Zone 10 - What to Plant in October

Zone 10 - What to Plant in October

The dog days of summer have finally passed in zone 10 and we can start growing some crops in the garden. The typical first frost in Zone 10 is mid-late December but even then it can be very mild. This allows for easy winter growing of several crops. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 10 in October.

Triton F1 is well known for its superb taste and texture. This carrot has strong tops that are erect and dark green in color. Its roots are nine to ten inches long and .5-1 inch in diameter. This carrot is medium-orange and quite cylindrical in shape with a semi-blunt tip.

The Braising Mix Blend is growing trend in the market which uses a blend of different delicious mustard and arugula varieties. Our dealers can help you develop a custom braising mix for your specific market or growing region. This blend is used for multiple picking in home gardens. This very healthy alternative to lettuce blends is becoming very popular.

China Express is a chinese cabbage that is a widely-adapted and can be grown throughout. This is a very uniform cabbage with tightly wrapped heads. Medium-sized that are fast maturing.

Little Finger carrot is a baby gourmet Nantes type that develops color quickly for early pulling. The most popular variety of baby carrots. Tender, sweet miniature carrots are ideal for eating fresh, canning or pickling. Organic seed available.

Green Arrow Pea is a favorite home garden variety! This pea is an excellent sweet garden pea variety with high yields and is resistant to many pea diseases. Green Arrow is an excellent variety that is ideal for shelling and eating fresh. The Green Arrow plant produces dark green pods that grow in pairs at the top of the plant. The peas do well in the cool temperatures of spring and fall and stays sweet for a long time!

China Star is a high producing and uniform Chinese cabbage. Grows large heads with a dark green exterior and dark yellow interior. It is slow bolting. China Star performs well in all Chinese cabbage planting slots.

Purple Sun produces Uniform roots with smooth shoulders. Dark purple carrots that grow up to 10" in length. A great production carrot for fields, bunching and mechanical harvest.

The Dwarf Grey Sugar Pea is one of our customer favorite peas! Produces an abundance of attractive purple and blue flowers. These flowers are edible, have a light pea flavor and look great on many dishes. The mature peas are very flavorful and is ideal for steaming, stir-frying or eating fresh out of the garden. Dwarf Grey Sugar Pea is suitable for northern and southern regions, as it is tolerant to heat and cold.

Thomas Laxton is an heirloom pea plant that is big and productive. At Urban Farmer we have trialed these a few times and they are always are favorite shelling pea. The peas are always sugary and delicious. This pea variety is named after the famous pea breeder, Thomas Laxton. This old heirloom pea is over a century old and has withstood the test of time. Each pod contains at least 8 peas and often up to 10! Make sure to support the Thomas Laxton's 3' vines with a trellis.

The White Albino beet plants produce good yields of very sweet white beets. The beets are white and will never stain again! This gourmet beet is ideal for boiling, pickling, baking, and freezing.

Little SnowPea Purple produces dwarf-sized vines with beautiful purple flowers. This pea plant is tiny yet productive and does well in small gardens or containers. The pods mature early and have a crunchy bite. Plants will reach a maximum height of 24 inches. For pea shoots, matures in 10 days. Expect slender, tight greens with minimal side branching, upright habit, and ease of harvest and stack.

The Oregon Giant Pea plant has excellent yield potential. This variety is a home garden favorite that offers a great flavored pod if eaten while young and its peas have a great sugar flavor!

The Super Sugar Pea is an improved original tall snap pea that is bursting with a sugary sweet flavor! This plant variety has a very high yield potential and even better flavor than before being improved, making it a favorite to add to many dishes.

The Colorful Mix is a fun blend of different colorful cauliflower varieties. Have fun with this colorful mix of cauliflower varieties. This is a great mix to plant and sale at farmers markets. People will marvel at the bright colors! The varieties include Cheddar, Graffiti, and Snowball.

The Cheddar cauliflower lives up to its name with its awesome cheddar color and great flavor! This cauliflower is a novelty, orange curd that is high in beta-carotene. A mid-size plant, domed head, and is very productive in the fall. Fun to watch grow and eat!

The Prizehead Lettuce produces luscious slow bolting heads of loose, large green leaves with curled maroon tips. This variety is a popular lettuce for both home gardens and markets. Prizehead is truly a prize for its flavor being great in salads and sandwiches.

The Purple Vienna Kohlrabi is an early variety that grows to 12" inches high. The pale purple, flattened, globe shaped bulbs are smooth and tender and form above the ground. Purple Vienna's uniquely flavored white flesh tastes the best when its bulbs are 3" in diameter. Sow in the spring to enjoy a successful harvest over a longer period of time.

The Royal Oakleaf is a long standing oak leaf lettuce that has good heat resistance. This variety develops beautiful rosettes of deeply lobed sea green leaves. Royal Oakleaf is an improved version of the standard oak leaf lettuce. The Royal Oakleaf has excellent flavor, crispness and tenderness that is one that cannot be beat!