Zone 10 - What to Plant in September

Zone 10 - What to Plant in September

September is one of the best months to start gardening in Zone 10. You're just past the dog days of summer and the weather is starting to cool down a bit. The typical first frost in Zone 10 is mid-late December but even then it can be very mild. This allows for easy winter growing of several crops. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 10 in September.

The Rainbow Blend contains a kaleidoscope of orange, purple, red, white and multi-colored beet varieties that will make any dish pop! This colorful variety not only produces the brightest colored beets, but also the tastiest. This blend is a great addition to any garden, especially a container garden. Enjoy this beet blend in a salad, or roasted for a mouthwatering colorful plate.

The Gabriella is a loose leaf lettuce variety that has beautiful deep wine colored leaves. This variety's purple leaves are frilly and sweet -- perfect for adding a pop of color to salads! The Gabriella's leaves are delicious from mesclun size to maturity. This variety is heat resistant and slow bolting.

The Jericho Lettuce is known for its great baby leaf production and is very tolerant to hot weather. This lettuce is a blonde romaine that can be grown for both baby leaf and full-size heads. This lettuce variety is very attractive with its bright light-green leaves. Jericho is tolerant to both heat and tipburn. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

Butter King Lettuce is slow to bolt or turn bitter. This varieties' light-green crisp 12-13 oz. butterheads do well in Midwest heat. The Butter King is a Boston type, but it is nearly twice as large and more tender. This lettuce grows vigorously with a good flavor and is disease resistant.

FALL SHIPPING - Certified - The Russet Burbank is the standard Idaho Potato variety that Idaho built its reputation on! Also known as the "Idaho Netted Gem" or simply just "The Russet". This variety is the most widely grown potato in the United States. We have eaten literally thousands of Russet Burbank potatoes baked, and the last one always tastes just as delicious as the first! Dr. Burbank, the Russet Burbank's breeder, even admitted he was fortunate to have bred this popular cultivar!

The Black Nebula carrot is a highly attractive open pollinated carrot variety that was bred especially for the home gardener. The dark purple roots can be eaten fresh, roasted, steamed or used for dye. After the carrots grow too large to eat leave them in the garden and use for cut flowers. The white umbels are tinged with lavender on the edges and flower stems. Bees love carrot flowers so they make great food for pollinators.

FALL SHIPPING - Certified - The Red Norland Potato has a very smooth skin, bright white flesh, and good yields of medium to large sized consistent tubers. Not many red skin varieties work well for frying, but this one is perfect to do the trick! There are approximately 5-8 potato seed pieces per pound. Usually 3-4 potatoes that can be cut into more pieces to plant.

FALL SHIPPING - Certified - The Kennebec is one of the most popular potatoes grown by home gardeners! This variety is one of the top 10 potatoes grown in Maine and there is no question why. Its high yields of large, white skin, white fleshed tubers grow well under harsh conditions. Kennebecs are superb boiled, mashed, fried, hashed or baked! This variety is also a good jacket potato - smother it in sour cream, cheese, chives and bacon, it's absolutely perfect.

SPRING SHIPPING - The Standard Mix is a blend of popular delicious seed potatoes that are great for baking, boiling, frying, mashing and more! Each variety of potato in the Standard Mix has approximately 8 potato seed pieces per pound. Usually 3-5 potatoes that can be cut into more pieces to plant. Minimum of 4lbs (1lbs of each variety). Yukon Gold - Best seller and an excellent keeper! Attractive, smooth, thin yellow skin, shallow eyes, yellow flesh and uniform yields. If you like your fried potatoes golden brown, Yukon Gold will almost turn that color by themselves. However, with Yukon Gold, your mashed potatoes are golden and beautiful to both the eye and the taste. When first harvested, Yukon Gold shows unique pink eyes not seen in other yellow varieties. They are best when home grown! Russet Burbank - The Idaho Potato that Idaho built its reputation on! Also known as the "Idaho Netted Gem" or simply "The Russet". It is the most widely grown potato in the United States. We have eaten literally thousands of them baked, and the last one tasted just as good as the first. Dr. Burbank even admitted he was fortunate to have bred this cultivar. Red Pontiac Easy and adaptable red potato for home gardening. Most likely the easiest and most adaptable red potato there is to grow, not to mention the consistent flavor! Attractive deep red skin and eyes, white flesh. The tuber of choice for new potatoes or fresh eating. Red Pontiac - Comes from Florida in 1945 so it grows well in both the South and North regions. Kennebec Potato Seeds One of the most popular potatoes grown by home gardeners. High yields of large, white skin, white fleshed tubers that grow well under harsh conditions. Kennebecs - Superb boiled, mashed, fried, hashed or baked. Good jacket potato - smoother it in sour cream, cheese, chives and bacon. It's absolutely perfect. If it is late in the season and we are out of a variety above, we will substitute the next closest variety.

