Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

The growing season is here for zone 9 gardeners. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. Now is a great time to start and grow all of the items we have below. Some should be started inside and others should be directly sowed into the garden.

Green Magic is a great summer and fall broccoli that is consistent performer. This broccoli matures mid-early and has wide adaptability to gardening zones. It has a semi-domed, tight head with medium-small bead size and a good plant habit.

The Tango is a reliable and fast growing celery variety! Tango celery is a great improvement over older celery varieties, as it is more tolerant of less than ideal conditions. This hybrid produces dark green, thick stalks with lots of great celery flavor. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Murasaki Purple Sweet Potato is a very delicious purple-skinned sweet potato with white flesh. This sweet potato variety is a Japanese sweet potato that offers very good yields and a delicious taste!

Godzilla is a new broccoli that produces very heavy and small-beaded heads. Leaf attachments are small and lower on the stem, allowing for quick trimming and easier harvest. Heads are fine-beaded and have very heavy florets.

Candy Onion can grow just about anywhere from the far North to the deep South! Neither a long-day (Northern) nor short-day (Southern) variety, this variety is a "mid-day" or day-neutral variety. This variety is a hybrid onion that is earlier, larger and more flavorful. No matter where you live, you can enjoy these huge, savory yellow onions with a delicious sharp-to-sweet flavored flesh. These onions can be stored for months.

The Purple Top White Globe Turnip is a beautifully purple and white colored turnip that is the best tasting turnip around! This turnip variety has a fine grained root that can grow as big as a baseball! The popular Purple Top White Globe is an excellent yielding turnip that is a great fall crop that gets even better with cold weather.

SPRING SHIPPING - The Color Mix is a tasty and colorful mixture of red, white, yellow and purple seed potatoes that will brighten up any dish! Each variety of potato in the Color Mix has approximately 8 potato seed pieces per pound. Usually 3-5 potatoes that can be cut into more pieces to plant. Minimum of 4lbs (1lbs of each variety). Yukon Gold - Best seller and an excellent keeper! Attractive, smooth, thin yellow skin, shallow eyes, yellow flesh and uniform yields. If you like your fried potatoes golden brown, Yukon Gold will almost turn that color by themselves. However, with Yukon Gold, your mashed potatoes are golden and beautiful to both the eye and the taste. When first harvested, Yukon Gold shows unique pink eyes not seen in other yellow varieties. They are best when home grown! Adirondack Blue - Brighten your meals with this tasty blue-purple potato! With deep blueish-purple skin and flesh that almost appears purple, here is another potato to brighten your table and your favorite potato salad. A family favorite for making awesome french fries or mashed potatoes. Abundant yields of medium sized oblong tubers. Russet - Easy and adaptable red potato for home gardening.Most likely the easiest and most adaptable red potato there is to grow, not to mention the consistent flavor! Attractive deep red skin and eyes, white flesh. The tuber of choice for new potatoes or fresh eating. Red Pontiac came from Florida in 1945 so it grows well in both the South and North regions. Adirondack Red - To say this potato is excellent, is an insult! Completely red! Both inside and out. A fun to cook with and delicious tasting potato. If it is late in the season and we are out of a variety above, we will substitute the next closest variety.

Certified - Georgia Jets is such a fast growing sweet potato! This sweet potato is a marvelous variety that just like its name suggests, matures extremely fast! In 90 days you will have large, ready to eat sweet potatoes. Georgia Jets is also high yielding!

Mizuna Green Mustard is a tasty Asian spinach variety that is amazing raw in different salads or cooked. This variety's narrow green leaves are very tasty and have a non-pungent flavor. Mizuna Green Mustard is fast growing and produces high yields. This green is popularly used in many salad mixes! Organic seed available.

Very large fruits with juicy flesh! These large growing strawberries are the largest on the market. Great flavor. Perfect for farmers markets.

The Merveille Four Seasons is a French Bibb lettuce type that produces rich deep reddish leaves with bright cranberry red tips. This 12-16 inches lettuce has a wonderful butter taste and will hold its flavor in hot weather. The rich red leaves surround a small, 8-12 inches pale green, tight heart. Enjoy the Merveille Four Seasons chopped up in a salad for fresh flavor and a pop of beautiful color.

Astro Arugula is a popular arugula type with spicy flavor! This standard arugula is grown for it's long, green leaves. Astro is fast growing and will withstand cold temperatures. This arugula is best harvested at baby size. If you want to spice up your salads and meals, then the Astro Arugula will be the perfect addition to your garden!

Chesnok Red garlic is one of the best baking garlic's available! This variety is a fantastic garlic that holds its shape and flavor well when cooked. Its stores well. Chesnok Red is regarded by some as the best all around garlic variety as it has a very beautiful red color.

The Jericho Lettuce is known for its great baby leaf production and is very tolerant to hot weather. This lettuce is a blonde romaine that can be grown for both baby leaf and full-size heads. This lettuce variety is very attractive with its bright light-green leaves. Jericho is tolerant to both heat and tipburn. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

Enjoy a mouth watering blend of the Sweet Potato Mix! This mix contains all 3 of the sweet, delicious sweet potato varieties that we carry, the Georgia Jets, Beauregard and Centennial. Not sure which variety to buy? Try all 3!

The Tokyo Long Bunching Onion is a tender bunching type, loved by many chefs! This long variety grows an upright single stalk with dark green leaves little, white crisp bulbs. This tender and tasty onion is also heat tolerant.

The Golden Detroit is the ultimate savory golden beet with delicious greens! A colorful beet that won over gardeners with it's sweet but more mild flavor. Golden Detroit's vibrant orange-yellow color makes a wonderful addition to salads and meals. Cooked it turns buttercup yellow and melts in your mouth. Light green, with gold veined leaves also mix well into salads. One of the best tasting raw beets that is extremely healthy.

A dark rich red color characterizes this hybrid on the outside, and inside it has distinct ring development. Purple Haze has a good combination of maturity and bulb size. A good disease package compliments this vibrant and vigorous hybrid. Disease Rating: High tolerance to Pink Root and Bolting and Good Tolerance to Fusarium.