Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

The growing season is here for zone 9 gardeners. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. Now is a great time to start and grow all of the items we have below. Some should be started inside and others should be directly sowed into the garden.

The super sweet Renegade Spinach is simply the best all-around Spinach! This very adaptable spinach variety is early maturing with heavy yields and is easy to grow. Its dark green, rounded leaves are resistant to mildew and arise profusely on compact plants. Renegade is perfect for beginning gardeners and those that have been let down by other varieties!

Green Magic is a great summer and fall broccoli that is consistent performer. This broccoli matures mid-early and has wide adaptability to gardening zones. It has a semi-domed, tight head with medium-small bead size and a good plant habit.

The Winter Wheat is a cool weather grain that is quick to germinate, cold tolerant and is adaptable to a wide range of soils! This wheat can be sown in late summer for erosion control and tilled under in early spring to add organic matter. The Winter Wheat is winter hardy nearly anywhere, and won't go to seed until its second year of growth. Use: Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Weed Suppression

Seaside produces very uniform and great tasting baby leaf spinach. Stays baby size for extended period of time extending the season. Seaside has a nice, smooth, thick, very dark green, spade-shaped leaf making it a perfect choice for baby leaf growers. Seaside has great downy mildew resistance.

Very large fruits with juicy flesh! These large growing strawberries are the largest on the market. Great flavor. Perfect for farmers markets.

Candy Onion can grow just about anywhere from the far North to the deep South! Neither a long-day (Northern) nor short-day (Southern) variety, this variety is a "mid-day" or day-neutral variety. This variety is a hybrid onion that is earlier, larger and more flavorful. No matter where you live, you can enjoy these huge, savory yellow onions with a delicious sharp-to-sweet flavored flesh. These onions can be stored for months.

The very sweet Red Creole Onion is the perfect variety for home gardens! This short day onion is great for the South and Mid-West climates and is also a good keeper. The solid, flat bulbs of the Red Creole has a spicy, red flesh that makes it a good cooking onion and is also great raw in salads.

Napoli is a very early Nantes type carrot! This carrot has a bright orange color with a length of 7-8 inches. Napoli's roots are slightly tapered and have an excellent sweet flavor. This carrot is also fantastic as an early bunching carrot. It can be over-wintered or grown in high tunnels for a spring harvest.

Growing your own forage for your chickens is a cheap, easy, and a highly nutritious way to feed your chickens. Chicken feed can be expensive to provide throughout the year. Growing your own from spring to fall provides high levels of nutrients that will make your eggs taste even better. Foraging chickens have a better balanced diet that creates better eggs and meat. This chicken forage blend is a mix of well balanced plants that chickens love to eat. Spread at 5 lbs. per 1,000-2,000 square feet. 100 lbs will cover 1 acre. Mixture includes: Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Buckwheat, Flax, Millet, Forage Peas, Red Clover, Alfalfa

The Florida Broadleaf is a favorite mustard in the Southern states. This mustard is a fast growing green, making it great for spring and fall eating. The Florida Broadleaf is mild-flavored and produces large, broad, rich green leaves of appetizing pungency.

Buttercrunch is a popular bibb type lettuce that has sweet, high yielding leaves. This variety is a loose head lettuce that has thick green leaves and a small, tight head. Buttercrunch maintains its sweetness well when grown in the heat of summer and it goes into fall without bolting.

The Gabriella is a loose leaf lettuce variety that has beautiful deep wine colored leaves. This variety's purple leaves are frilly and sweet -- perfect for adding a pop of color to salads! The Gabriella's leaves are delicious from mesclun size to maturity. This variety is heat resistant and slow bolting.

The Rainbow Blend contains a kaleidoscope of orange, purple, red, white and multi-colored beet varieties that will make any dish pop! This colorful variety not only produces the brightest colored beets, but also the tastiest. This blend is a great addition to any garden, especially a container garden. Enjoy this beet blend in a salad, or roasted for a mouthwatering colorful plate.

The Jackhammer Radish is a fast growing daikon radish variety that is a great scavenger that will start germinating immediately! This variety is very easy to grow. The Jackhammer Radish is good for winter kills and turns into great biomass. Radish (Brassica): Cool Season, broadleaf, Annual, Upright and spreading habit, Root Crop Uses: Nitrogen Scavenger, Green Manure, Forage, Organic Matter, Weed Suppression

Organic - Mizuna Green Mustard is a tasty Asian spinach variety that is amazing raw in different salads or cooked. This variety's narrow green leaves are very tasty and have a non-pungent flavor. Mizuna Green Mustard is fast growing and produces high yields. This green is popularly used in many salad mixes! Conventional seed available.

The Indiangrass is a warm-season bunchgrass that is native to central and eastern North America and provides cover and food for wildlife. This grass can reach up to seven feet tall and is a common species of the Tallgrass Prairie. The beautiful, plume-like seed heads are very ornamental making them excellent for prairie and conservation mixtures.

The Crimson Clover is an attractive winter annual that can be planted fall or early spring and will protect and improve the soil. This good nitrogen fixer (70-150 lbs per acre per year) blooms showy crimson flowers in late spring that are an excellent source of nectar for bees. This variety inter-seeds well with grass, making it a great way to ready your vegetable garden for the spring or beautify a landscape! Not to be confused with the tough perennial clovers that can take over a meadow. Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken Forage, Compaction Control, Deer Attractant, Erosion Control, Forage, Green Manure, Nitrogen Fixation, No Till, Weed Suppression

Butter King Lettuce is slow to bolt or turn bitter. This varieties' light-green crisp 12-13 oz. butterheads do well in Midwest heat. The Butter King is a Boston type, but it is nearly twice as large and more tender. This lettuce grows vigorously with a good flavor and is disease resistant.