Zone 5 - What to Plant in September

Zone 5 - What to Plant in September

Zone 5 growers still have a few options to plant in their garden in September. Zone 5 first frost usually occurs in mid-late October. It's the perfect time to plant garlic so you get a fast start next spring. Also there are several cover crops that can be planted now to help bring nutrients back to the garden this fall and early spring. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 5 in September.

The Blush Butter Cos Lettuce is a very popular and tasty butterhead variety with beautiful pink blushing and cos qualities. This lettuce has a good, sweet flavor with dense, buttery sausaged leaves. This variety is most known for its easy to remove leaves without any tearing or bruising.

The Seafresh Lettuce was selected for its great heat tolerance! This variety is a great tasting looseleaf lettuce that thrives in hotter climates. The Seafresh Lettuce is a great addition to any garden and will definitely not be a disappointment!

The Optima Lettuce is a large-framed Boston type that produces dark green leaves that have excellent heat tolerance and will resist bolting. This variety is known for being resistant to tip burn as well as races 1-4 of mildew. This great lettuce also has a juicy, crisp flavor that is amazing cut up in salads or on sandwiches!

The Sweet Valentine Lettuce is a beautiful bronze-red variety that turns apple-green in the center, making it look and taste sweet! This lettuce starts out as a head lettuce before forming a looseleaf romaine excel. Sweet Valentine holds long into the heat without bolting and is one of the sweetest lettuces around.

The Dwarf Romaine is just like its name, a dwarf romaine lettuce type. This variety has a dark green color with a crispy and tender texture. The Dwarf Romaine is adapted to indoor & outdoor production. This romaine lettuce is mainly for cool season production.

The Watermelon is a very unique looking radish that does great at farmers markets! This variety has an excellent flavor and actually looks just like a watermelon inside! This radish has a round root that is 4" in diameter. The Watermelon radish is crispy with a mild and sweet flavor, that is excellent for salads, garnishes and even cooking in Asian dishes! Watermelon radish is the perfect radish for not only market growers, but also for home gardens.

The Comet Radish is an old All-America Selection winner that has proven its quality! This variety has been popular since it won AAS in 1936. This variety has a ruby red skin with a crisp snow white flesh. Its globed and almost perfectly round shape, made the Comet a popular supermarket variety for years.

Astro Arugula is a popular arugula type with spicy flavor! This standard arugula is grown for it's long, green leaves. Astro is fast growing and will withstand cold temperatures. This arugula is best harvested at baby size. If you want to spice up your salads and meals, then the Astro Arugula will be the perfect addition to your garden!