Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

The growing season is here for zone 9 gardeners. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. Now is a great time to start and grow all of the items we have below. Some should be started inside and others should be directly sowed into the garden.

The Bistro Blend is a component mixture of loose leaf lettuce and batavian varieties. All the varieties in this blend have been selected for sweet flavor and thick leaves that stand up well in a rough chopped salad. This blend's colors range from red, bronze, dark green and bright green. This Bistro Blend is a garden favorite with production all year long.

The Common Flax is a cool season annual broadleaf with small taproots and very small, narrow leaves that are less than an inch long. This variety's stems are branched near the base of the plant, with plants reaching 30 to 36 inches in height. The multiple stems or branches of a flax plant are slender and flexible, bearing attractive blue flowers. Flax has the same performance benefits of other grasses and grains, of quick germination and a highly fibrous root mass. Flax will take up excess N and other minerals, will winter kill and provide moderate to high amounts of organic matter back to the soil. Flax provides excellent mulch for protection of erosion and improving water permeation during the winter and spring. Flax (Linum usitatissimum): Cool season, broadleaf, Annual, Upright plant habit Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken Forage, Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Savenger, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass)

The Olympia is a top-notch smooth leaf hybrid spinach that has a great flavor. This spinach Hybrid has thick and dark green leaves that grow upright. The Olympia is highly recommended for spring, summer, fall and over wintering crops because it resists bolting under high temperatures and long day conditions. Treated seed.

The French Breakfast Radish has a delicate flavor and is an excellent variety for home gardens. This radish variety is an attractive uniquely shaped radish with elongated roots and red tops with white tips. The French Breakfast has an excellent flavor and texture, that is perfect for dips or as a garnish.

Chicory has a long taproot that penetrates subsoils which makes it drought tolerant and allows it to make minerals more available to livestock. Rich in potassium, sulfur, calcium, zinc, sodium, manganese and iron. When managed properly, Chicory produces leafy growth which is higher in nutritive and mineral content than alfalfa and other cool season grasses. Used mainly in mixes with other pasture or cover crop seeds. Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) - Warm season, broadleaf - Perennial - Upright and spreading growth habit - Protein levels: 10-32% - Forms arbuscular mycorrhizal associations Uses: - Bees & Beneficial Insects - Chicken Forage - Deer Attractant - Forage

The Romaine Trio Blend is a mixture of three of our specialty romaine lettuces. This tri-colored blend is very popular for not only its beautiful color variation and vigorous growth, but also for its delicious taste.

The Medium Red Clover is fast to establish and can be grown in most soil types as well as sowed in spring, summer or fall! This clover works well for hay or silage. The Medium Red Clover can be used as a cover crop between rows of vegetable crops if mowed to maintain manageability. This clover can fix up to 150 lb. of nitrogen per acre. Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken Forage, Compaction Control, Deer Attractant, Erosion Control, Forage, Green Manure, Nitrogen Fixation, No Till, Weed Suppression

The Sugar Snap Pea is a garden staple pea that has unmatchable taste! This variety has tall vines that with support can grow up to 6 feet plus! The Sugar Snap Pea plant produces 3" long pods that are a 1/2" across, and bear over a long picking period. This is pea is so tasty that people will eat it directly after picking! Sugar Snap yields well in both hot and cold weather.

The Brunswick is a large cabbage that is used for making sauerkraut! The Brunswick can be grown for spring, summer, and fall crops. This cabbage is very cold hardy! Stores well. Excellent for home gardens and market growers.

The Red Salad Bowl is a very popular loose-leaf heirloom lettuce that is heat resistant. This variety is an appealing, slow bolting deep red leaf lettuce with finely divided leaves. The Red Salad Bowl has a sweet and tender flavor and is a colorful delight for many dishes and salads! This variety is a favorite for being quick grow and great for cut and come again harvesting.

Great way to fix nitrogen and add organic matter to the soil! A great mix of grass and legume cover crops. Hairy Vetch works well for nitrogen fixation while Rye adds organic matter and protects the less hardy vetch from winter damage. If planted in fall it comes back early spring with heavy growth. Cut right after it flowers and spring and till into soil. (75% Winter Rye / 25% Hairy Vetch) Seed Coverage: - 5 lbs covers 2,000-4,000 sqaure feet - 100 lbs covers 1-2 acres Uses: Deer Attractant, Green Manure, Nitrogen Fixation, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass), Weed Suppression

A 1918 The Great Northern Seed Company says this variety is not withstanding its immense size. This variety does not get hollow or pithy and its flesh remains sparkling white, solid, crisp and juicy. This slower bolting variety has the mildest flavor with a tender, crunchy texture.

Cylindra beets, also known as "Formanova" or "Butter Slicer," are a unique variety of beetroot known for their elongated, cylindrical shape. These beets have a fascinating history, originally hailing from Europe, particularly Denmark, where they were developed in the early 20th century. Their distinctive shape was cultivated to make them easier to slice and can, a practical innovation that has made them popular among home gardeners and commercial growers alike. In terms of taste, cylindra beets are mild and sweet, with a slightly earthy flavor. They are known for their tender, non-fibrous texture, making them excellent candidates for pickling, roasting, or slicing thinly for salads. Their deep red-purple skin contrasts beautifully with the vibrant, dark red flesh inside, adding an attractive element to culinary dishes. Cylindra beets typically grow to be 6-8 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter. They are ready for harvest in approximately 55-65 days from planting, making them a relatively quick-growing beet variety. They thrive in well-drained, loamy soil with full sun exposure. When it comes to disease resistance, cylindra beets tend to be more resistant to common beet diseases like leaf spot and powdery mildew than some other beet varieties. Proper spacing is crucial, with about 2-3 inches between each plant and rows spaced 12-18 inches apart. With the right care and growing conditions, cylindra beets can yield a bountiful crop of these delicious and uniquely-shaped vegetables, making them a favorite among gardeners and chefs.  

The Culinary Blend contains a tasty mix of yellow, white, and orange carrots. Each variety is suited for both baby root production and cooking. This blend is excellent roasted in the oven. All three varieties are prized for flavor and color.

The Jerry Oats is a grain that is a quick growing green manure that will kill off any winter weeds and will hold soil with a mat of vegetation! This high yielding oat can produce over 100 bushels per acre. This grain variety is great for garlic beds and other vegetables. The oats stay green into November and form a mulched bed for spring planting. The Jerry Oats are also great for underseeding with a legume. Uses: Erosion prevention, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter, Weed Suppresion

Michihili cabbage is great for those who love stir-fry or pickling cabbage. A tight-head type with well blanched, crisp and tender interior. Michihili produces a cylindrical, leafy head. A high yielding cabbage with excellent flavor. Chinese cabbage nutrients include vitamins A and C.

Waltham 29 produces incredibly high yields for broccoli! This variety is known for its good color, cold resistance, dwarf compact plant, and big side shoots. Main heads are 4-8" with steady side shoot production after main head is harvested.

The Bambino carrot is a super sweet baby gourmet carrot. The color develops quickly and can pull early. This carrot produces 4 in. cylindrical blunt roots, very small core, smooth skin, a deep orange color and small dwarf tops. The Bambino was developed for canning & pickling whole and must be harvested early.