Zone 9 - What to Plant in December

Zone 9 - What to Plant in December

Now is when the main planting is happening in zone 9. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. With a last frost date in early February you should start growing your tomatoes, peppers and other plants indoors so they are ready to transplant in February.

Scout is an early to main season intermediate variety and can make a good transition from intermediate to long days. It is a consistent yielder and a uniform producer of jumbo and colossal bulbs and holds up well to mechanical harvest.

'Mignonette' is the tastiest red alpine variety in our opinion. It has moderate production of 1" long conical shaped fruit has an aroma and taste unlike anything you've ever experienced. Not as hardy as some of the other selections so mulch well for winter in colder zones.

The Golden Acre is a tasty cabbage that arrives early and is suited for close spacing. This early round head cabbage is easily grown and versatile in use. Heads are about 6 to 7 inches in diameter on compact plants about a foot high. Its firm, medium green head is excellent cooked or raw in stews and salads.

Red Rock demonstrates good size with excellent internal dark red color and a good single-center percentage. Red Rock has a very good red scale and produces a nice firm bulb that can be stored for several months. It is also a Celebrate Onion with a good root system and grower friendly structure. Disease Ratings: High Tolerance for Bolting. Good Tolerance to Pink Root and Fusarium.

Yes, these mouth watering fruits are real! White Alpines are white, ornately speckled with red seeds. The unique pineapple flavor and aroma more than make up for the small, bite-size fruits. Easily could be a kid's favorite mini-berry to pick and snack. Once you try one of these mouth watering fruits you will have them in your garden for years to come!

The Corno Di Toro Mix Pepper is an old-time Italian sweet frying pepper! This pepper is nicknamed the "bull's horn" for its distinctive horn shape. This pepper variety plant bears 8" fruits mature to red (Rosso) and yellow (Giallo). The Corno Di Toro Mix is a combination of Corno Di Toro Giallo and Corno Di Toro Rosso. The Corno Di Toro Mix is a great cooking pepper variety!

The Italian Heirloom Tomato is an old heirloom that is one of our most tasty tomatoes we offer, as it is just bursting with flavor! These bright red tomatoes can grow to over 1 pound per fruit! This productive variety will give you a continual harvest of these delicious fruits into fall. The Italian Heirloom is an excellent variety for cooking, eating fresh or canning.

The China Rose Radish is a tasty rose colored radish with peppery undertones. This long radish variety with 5 inch long roots is one of the oldest heirloom radishes around. The China Rose is a very hardy type that can be grown year round.

The Indigo Sun is a F1 Hybrid bright yellow cherry tomato with an indigo anthocyanin pigmentation splashed around the crown. This pretty tomato has a sugar sweet flavor that is a nice balance between sugars and acids. This variety produces about eight tomatoes per cluster with each little cherry tomato weighing 1 ounce. The Indigo Sun is perfect as a snack or can be used to brighten up any salad or pasta dish!

Black Spanish Round Radish is a unique black old heirloom that has a nutty and slightly spicy flavor! This black beauty radish is making a comeback! Its firm flesh holds up well in meals. The Black Spanish Round is best grown from late winter to early spring and is a healthy spring vegetable.

The Striped German Tomato is a beautiful large sliced variety with very attractive, brilliant and bright orange-marbled stripes! The flat, medium to large, variably ribbed-shoulder tomatoes are shaded yellow and red. The marbled interior of this variety looks absolutely beautiful sliced! The complex, fruity flavor and smooth texture makes the Striped German Tomato a customer favorite .Organically grown.

Spring Raab is a sweet baby broccoli! Every part of the erect vigorous plant can be used for cooking, as it has a delicate delicious flavor. The Spring Raab adds texture and fine flavor to cooking. This baby broccoli is high in vitamin C,  A, Calcium, Iron making it the perfect healthy choice! Organic seed available.

The Danver 126 is a durable, multipurpose carrot that produces high yields. Danver 126 was bred by the Eastern States Farmers Exchange from selections of heat resistant strains of carrots. This carrot is improved for better interior color, smoother skin, better uniformity and better yield. Released in 1947. Excellent for home gardens and markets.

In the early stages of fruit development, the Indigo Rose Tomato develops a dark purple pigment in its skin where exposed to direct sunlight. It is one of the darkest varieties on the market! This vigorous tomato starts out green when unripe and then develops into its known purple-red hue when ripe. The small tomatoes can each weigh about 1-2 ounces and have good flavor with 'plummy' overtones. The Indigo Rose's famous dark color looks great when added to any dish.

The Blondkopfchen, aka Little Blonde Girl, is a delicious heirloom cherry tomato that comes from East Germany and has a delicious sugary flavor. This high yielding variety produces an abundance of small golden yellow 1" fruits that grow in giant clusters. The Blondkopfchen is one of the best tasting cherry tomatoes as it has a high sugar content, is crack resistant and produces well until the first frost.

Red Jewel is early maturing and produces good size cabbages. This variety is a high-yielding red cabbage hybrid with uniform maturity. Red Jewel offers a deep red head with a short core and is ideal for both fresh and shredder markets.

The Ghost Mix is a blend of some of the world's hottest peppers! Use with caution! This mix is a wonderful blend of red, yellow, purple, white and chocolate Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) pepper seeds that can reach over 1,000,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).

The Champion Radish is slow to become pithy. This radish is an excellent cooler weather variety, especially for short season climates. This bright red, crisp, round radish has large tops and is a good choice for early or late plantings. This highly recommended radish is great for eating fresh, in salads or for garnishes.