Carmona Red is a favorite among many market growers! This lettuce variety produces big, bright red heads with lime green hearts. The Carmona Red has a nice silky texture and is very disease resistance.
SPRING SHIPPING - Certified - The Banana Fingerling is a beautiful light brown skinned potato with a creamy inside! This variety is the most popular fingerling and it's also the easiest to grow. Developed in Europe, the Banana Fingerling is proclaimed to be excellent in salads. It is used amongst chefs and gourmet markets. The yellow, banana-shaped, waxy tubers have a firm texture that has wonderful flavor when baked, boil or steamed Mid-season!
The Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea is a high yielding snow pea that has a high percentage of two pods per cluster! This variety grows to a height of 28" and bears 4 1/2" long pods that are disease resistant to pea virus, common wilt and powdery mildew. The Oregon Sugar Pod II produces delicious flat and tender pea pods that are superb for freezing!
Great Lakes 118 lettuce is a classic butterhead variety that has gained popularity among gardeners since its introduction in the mid-20th century. Known for its compact, dense heads and vibrant green, slightly crinkled leaves, this lettuce offers a pleasing texture and rich, buttery flavor. The taste is mildly sweet and crisp, making it ideal for salads and sandwiches. Harvesting typically occurs around 60-75 days after planting, when the heads are firm and fully developed; gardeners can either cut the entire head or pick individual leaves as needed. Great Lakes 118 thrives in cooler temperatures and well-drained soil, making it a favorite choice for spring and fall planting, and it’s particularly valued for its ability to withstand heat and maintain flavor.
The Sunset is a beautiful deep red looseleaf lettuce that is slow to bolt. The very attractive crinkled leaves make it a favorite in any salad or dish. This lettuce was an AAS winner in 1987, and since has been known to be a rare lettuce leaf. The delicious Sunset lettuce is a great variety for home and market growers alike. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.
Caliber is a late-season yellow long day for the western United States known for vigor, disease resistance, yield, and storage capabilities. Caliber is a Celebrate hybrid with a healthy plant with solid roots and strong and erect tops that assist in providing thrips tolerance and make applications easier. Caliber has a consistent rich bronze scale in super colossal bulbs with single centers that do very well with a mechanical harvest. Caliber has a reputation for storing very well long term. Disease Ratings: HT to Pink Root and Fusarium, T to Bolting and HT for Thrips
The French Breakfast Radish has a delicate flavor and is an excellent variety for home gardens. This radish variety is an attractive uniquely shaped radish with elongated roots and red tops with white tips. The French Breakfast has an excellent flavor and texture, that is perfect for dips or as a garnish.
The Early Wonder beet is a popular heirloom beet plant that produces high yields of deep red roots! A popular beet that is tasty, early maturing and produces abundant greens. The beets are great for boiling, pickling, baking, and freezing. Forms 3-4" deep red globes that are sweet and tender. Also known as "Tall Top" for its tall, glossy leaves that make great greens with salads. Greens are also a great substitute for chard or spinach and have high vitamin A and C.
The Old Fashioned Mustard Green is a real Southern treat! This green is a favorite that can be eaten fresh or cooked, but is best enjoyed either steamed or sautéed in our opinion! The Old Fashioned Mustard is easy to grow and care for, making it a great addition to any garden.
'Yellow Wonder' is a very productive variety. It is a clumping type (few to no runners) that is day neutral which means that flowering is not dependent on day length. The fruit is a pale yellow at full ripe and soft. This variety is sweeter than the red alpine strawberry varieties. There is a strong wild aroma as well.
Red Romaine Lettuce has long, crinkled leaves with great crunch! This variety starts green and fades to redish-purple. The Red Romaine's leaves are12" tall and the plant is about 10-12" wide. This lettuce is often used in Caesar salads not only for its crunch, but also for its color. Use Red Romaine lettuce for an incredible edible purple border in your flower beds.
'Mignonette' is the tastiest red alpine variety in our opinion. It has moderate production of 1" long conical shaped fruit has an aroma and taste unlike anything you've ever experienced. Not as hardy as some of the other selections so mulch well for winter in colder zones.
Riverside is a smooth spinach with dark green leaves. Grown mostly for its spade-shaped baby leaf harvesting. Riverside produces at normal rates with an upright plant habit. Excellent for growers who want premium quality product. Riverside is also very resistant to downy mildew.
The Malabar Red Stem Spinach is a beautiful climbing spinach that looks and taste great! This vigorous climbing vine needs to be trellised and grows into fall. This spinach variety has a taste that resembles a mild Swiss chard. Use Malabar Red Stem's leaves and young stems sparingly in salads or stir-fries.
The Roquette Arugula has tender smooth leaves that thrive in the cooler weather. This peppery-mustard-flavored arugula is a staple of fine cuisine! The Roquette Arugula grows fast and is great for spicing up any meal!
Yes, these mouth watering fruits are real! White Alpines are white, ornately speckled with red seeds. The unique pineapple flavor and aroma more than make up for the small, bite-size fruits. Easily could be a kid's favorite mini-berry to pick and snack. Once you try one of these mouth watering fruits you will have them in your garden for years to come!
Sugar Sprint Pea will sprint into the production of delicious peas! This fast maturing, heavy producing pea plant is one of the earliest maturing peas available. This pea variety produces 3" stringless snap peas over a long period. Sugar Sprint is heat tolerant and resistant to powdery mildew.
All of the seeds below are very good at attracting deer to your property! Buckwheat - Improves top soil and an effective choke weed! Plant late spring to early summer. Establishes quickly. Matures in 60 days. Accumulates phosphorus and and potassium for following crops. Frost sensitive. All below packages come in 1lb. bags. Crimson Clover - Winter annual protects and improves soil! Plant fall or early spring. A good nitrogen fixer (70-150 lbs per acre per year). Showy crimson blooms in late spring are an excellent source of nectar for bees. Inter-seeds well with grass. Austrian Winter Pea - A great cool season legume for cover crops, wildlife and winter grazing! Austrian winter pea, sometimes called "black pea" and "field pea" is a cool-season, annual legume with good, nitrogen-fixing capabilities. Austrian winter pea is a low-growing, viny legume which has been shown to fix over 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year. Peas - Grow regular old peas in your deer food plot. One of the most preferred vegetables for deer. Oats - Oats will kill off winter weeds and hold soil with a mat of vegetation! A high yielding oat that can produce over 100 bushels per acre. Plant anytime of the year. Deer will graze oats all year round. Barkant Forage Turnip - Great forage crop that provides high energy feed! Barkant turnips are an improved, early maturing, diploid turnip wtih a large purple tankard shaped bulb. Barkant turnips have a high leaf to stem ratio and and provide very high contentrations of protein, sugar content and leaf yields. Barkant Turnips are ideally suited for wildlife. Dwarf Essex Rape - A cabbage related plant that is a perfect grazer! Dwarf Essex Rape is a perfect grazer plant that will persist well after the first frost. Ready to pasture 6-8 weeks after sowing. Hairy Vetch - Sow with or without grain, grass or field peas! When sown late summer, grows fast and will attract wildlife. Hairy Vetch has rapid growth that makes it a good weed suppressant.