Yugoslavian garlic is considered a porcelain, which is a great storing garlic! This variety is hot & spicy and holds its shape and flavor well when cooked. Yugoslavian is regarded by some as the best if you like a good kick and is a hardneck variety.
The Midnight Ruffles Lettuce gets its name for being one of the darkest red loose leaf lettuces around! This variety is a delicious new lettuce variety that has extra crinkled leaves, with toothed edges. The Midnight Ruffles hearts are very densely packed for a leaf type, but are so sweet and delicious any salad or dish!
The Blue Shelling Pea is a Dutch heirloom blue podded pea that has been highly regarded for hundreds of years. This very versatile variety can be picked young and eaten raw as a colorful snow pea pod or left to swell and harvested as a plump pea for cooking. This pea plant produces lovely purple flowers with a faint scent that are also edible and delicious! Traditionally used as a winter dish, Blue Shelling would be soaked overnight and then pan fried with onions and bacon - yum! Give this 6' plant some support.
The Rudolph Radish is known for being a "cute" smaller variety that has a very deep red hue and a nice uniform globe shape. It is only 1.5 inches round! Rudolph might be tiny, but it is bursting with lots of flavor! These crisp, sweet radishes will give any salad or dish an extra kick.
Georgian Fire garlic is a certified, farm favorite with a stunning flavor and cloves! This garlic variety has the classic garlic porcelain sheen and flavor. The Georgian Fire variety is the beauty queen of the garlic world. Its cloves grow large and average about 6 to 8 per bulb. This garlic can be eaten raw as they have a pleasantly hot flavor. Roasting really brings out the flavor of Georgian Fire! Porcelain hardneck type. Approximately 10 garlic bulbs per pound.
The Purple Glazer is an excellent purple striped garlic. This amazing variety hails from the Republic of Georgia. Purple Glazer produces fat white cloves with deep purple streaks. The Purple Glazer has a strong flavor with no heat and a very minimal aftertaste.
The German Extra Hardy garlic is a prolific producer of long rooted garlic that can store in the ground throughout winter. This variety has pale white skin with dark red cloves. The German Extra Hardy has a strong raw flavor and high sugar content, making it one of the very best for roasting. Hardneck, 4-7 cloves per bulb.
California Early is an excellent planting garlic variety that produces bulbs great for culinary use and is an early season garlic harvest! This variety is likely the most commonly grown variety in the U.S., and for good reason. It is a medium, easy to grow softneck, with a nice mild flavor and excellent storage ability. Cal-Early is one of our "work-horse" varieties we depend on, year after year, for fresh market and garlic braiding. The skins are a nice off-white with a purple blush and it produces 10-16 cloves per head.
The Blush Butter Cos Lettuce is a very popular and tasty butterhead variety with beautiful pink blushing and cos qualities. This lettuce has a good, sweet flavor with dense, buttery sausaged leaves. This variety is most known for its easy to remove leaves without any tearing or bruising.
The Mizuna Purple Mustard produces bright purple tinged and sharply serrated green leaves. This is a tasty variety that is fast maturing and slow bolting.
The Bloomsdale spinach is such an attractive, tasty, and a popular garden standard spinach. Bloomsdale spinach is an old favorite amongst gardeners and is now available in organic seeds! It has excellent flavor and produces large quantities of delicious leaves. Spinach is also very nutritious with lots of Vitamin A, C, and iron and is low in calories. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.
The Montana Giant garlic has a full and robust taste that sets it apart from other garlics. It can pack a punch of high heat that quickly melts away. Montana Giant is a hardneck Rocambole that produces large cloves that are easy to peel and great to cook with. Averages 5-7 cloves per bulb.
The Seafresh Lettuce was selected for its great heat tolerance! This variety is a great tasting looseleaf lettuce that thrives in hotter climates. The Seafresh Lettuce is a great addition to any garden and will definitely not be a disappointment!
The Optima Lettuce is a large-framed Boston type that produces dark green leaves that have excellent heat tolerance and will resist bolting. This variety is known for being resistant to tip burn as well as races 1-4 of mildew. This great lettuce also has a juicy, crisp flavor that is amazing cut up in salads or on sandwiches!
The Dwarf Romaine is just like its name, a dwarf romaine lettuce type. This variety has a dark green color with a crispy and tender texture. The Dwarf Romaine is adapted to indoor & outdoor production. This romaine lettuce is mainly for cool season production.
The Sweet Valentine Lettuce is a beautiful bronze-red variety that turns apple-green in the center, making it look and taste sweet! This lettuce starts out as a head lettuce before forming a looseleaf romaine excel. Sweet Valentine holds long into the heat without bolting and is one of the sweetest lettuces around.
Chesnok Red garlic is one of the best baking garlic's available! This variety is a fantastic garlic that holds its shape and flavor well when cooked. Its stores well. Chesnok Red is regarded by some as the best all around garlic variety as it has a very beautiful red color.
The Noble Giant is an old heirloom that was an All-America Selections Winner in 1933. This spinach variety produces huge, dark green leaves with a very delicious flavor. This spinach is great in salads, cooked, canned or frozen. The Noble Giant is slow to bolt and is very easy to grow, making it perfect the perfect spinach for the home gardener!