Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

The growing season is here for zone 9 gardeners. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. Now is a great time to start and grow all of the items we have below. Some should be started inside and others should be directly sowed into the garden.

The Malabar Red Stem Spinach is a beautiful climbing spinach that looks and taste great! This vigorous climbing vine needs to be trellised and grows into fall. This spinach variety has a taste that resembles a mild Swiss chard. Use Malabar Red Stem's leaves and young stems sparingly in salads or stir-fries.

Fire Fresh hybrid swiss chard is excellent for baby leaf or spring mix production. Produces bright red petioles and medium-dark green leaves. Has an above normal growth rate and produces long oval leaves that have a slight texture.

The Pearl Millet is a very tall grass that can reach to be 15 feet tall that is used as a multiple cut forage grass and green manure. This grass is high in protein, digestible and free of prussic acid. The Pearl Millet is perfect used for hay, pasture and silage for feeding cattle, horses, goats and other livestock. The Pearl Millet is also a very good green manure that is well adapted to low soil moisture, low fertility and high temperatures. Uses: Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass), Weed Suppression

The Waldmans Green Lettuce is the standard green leaf lettuce that is most widely grown for commercial. This variety is a highly productive lettuce that produces large, dark green leaves with slightly savoyed, wavy texture form loose, open heads.

The Pink Summercicle Radish will bring you an endless summer with its bright pink color, sweet taste and popsicle-like shape! These 5-6 inches long roots have a crisp white inside with an extra sweet flavor. This very adaptable variety is best when grown in the early spring or fall. Enjoy the Pink Summercicle in salads or stir-fries!

Caliber is a late-season yellow long day for the western United States known for vigor, disease resistance, yield, and storage capabilities. Caliber is a Celebrate hybrid with a healthy plant with solid roots and strong and erect tops that assist in providing thrips tolerance and make applications easier. Caliber has a consistent rich bronze scale in super colossal bulbs with single centers that do very well with a mechanical harvest. Caliber has a reputation for storing very well long term. Disease Ratings: HT to Pink Root and Fusarium, T to Bolting and HT for Thrips

The Lutz Green Leaf Red Stem Beet has a beautiful deep red hue and a mouth watering taste that pairs perfectly with any dish. This variety is known for having huge glossy, deep green tops that are amazingly delicious! This beet is a "winterkeeper" beet that has a long standing storage capability. The Lutz Green Leaf Red Stem has 6 inches in diameter roots.

The Selway is a Lolla Rossa type lettuce with beautiful light green and dark purple coloring. This variety has deeply curled loose leaves with frilled dark-purple edges edges. The Selway is an essential in salad mixes for its color and taste. For baby leaf production, this variety can be harvested in 30 days and for full sized leaves, it can be harvested in 55 days and can be cut repeatedly!

Tango Lettuce is a fun curled baby leaf lettuce variety! This lettuce has a crisp clean texture and holds up well with numerous salad dressings. This attractive uniform plant forms tight erect rosettes that are 12" across and 6-8" tall. Tango is an oak leaf variety.

Dark green crumpled leaves, approximate 7 x 9 in. head, 6-8 lb, even better flavor after touched by frost, very tender.

The Pink Beauty Radish is named after its beautiful, uniformed light pink exterior that is crisp and jam packed full of flavor. This round beauty has a bright white flesh that is crunchy and with the perfect radish taste. This quick-growing variety is a great addition to any garden! The Pink Beauty will add a nice pop of color to any garden or dish.

The Ruby Red Lettuce is an early variety that produces good yields of bright green to ruby red colored leaves. This beautiful variety is a very heat tolerant lettuce that is slow to bolt. Ruby Red's color does not fade in the hot weather! This lettuce is excellent for adding color to salads or garnishes.

Lakeside smooth leaf spinach with dark green leaves. It has a round to oval leaf shape with an upright plant habit that makes it easy to harvest. It is a very versatile variety it can be used for baby leaf, bunch or clip.

Thumbelina carrots are tender and sweet with no need to peel! It is the perfect bit size for fresh eating, stews and salads. Thumbelina's small size makes it a great choice for heavy or shallow soils or containers. No wonder it is an All-America Selections Winner from 1992!

Rouge D'Hiver Lettuce is a beautifully multicolored French heirloom romaine. This variety's green leaves are tinted with medium-red color at the tip. Rouge D'Hiver is not just beautiful, but it is also very tasty and very easy to grow. This lettuce is a home favorite for resisting heat and cold stress if well watered. This variety has been recently resurrected.

An early maturing heirloom cabbage. Early Jersey Wakefield is an early variety of cabbage with pointed heads that resist splitting! A great home garden cabbage with great flavor!

Riverside is a smooth spinach with dark green leaves. Grown mostly for its spade-shaped baby leaf harvesting. Riverside produces at normal rates with an upright plant habit. Excellent for growers who want premium quality product. Riverside is also very resistant to downy mildew.

The White Vienna Kohlrabi is an early variety that grows to 12" inches high. The pale green, flattened, globe shaped bulbs are smooth and tender and form above the ground. The uniquely flavored white flesh of this Kohlrabi is tastes the best when bulbs are 3" in diameter. Sow in the spring to enjoy a successful harvest over a longer period of time.