The Marvel of Four Seasons is a French butterhead lettuce with bibb-type rosette leaves. This butterhead, also known as Merveille des Quatre Saisons, is tasty and beautiful. The Marvel of Four Seasons has a robust shape with leaves ranging in bronze, gold, red and green.
The Golden Helios Radish is named after the Greek god of the sun. This olive-shaped radish is bright yellow with a crispy white flesh and is truly one of the most beautiful radish! Not only is Helios a beauty, it is also tasty with a sweet and mild flavor.
The Dwarf Siberian Kale leaves are perfect as a garnish and in hearty winter dishes. This frilly green and purple kale dances in the crisp early morning cold and thrive. Why? Because its roots are from Russia!
The Moneymaker Tomato is a terrific, high yielding heirloom that produces delicious, bright red and smooth fruits that are perfect for fresh eating. This variety's vine can grow to 5-6' and produce very heavy yields of 4-6 ounce fruits. This tasty heirloom tomato does well in hot humid climates and greenhouse growing. The Moneymaker originates from England and produces vigorous vines that should be staked for best results.
The Sweet Hungarian Wax is a great pepper for pickling and adding into salads or sandwiches. This pepper variety produces light yellow peppers that can be picked early or let ripen to an orange-red color.
The Lucky Tiger Tomato is a sweet and fruity tomato that is part of the beautiful and tasty Artisan tomato collection and is great for fresh eating! The elongated green striped cherry tomato has red blush bottoms that mixes beautifully with the other Artisan tomatoes.
Round blue green 7-8 in. heads, 5-7 lb, standard storage type, does well in mountain areas, will adapt to Northeast, excellent yields, keeps until the late spring, very dependable.
The Golden Jubilee Tomato has a meaty, thick, golden-orange skin with a mild flavor and is an All American Selection winning tomato! This medium sized beefsteak has low acidity and high Vitamin C content, making it a great choice for fresh eating and perfect for home gardens! This tomato variety's fruits are produced in a heavy yield from upright and uniform indeterminate vines, which makes this variety easy to manage. The Golden Jubilee was first introduced in 1943 by the Maule Seed Company of Philadelphia and has a flavor that is not too strong and pairs well with other ingredients.
The Cimarron is a very beautifully colored romaine lettuce! This tasty lettuce has bright green-red leaves that fade to deep red tips. This romaine type lettuce has good disease and bolt resistance. Cimarron is a favorite among gardeners for its beautiful hue and crispy texture in salad mixes!
A unique lemon color inside and out! These plants produce medium-sized fruits with beautiful and unique lemon yellow skin!
The Crisp Mint Lettuce is a big romaine variety with mint green-colored leaves that will be sure to stand out in any home garden! This bold lettuce is only mint in color, not taste. However, its sweet and crunchy leaves will be a favorite addition to any salad or sandwich. Crisp Mint's heads will reach 10 inches tall making it perfect for a container garden!
The Ponderosa Pink Tomato is an extra large and tasty beefsteak with a bright pink hue that is perfect for fresh eating as well as cooked for sauces! This 16 ounce, beefsteak type is almost seedless with low acid.
Dark green crumpled leaves, approximate 7 x 9 in. head, 6-8 lb, even better flavor after touched by frost, very tender.
The Selway is a Lolla Rossa type lettuce with beautiful light green and dark purple coloring. This variety has deeply curled loose leaves with frilled dark-purple edges edges. The Selway is an essential in salad mixes for its color and taste. For baby leaf production, this variety can be harvested in 30 days and for full sized leaves, it can be harvested in 55 days and can be cut repeatedly!
The Aunt Ruby German Green Tomato is an old time heirloom favorite for the garden that has an unmatchable juicy and spicy flavor! This giant, green beefsteak grows to be 4-5" and weighs over 1 lb.
The Islander Pepper is known as the chameleon as it is beautiful pepper to watch its colorful display! This color-crazy pepper starts out as a violet hue, then turns to a yellow/orange and then finally deep red! This variety can be picked at any of these stages to provide awesome color to salads and meals. The Islander is a thick-fleshed, medium-sized bell pepper with 3-lobes that have a mild, slightly sweet taste. This colorful pepper also has a resistance to tobacco mosaic virus.
This cabbage is known for its solid head and excellent flavor. Early Flat Dutch is a big cabbage, it is a good keeper and the standard early season variety. Heads form up to 12 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds. Early Flat Dutch has an excellent flavor.
The Ruby Red Lettuce is an early variety that produces good yields of bright green to ruby red colored leaves. This beautiful variety is a very heat tolerant lettuce that is slow to bolt. Ruby Red's color does not fade in the hot weather! This lettuce is excellent for adding color to salads or garnishes.