Zone 7 - What to Plant in October

Zone 7 - What to Plant in October

Zone 7 growers still have time to plant some cool season vegetables before your first typical frost in mid-November. The earlier you start in October the better. Try direct sowing some kale, spinach, radish and other second season vegetables. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 7 in October.

The Bloomsdale spinach is such an attractive, tasty, and a popular garden standard spinach. Bloomsdale spinach is an old favorite amongst gardeners and is now available in organic seeds! It has excellent flavor and produces large quantities of delicious leaves. Spinach is also very nutritious with lots of Vitamin A, C, and iron and is low in calories. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

Vates is one of the highest yielding collards around! This collard variety produces dark green leaves that are very delicious. Vates grows to a height of 30" and is very slow to bolt.

The Premier Kale, or also known as Early Hanover, is a high yielding kale with delicious and nutritious green leaves. This kale is early maturing that produces high amounts of smooth, dark green leaves. Plant Premier in the fall so that it produces higher yields and resists bolting 4 weeks longer. This kale's taste is a favorite and is extremely high in antioxidants and beta carotene!

Cascadia Pea is a major garden staple for its heavy yields of great tasting and crispy pea pods. Enjoy bucketloads of large, crisp pods with small, sugary peas! The 3' tall vines should be supported on a trellis or fence. Cascadia's multiple disease resistances allow for spring and late season plantings.

Creme de la Rasa garlic is a hardneck variety that produces large, plump purple cloves! It is mild in heat, but rich in flavor. It is known to be hardy in the field, making it ideal for farmers! It is one of the several purple striped varieties we are offering this season!

German White garlic, scientifically known as Allium sativum 'German White,' is a popular garlic variety revered for its mild yet robust flavor and large bulb size. This garlic variety typically produces bulbs that are noticeably larger than other common garlic types, with a single bulb often reaching a diameter of 2 to 2.5 inches (5 to 6.35 cm). These bulbs are encased in a papery, white skin that protects the cloves within. Inside each German White garlic bulb, you'll find an impressive number of individual cloves. On average, a single bulb can contain anywhere from 6 to 8 cloves, although some bulbs may yield even more. These cloves are typically medium to large in size and are known for their easy-to-peel, plump, and juicy characteristics. German White garlic is favored by many chefs and home cooks alike for its versatile culinary applications, making it a staple in various dishes, from roasts to sauces, due to its well-balanced garlic flavor that isn't overpowering. In addition to its culinary appeal, German White garlic is also sought after for its adaptability in different climates and its ability to store well. Its robust growth and resistance to diseases make it a reliable choice for home gardeners and commercial growers. Overall, German White garlic is celebrated for its impressive bulb size and the generous number of cloves it offers, making it a cherished ingredient in the kitchen and an excellent addition to any garlic enthusiast's garden.

Majestic garlic is a hardneck porcelain variety that is discovered by Beaver Pond Estates. This variety is a porcelain garlic so it does best in colder climates and develops large bulbs with a mild flavor. This garlic will mature later in the season and has excellent storage life.

Ajo Rojo garlic has a delicious mild and creamy flavor. This variety comes from Spain and is very similar to the Creole Red but is a beautiful and distinctive garlic. The Ajo Rojo is mild and creamy when baked, but watch out if consuming raw - the heat comes on slowly and builds to intense!

Leningrad garlic, also known as Russian Red garlic or Allium sativum 'Leningrad,' is a distinctive garlic variety renowned for its robust flavor and impressive adaptability. This heirloom garlic hails from the city of Leningrad, now known as Saint Petersburg, in Russia. It is characterized by its large, purple-striped bulbs and rich, complex flavor profile. Leningrad garlic is classified as a hardneck garlic, meaning it produces a woody central stalk called a scape, which can be harvested and used in culinary applications as well. One of the standout features of Leningrad garlic is its ability to thrive in colder climates. It is well-suited for regions with harsh winters, making it a favorite among northern gardeners. The cloves are typically planted in the fall and harvested in mid-summer the following year. Leningrad garlic is appreciated for its strong, spicy flavor with a hint of sweetness, which intensifies when roasted. Its cloves are easy to peel, making it a convenient choice for home cooks and chefs alike.

