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Swiss Chard is easy to grow, close relative of garden beets. It has several uses and will provide fresh greens all season from one sowing. Chard can be used as microgreens, baby-leaf and full-size production. Urban Farmer offers several varieties of Swiss Chard seeds for home gardens and small market growers.

Ruby Fresh hybrid swiss chard is perfect for market growers. Perfect for producing baby leaf greens that have bright red petioles with a well-defined venation. It has thick round to oval leaves. Ruby Fresh is a great choice for baby leaf or spring mix growers.

The Lucullus Swiss Chard produces highly nutritious leaves from early spring until the first hard freeze in the fall. This variety produces great during the summer heat. This chard is a very popular variety grown throughout the United States.

Fordhook Giant is a popular standard for many home gardens. This variety is one of best tasting Swiss Chards! The Fordhook Giant grows to be a dark glossy green color with a deeply savory leaf.

Fire Fresh hybrid swiss chard is excellent for baby leaf or spring mix production. Produces bright red petioles and medium-dark green leaves. Has an above normal growth rate and produces long oval leaves that have a slight texture.

The Large White Ribbed Swiss Chard has a wide and flattened white stem. This variety is a popular heirloom chard that has tender and thick smooth leaves. The Large White Ribbed is very tasty and can even substitute asparagus when creamed.

This Swiss Chard has a deep crimson stalk that runs into the veins of the leaves. The leaves are glossy dark and heavily crumpled. Cardinal’s stalks can be cooked like asparagus while the leaves like spinach. However both can be used raw. Certified Organic.

The Rainbow Blend Swiss Chard will brighten up any dish! The beautifully colored and delicious Rainbow Blend is a mixture of different red, orange, pink, yellow and white chard. These stunning leafy greens are a staple to any garden or meal. The glossy dark green leaves have a crisp texture that can't be beat. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

Bright Lights is such a beautifully colored and tasty Swiss Chard! This chard produces stalks of orange, red, white, and pink! Bright Lights will grow up to 20 inches.

Ruby Red Swiss Chard is a beautifully deep red colored chard. This variety is great for people who want to grow controlled colors of different Swiss Chard. The Ruby Red is fast growing, very tasty and will add a pop of color to any garden!

The Orange Fantasia is a brightly colored orange Swiss Chard. This is a tasty variety that is great for people who want to grow controlled colors of different Swiss Chard. The Orange Fantasia's orange color comes when mature and ready for harvest.

The Barese Swiss Chard is an excellent home garden chard. This variety is known for its taste and tenderness. The Barese is bred specifically for baby leaf production. This chard matures quickly, produces uniform, crisp leaves and holds well.