The Lacinato Kale is an old Italian heirloom kale that has very large tender leaves. This favorite is now available in organic seeds! The Lacinato, or also known as Dinosaur kale, Black Magic or Toscano, is popular for home gardening and fresh markets. Its scaly, bumpy leaves are large dark blue-green and very delicious. Pick young for the most tender leaves. The Lacinato produces high yields and can be harvested continually. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

FALL SHIPPING - Certified - The easy and adaptable Red Pontiac Potato is perfect for home gardening. This variety is most likely the easiest and most adaptable red potato there is to grow, not to mention the consistent flavor! This potato has an attractive deep red skin and eyes, white flesh. This is the tuber of choice for new potatoes or fresh eating. The Red Pontiac came from Florida in 1945 and grows well in both the South and North regions.

FALL SHIPPING - Certified - To say that the German Butterball Potato is excellent, is an insult! After just one bite of this mouth watering creamy yellow fleshed potato, you'll know why it won first place in Rodale' Gardening "Taste Off." The German Butterball was introduced by David Ronniger in 1988 from a handful of potatoes which he then increased.

Yugoslavian garlic is considered a porcelain, which is a great storing garlic! This variety is hot & spicy and holds its shape and flavor well when cooked. Yugoslavian is regarded by some as the best if you like a good kick and is a hardneck variety.

FALL SHIPPING - Yukon Gold seed potatoes are a popular and well-known variety of potato known for their unique characteristics. These potatoes typically have a medium to large size, with an oval to oblong shape. Their skin is thin and smooth, featuring a pale yellow to golden-brown color, while the flesh is a vibrant yellow hue. The size and shape of Yukon Gold potatoes make them versatile for various culinary applications, from roasting and mashing to frying and boiling. Yukon Gold potatoes have a relatively short but interesting history. They were developed by Canadian agricultural researchers in the 1960s at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. These researchers aimed to create a potato variety that combined the best qualities of both waxy and starchy potatoes. The result was the Yukon Gold, which became a breakthrough in the potato world due to its rich, buttery flavor, creamy texture, and adaptability in different cooking methods. It quickly gained popularity among chefs and home cooks, becoming a staple in many kitchens worldwide. Over the years, Yukon Gold potatoes have earned a reputation for their exceptional taste and versatility. They are prized for their ability to hold their shape when cooked, making them ideal for dishes like potato salads and gratins. Their history, distinctive size, shape, and culinary attributes have solidified their place as a beloved potato variety in the culinary world.

The Persian Star is a hardneck purple stripe type garlic. The outer skin can grow pure white with inner wrappers that are streaked purple. The red-tipped cloves with marbled streaks on whitish or yellow-brown background. The Persian Star is a very pleasant flavor with a mild spicy zing that is a great addition to any dish!

Romanian Red garlic produces 4 to 5 large cloves per bulb. This variety's bulbs are a beautiful cream white with shades of purple skins. Once harvested, these whole bulbs will store for months. Romanian Red produces a delicious flavor that is pungent and long-lasting.

Red Toch is a certified, beautiful garlic with stripes of red and pink! The Red Toch is also know as “Tochliavri” in the small Republic of Georgia village from which it hails. This garlic variety is another vigorous member of the Artichoke family and produces 12 to 18 cloves in a typical bulb. The widely celebrated flavor of the Red Toch has been described by famed garlic symposium organizer Darrell Merrell as “not too mild, not too hot”, and having “a mellow spicy tang with a fragrant aroma.”

The German Red garlic is an easy to grow garlic that is well suited for cold winters. This garlic variety offers a strong, spicy and robust flavor with large, easy to peel cloves. Averages 14 cloves per bulb. Hardneck variety.