Zone 5 - What to Plant in September

Zone 5 - What to Plant in September

Zone 5 growers still have a few options to plant in their garden in September. Zone 5 first frost usually occurs in mid-late October. It's the perfect time to plant garlic so you get a fast start next spring. Also there are several cover crops that can be planted now to help bring nutrients back to the garden this fall and early spring. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 5 in September.

The Garden Leaf Blend is a colorful mix of our very popular lettuce varieties. This blend is a great mixture of lettuce varieties that mature at different times and have multiple colors to give your salad bowl a full pop of color! The Garden Leaf Blend includes Black Seeded Simpson, Oakleaf, Parris Island Cos, Tango, Red Romaine, Ruby and Lolla Rosso Darky

The Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea is a high yielding snow pea that has a high percentage of two pods per cluster! This variety grows to a height of 28" and bears 4 1/2" long pods that are disease resistant to pea virus, common wilt and powdery mildew. The Oregon Sugar Pod II produces delicious flat and tender pea pods that are superb for freezing!

All The Year Round Lettuce is a medium-sized green headed lettuce that is just like its name, good for all the year round! This slow bolt variety is solid even in hot weather, and good for far northern areas as it is very hardy. Sow All The Year Round in spring or late summer!

The Minowase Daikon Radish has a crisp firm flesh is pure white. This Daikon radish, produces long tapered white radishes that are mostly used as winter radishes. The Minowase has a great, mild taste that is excellent in many Oriental dishes. This radish variety is great for spring or late summer planting.

The Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce is a very early and dependable lettuce. This large upright, compact leaf-type lettuce produces delicious light green, wide, curled leaves. The Black Seeded Simpson is a productive variety!

The Halloween Mix contains a "spooky" mix of purple, yellow, black and white radishes. These radishes are mildly spicy and only 5 centimeters in diameter. Everyday can be a scary fun holiday if you succession plant this mixture every two weeks throughout the spring and fall! This radish mix will bring lots of colors to your dishes.

The Garden Mesclun Blend is a mixture of light green to emerald, and bronze to deep red lettuces as well as endive and radicchio for a crunchy, zesty flavor that is a perfect addition to any salad!

The Golden Helios Radish is named after the Greek god of the sun. This olive-shaped radish is bright yellow with a crispy white flesh and is truly one of the most beautiful radish! Not only is Helios a beauty, it is also tasty with a sweet and mild flavor.

The Roquette Arugula has tender smooth leaves that thrive in the cooler weather. This peppery-mustard-flavored arugula is a staple of fine cuisine! The Roquette Arugula grows fast and is great for spicing up any meal!

The Tom Thumb Lettuce is a tennis ball sized Bibb type with a great flavor! This slightly savory, bright green lettuce produces small compact heads that have slightly crumpled leaves with a sweet, delicate flavor. One head will make a salad for two! Tom Thumb will grow beautifully in small pots, window boxes, hanging baskets and planted under trees. This variety is the oldest American lettuce still grown, dating back to 1830's! This rare find is a good one!

Bibb is a crisp, clean, and easy to grow butterhead lettuce that has light green leaves with the occasional red spots. The crispy heads often self blanch in the center. This lettuce variety is perfect for farmers markets and for the home gardener. This Bibb does well in the heat, yet still grows quickly in our cool weather. History: Lt. John B. Bibb served in the War of 1812, represented Logan County in the Kentucky House of Representatives and the state Senate from 1827 to 1834. Lt. Bibb was also an amateur horticulturist and developed the Bibb lettuce we know and love today. However, it wasn't offered commercially until 1935.

The Alaska Pea is a super-early variety that thrives in colder temperatures! This pea is a semi-dwarf variety that grows to an average height of 3' and is a decent producer once flowering begins. Alaska's pods produce 5-7 peas per pod that offers a sweet and delicious flavor.

Garland Serrate Leaf Greens is a delicious Japanese green that is an edible chrysanthemum. This popular Japanese green has serrated, dark green aromatic leaves that have an excellent flavor that becomes stronger with age. Garland Serrate is easy to grow and produces high yields with side shoots.

The Parris Island Cos is an heirloom romaine lettuce that is great for home and market gardens. This variety is a great lettuce commonly used for baby leaf production. Parris Island Cos is a fast maturing lettuce that makes an excellent tasting head. Its uniform upright, grey-green heads are 8-12" tall and have slightly savory leaves and are medium-slow to bolt.

The Red Veined Sorrel is a delicate green with an excellent flavor! This Red Veined Sorrel is a fast growing green that adds a delicious flavor and texture to salads. This green's leaves are best young with a sharp tart flavor that is unique to this plant. The central vein is a dark maroon that webs out throughout the leaf. This variety has very showy leaves that is great for salads, soups, stews and more.

Sugar Ann is a 1984 All America Selections winner! This snap pea variety has an edible pod that offers earliness, productivity, and a compact growth habit. The crisp, sweet succulent 3 inch pods are ready to eat in just 10 to 14 days ahead of the original Sugar Snap, and remain in prime eating condition for days.

The Mizuna Purple Mustard produces bright purple tinged and sharply serrated green leaves. This is a tasty variety that is fast maturing and slow bolting.

The Giant Caesar Lettuce is an amazing bright green looseleaf romaine type that has a buttery sweet flavor similar to a butterhead. This variety's large leaves are easy to pick without any tearing or bruising. The Giant Caesar is heat resistant and will hold its color and flavor well.