more flexible stems. Champion Pro Mix flowers can be either the focal point or filler in cut flower arrangements. Pelleted Seed