Zone 9 - What to Plant in December

Zone 9 - What to Plant in December

Now is when the main planting is happening in zone 9. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. With a last frost date in early February you should start growing your tomatoes, peppers and other plants indoors so they are ready to transplant in February.

The Pink Oxheart Tomato is a beautiful pink oxheart shaped variety that has vigorous vines that produce plenty of attractive and tasty tomatoes. The tomatoes weigh in at about 16-32 ounces. This variety has a sweet and juicy flavor that will have you growing them for years and years. The Pink Oxheart is just perfect looking!

Holy Mole! The Holy Mole is a F1 Pasilla-type All American Selection Pepper! This high yielding pepper is used for making mole sauces and different dips. This 8" long pepper variety has a very tangy flavor. These compact 3' tall plants are perfect for the patio. 1,300 Scovilles.

The Orange Dream cauliflower performs like a dream in outdoor and greenhouse growing conditions. This cauliflower is a medium-large plant. Orange Dream is a pastel orange cauliflower that exhibits great tolerance to heat and stress.

The Red Beefsteak Tomato produces an extra large, meaty fruit that is very popular among home gardens used for adding to sandwiches other dishes. This beefsteak variety is not grown commercially as often as the smaller types. The Red Beefsteak is describes as being a solid, meaty and juicy tomato that is an excellent slicer.

Orange King is a deliciously sweet and tangy orange pepper. This blocky, thick skinned pepper turns from green to a bright orange when mature. Its plants produce average yields of 4-5 lobed block peppers that mature to 4x6." This pepper variety is the sweetest bell pepper we have tasted to date! Orange King is perfect for fresh eating, dips, salads, stuffing, stir fries and sandwiches.

The Yellow Bhut Jolokia Pepper is a spicy yellow Ghost Pepper, which is among the World's Hottest Pepper! This wrinkled yellow pepper is 125 times hotter than a Jalapeno pepper! This Bhut Jolokia variety is a rare, natural variant of the Red Bhut Jolokia. Ghost peppers can reach over 1,000,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU). Use with caution!

The Bradley Tomato is one of the all time Southern favorites! This tomato variety is a reliable, productive plant that has fairly good cover, producing attractive, smooth pink fruit with a tasty mild flavor. Bradley is a disease resistant variety released in 1961 by Dr. Joe McFerran of the University of Arkansas. The seeds produce delicious, sweet tomatoes that are well balanced with just enough acidity to give you that old-fashioned big tomato flavor that you love so much. Bradley tomatoes ripen at the same time making it a great variety for canning and freezing. This variety is suitable for Southern regions, but can grow in most places.

The Rutgers Tomato produces an intense, red colored, round fruit that is a proven variety that excels at canning and slicing. This highly productive, open pollinated heirloom tomato is one of the earlier maturing tomato varieties and has been around since 1934. Rutgers grows on a strong vine and can weigh anywhere from 6-12 ounces. The first maturing tomatoes tend to be smaller while later maturing tomatoes are larger. This tomato has a beautiful flesh inside with a good ratio of flesh to gel with a few seeds for each slice. This variety holds well when sliced making it great for sandwiches! The Rutgers tomatoes were originally developed by a Rutgers University scientist named Lyman G. Schermerhorn in co-operation with the Campbell's Soup Company. The tomato was developed by crossing Marglobe with a variety called JTD. As time went on, the Rutgers became the most famous tomato worldwide and once made up over 70% of the tomatoes being processed in the United States.

The Rudolph Radish is known for being a "cute" smaller variety that has a very deep red hue and a nice uniform globe shape. It is only 1.5 inches round! Rudolph might be tiny, but it is bursting with lots of flavor! These crisp, sweet radishes will give any salad or dish an extra kick.

The Rio Grande Tomato produces a huge harvest of popular pear shaped, paste type of tomatoes that will thrive in hot climates! This tomato variety produces large, deep red 4 inch long blocky tomatoes that are favored for its versatility. The Rio Grande is a great tomato for sauce or juice.

The White Flat Boer Ford is a true white pumpkin that is perfect for autumn displays! This variety grows to be 3 to 5 inches high and spreads 8 to 12 inches wide. This flat pumpkin can weigh between 10 to 15 pounds! The White Flat Boer Ford has deep ribs that makes for an appealing autumn display, but it also has a delicious eating quality for its aromatic, succulent, and sugary flesh.

The Cipollini Yellow is an unique coin shaped yellow onion. This variety can be grown and perform well in most US latitudes. Cipollini Yellow has good pungency, but is still sweet. This onion is larger and flatter than most pearl onions, making it a great choice for any cooking or braising use. Cipollini Yellow is also excellent when used in crafts like braiding and has excellent storage ability for a small onion.

The Sub Arctic Plenty is the world's fastest growing heirloom tomato, in just 42 days from transplant you will have fresh vine ripe tomatoes! This variety is a great tomato to grow in Northern areas where the season is short. However, this is also great for Southern locations where you can harvest the crop before insects and disease start to take over. The Sub Arctic Plenty is a bush variety that needs no staking, as it is great for hanging in baskets.

The San Marzano Tomato is an easy to grow, heirloom that is known as one of the best tomato 'sauce' varieties in the world! This tomato has a plum shape and is considered by many chefs to be the best sauce and cooking tomato types in the world. These heritage tomatoes are named after the region of San Marzano near Naples, Italy. This variety is low acidity, indeterminate and grows on vigorous vines that offers a good cover. Its plants produces clusters of tasty, intensely red fruit that holds well on the vine or in storage. The San Marzano resists cracking and is excellent for paste, puree, or canning due to high solids.

The Texas Early Grano 502 PRR Onion has a uniform white flesh with a delicious eating quality! This onion variety produces a large globe shaped vidalia-type onion that has a nice flavor that is not too pungent.  Texas Early Grano 502 PRR is a short day variety, but works well as an indeterminate day variety of onion as well. This onion also has a tolerance to pink root rot (PRR.) History: Texas Early Grano 502 PRR was released by the Texas Agricultural Experimental Station in 1944. in 1933, the Texas onion breeding program began, which was to produce the Mother "Grano 502" which was in the parentage of all SuperSweet onions such as Granex (Vidalia, Maui Maui and NoonDay) and the Texas 1015Y.

The Golden Greek Pepper is a mildly hot, bright yellow to red pepper! This variety should be picked when golden for the best taste! These 4" long by 1" thick peppers have a crispy flesh that is excellent when pickled or thrown in a Greek salad!

The Ancho is a very popular, semi-spicy pepper! This tantalizing pepper has a slight mild and sweet apple flavor. This variety is a very versatile 4-6" pepper for fresh, cooked, and dried usage. Ancho's tapered fruits mature from a bright green to red on bushy, robust plants.

'Yellow Wonder' is a very productive variety. It is a clumping type (few to no runners) that is day neutral which means that flowering is not dependent on day length. The fruit is a pale yellow at full ripe and soft. This variety is sweeter than the red alpine strawberry varieties. There is a strong wild aroma as well.