Commercial quality netting will keep birds off your garden and field crops. Protect your crops with this polypropylene netting that can easily be drapped over most crops and is visually unobtrusive. Does great over most fruits and vegetables. Some uses may require support. Dimensions: 14' x 500' with tight 0.75 x 0.75" mesh.
Commercial quality netting will keep birds off your garden and field crops. Protect your crops with this polypropylene netting that can easily be drapped over most crops and is visually unobtrusive. Does great over most fruits and vegetables. Some uses may require support. Dimensions: 14' x 100' with tight 0.75 x 0.75" mesh.
Protect your plants from deer! Protects shrubs, trees, and vegetable gardens from destructive deer. Made from strong and durable 3/4" polypropylene mesh with UV inhibitors. Comes in 7'x100' increments.
Diatomaceous Earth is a natural and organic insect killer! DE Insect Dust is deadly against ants, fleas, aphids, bollworms, cockroaches, earwigs, leaf hoppers, mites, slugs, snails, Japanese beetle grubs and more. DE diatomaceous earth Insect Dust is a fast-acting combatant against almost any insect infestation. DE Insect Dust is actually pulverized shells of microscopic fresh- and saltwater algae called diatoms. This dust penetrates hard and soft shell insects, ultimately resulting in their complete deterioration, however it is completely non-toxic to people, pets, and other animals.
Protective netting for Fruits and Vegetables! Bird netting protects fruit and berries from thieving birds and other garden pests. Made from strong and durable 3/4" polypropylene mesh with UV inhibitors. Comes in 7' x 20'Â sections.
America's Finest Deer and Rabbit Repellent is all natural, biodegradable, environmentally safe and guaranteed to keep deer and rabbits away from your prized gardens, shrubs and trees, while not being offensive to humans. Deer Scram won't harm animals, the environment and, most importantly, you and your family. Blended from selected organic components, Deer Scram will keep deer off your plantings because it convinces deer that harm is nearby through their uncanny sense of smell. Deer Scram will change deer behavior. As they near the applied barrier of Deer Scram, deer actually alert to a sense of danger even death! Apply Deer Scram any time of year! Apply Deer Scram now to stop deer browsing, change the paths the deer have grown accustomed to using through your yard and guard your gardens, trees and shrubs! Deer Scram can be applied as a protective perimeter strip or it can be evenly spread over a garden bed or flowerbed. Deer Scram will shield your flowers, shrubs, trees, ornamentals, vegetable gardens, forests, vineyards, orchards, field crops and nursery stock when used as directed and consistently applied every 30-45 days. Deer Scram will keep deer away for good but will not harm the deer. Use Deer Scram to keep deer out of any botanical areas. Get plant protection now. 2.5 lb. pound shaker is enough Deer Scram to protect 1,600 square feet!
Monitor and control flying pest! These 4" x 7" Sticky Aphid/Whitefly Traps unfold to expose adhesive on both sides to cover approximately 30 sq inches per trap. Yellow coloration of weatherproof cards attracts aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers, froghoppers, moths and more. Nontoxic traps are simple to hang and mess free.
Organically controls several common insects found in the garden! Monterey Garden Insect Spray uses Spinosad to effectively control thrips, leafminers, fire ants, diamond-back moths, borers and more. Gardeners mix four tablespoons of concentrated liquid Monterey Garden Insect Spray to one gallon of water (or as much is needed for a single treatment) for easy foliar applications. Derived through fermentation of a naturally-occurring soil bacterium, this fast-acting insecticide is listed can be used on fruit and vegetable crops, ornamentals and turf. OMRI Certified
A natural way to control mildew and several bugs! Neem Oil controls black spot, rust and mildew, and kills mites and insects including whitefly, aphid and scale. Safe for use indoor or out on ornamental plants, flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs as well as fruit and nut crops.
Gentle on Plants, Killer on 45 Different Insects! Organic Insect Killing soap is an effective, ready-to-use spray that kills 45 different insect species in any stage of life, from egg to adult. Among the targeted pests are aphids, various beetles (including Japanese beetles), caterpillars and larvae (including gypsy moth caterpillars and tent caterpillars), harlequin bugs, leafhoppers, mealybugs, stink bugs, and whiteflies. OMRI-listed Safer Brand EndALL can be used up to the day of harvest on ornamentals, trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, flowers and houseplants.
A quick acting control for insect infestations! PyGanic Crop Protection can be used for quick control of a broad spectrum of insect populations. The active ingredient is pyrethrins, a botanical insecticide derived from chrysanthemums. This product is suitable for organic crop production. OMRI Certified.
Controls powdery mildew, black spot and diseases. GreenCure is a potassium bicarbonate based fungicide used to control powdery mildew, black spot and other common plant diseases. GreenCure is recommended as a foliar treatment for more than 85 different plant varieties including vegetables, trees, ornamentals and houseplants. One tablespoon of powdered GreenCure to 1 gallon of water will cover approximately 450 square feet. GreenCure is also registered for organic production by the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP).
Monitor and control flying pest! A great way to control and monitor pest infestations with the dual sided Yellow Ribbon Trap. Versatile tape is is 4 inches wide and can be cut to any desired length. The Yellow Ribbon Trap is nontoxic and environmentally friendly.
America's Finest Deer and Rabbit Repellent! Deer-Off is a biodegradable deer deterrent EPA-approved for use on all plants, including food crops. Use Deer-Off at least once a season for best results. Each weatherproof application lasts three months. Also effective against rabbits, voles, moles and squirrels. Discontinue use two weeks before harvest. A combination of egg solids, garlic oil and hot peppers makes this an effective deterrent. Bottle contains 1 quart.
A natural spray that treats several garden diseases! Powered by a naturally occurring microorganism that preys on disease causing bacteria, ready-to-use Garden Disease Control treats plants afflicted with powdery mildew, rust, leaf spots and more. Growers can spray Serenade Garden Disease Control on any part of a diseased plant without worrying about deleterious effects on fruit and foliage or putting harsh chemicals into the environment.
An organic blend of oils that controls insects and fungus! Organocide insecticide and fungicide effectively controls 25 common insect pests such as mites, whiteflies, and aphids as well as 4 problem plant diseases including powdery mildew and black spot. All-natural Organocide is a blend of sesame and fish oils that poses no risk to the environment. Comes in a convenient ready-to-use bottle so there's no mixing and no mess.
Kills over 20 Leaf-Feeding Worms and Caterpillars! This pest control product is very effective in killing caterpillars and worms, including corn earworm, bollworm, armyworm, diamondback moth, green cloverworm, hornworms, loopers, melonworm, pickleworm, tomato fruitworm, tobacco budworm, salt marsh caterpillar, mimosa webworm, and imported cabbageworm! The Safer® Brand Garden Dust utilizes bacillus thuringiensis (var. kurstaki) which, once ingested by the wayward pest, kills them within a few days. It is recommended that this product be applied late in the afternoon or on cloudy days since B.t. breaks down in the sunlight. When the B.t. is ingested by the worm, it works as a gut rot poison that makes the worm stop feeding. The caterpillar or worm will stop feeding immediately and die within days of malnutrition.
An organic concentrate to control mildew in the garden! Mildew Cure uses garlic, cottonseed, and clove oils to effectively control powdery mildew. If left unchecked, a powdery mildew infection can quickly ruin fruit and vegetable crops, herb gardens, and other flowering plants. The active ingredients in Mildew Cure are derived from food grade materials and completely safe to use around people and pets. Quart size is a concentrated formula that requires mixing.