Continuity is an extra early iceberg type of lettuce that has thick dark-green leaves that fades to a bronze-red tip. This lettuce is crisp with a fine flavor! This reliable header has some tendency to bolt in hot weather, and is firm and solid.

The Patio Pride Pea is the perfect variety for a container or small garden and it looks stunning among other ornamental combinations. This pea plant produces uniform, sugary sweet pods that are tender when harvested early. This variety is perfect for succession planting, as it yields a consistent harvest over many weeks. You can grow Patio Pride with other cool-season flowers for a gorgeous display right on your patio! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Merveille Four Seasons is a French Bibb lettuce type that produces rich deep reddish leaves with bright cranberry red tips. This 12-16 inches lettuce has a wonderful butter taste and will hold its flavor in hot weather. The rich red leaves surround a small, 8-12 inches pale green, tight heart. Enjoy the Merveille Four Seasons chopped up in a salad for fresh flavor and a pop of beautiful color. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Collection Mix is a delicious mix of our three most popular garlics, California Early, Italian Red and Spanish Roja. Approximately 8 cloves/ bulb. Approximately 75-85 garlic cloves/ pound. Each variety offered in the collection comes in increments of 1/4 lbs. California Early Garlic Early season garlic harvest with excellent flavor! This is likely the most commonly grown variety in the U.S., and for good reason. It is a large, easy to grow softneck, with a nice mild flavor and excellent storage ability. Cal-Early is one of our "work-horse" varieties we depend on, year after year, for fresh market and garlic braiding. The skins are a nice off-white with a purple blush and it produces 8-10 cloves per head. Italian Red Garlic A great tasting and excellent storage garlic! A variety that is widely grown throughout the United States. Early Italian Red is a hardneck garlic that is very heat-tolerant porcelain garlic that can be planted in spring of fall! Spanish Roja Garlic Early season garlic harvest! A gourmet best-selling garlic for home gardens! Excellent classic rich flavor. Each bulb has about 8-12 cloves. Outer wrapper varies in color, from a rich cream to deep purple stripes. Cloves are large with a brownish red color and are easy to peel. Keeps well, 4-6 months. During curing many bulbs lose their stems. *Similar substitutions will be made at end of garlic season. We will replace any out of stock garlic with similar variety. If no substitution is wanted please order items separately.

The Midnight Ruffles Lettuce gets its name for being one of the darkest red loose leaf lettuces around! This variety is a delicious new lettuce variety that has extra crinkled leaves, with toothed edges. The Midnight Ruffles hearts are very densely packed for a leaf type, but are so sweet and delicious any salad or dish!

The Mild French garlic is a bold flavored garlic that is quick growing. This garlic variety was first bred by Porter & Sons seedhouse. The Mild French can be grown throughout the United States, even taking the stiff heat of far Southern areas. Its plants grow taller and mature more quickly than most other members of the Silverskin family. Mild French's bulbs will yield an average of 12-14 cloves. The flavor of the Mild French varies a bit based on the climate. This garlic offers a bold flavor that has greater heat the further north it’s grown! Mild French is a very long storing silverskin garlic up to a year. Approximately 12-15 garlic bulbs per pound. Approximately 12-14 cloves per bulb.

The Purple Glazer is an excellent purple striped garlic. This amazing variety hails from the Republic of Georgia. Purple Glazer produces fat white cloves with deep purple streaks. The Purple Glazer has a strong flavor with no heat and a very minimal aftertaste.

The Blush Butter Cos Lettuce is a very popular and tasty butterhead variety with beautiful pink blushing and cos qualities. This lettuce has a good, sweet flavor with dense, buttery sausaged leaves. This variety is most known for its easy to remove leaves without any tearing or bruising.

The Seafresh Lettuce was selected for its great heat tolerance! This variety is a great tasting looseleaf lettuce that thrives in hotter climates. The Seafresh Lettuce is a great addition to any garden and will definitely not be a disappointment!