Zone 10 - What to Plant in November

Zone 10 - What to Plant in November

November is here and the growing season is here for zone 10 gardeners. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. Now is a great time to start and grow all of the items we have below. Some should be started inside and others should be directly sowed into the garden.

The Red Giant is a large mustard with an excellent, pungent flavor. This variety is a large purple-red leaf type. The Red Giant is great used as an ornamental or salad garnish. This variety's flavor has a slight hint of wasabi and grey poupon.

Early maturing cabbage with tight heads! Stonehead is a fast grower with 6" heads that average between 4-6 lbs. when mature. Good texture and flavor. This hybrid resist yellow and black rot very well. A great market variety that matures early, won't split and holds well after harvest. Grows well throughout the United States. An All American Selection winner in 1969.

The Garden Sorrel has delicious lemon flavored leaves that go great with a zesty salad or savory soup! These greens are best harvested in early spring and late fall when it's most tender. Garden Sorrel has pointed leaves that form thick clumps. The Garden Sorrel is popular for being high in Vitamin C.

The New Zealand is an easy growing, great tasting spinach. This variety is actually not related to true spinach, but the leaves taste similar to spinach and many think it tastes better! New Zealand does not bolt in hot weather nor does it typically turn bitter and it is valued because of its high vitamin C content.

The Chrystal Batavian Lettuce is known for its beautifully colored leaves! This lettuce's coloring has a bright purplish red contrast on broad green loose leaves. The Chrystal Batavian is a summer crisp type of lettuce.

The Oxheart Carrot is a small variety weighing just only 1 pound and is named for its unique short shape resembling a heart. This carrot might be tiny, but its crisp, sweet flavor is mighty making it the perfect juicing carrot! This variety is very adaptable and thrives in either heavy or shallow soils. Oxheart will store very well and can be frozen to add to soups and strews!

The Barkant Forage Turnip is an improved, early maturing, diploid turnip variety with a large purple tankard shaped bulb. Turnips have a high leaf to stem ratio and and provide very high concentrations of protein, sugar content and leaf yields. This turnip is ideally suited for grazing and it is common to obtain 4-6 tons of dry matter per acre of this high-energy feed.  Uses: Chicken forage, deer attractant, forage

The Fiesta Blend is a five color radish blend of red, pink, yellow, white and purple! This colorful blend will be sure to a pop of fun color to any garden. Serving up the Fiesta Blend in salads or dishes is a great addition to any party or gathering!

The French Breakfast Radish has a delicate flavor and is an excellent variety for home gardens. This radish variety is an attractive uniquely shaped radish with elongated roots and red tops with white tips. The French Breakfast has an excellent flavor and texture, that is perfect for dips or as a garnish.

Carmona Red is a favorite among many market growers! This lettuce variety produces big, bright red heads with lime green hearts. The Carmona Red has a nice silky texture and is very disease resistance.

Great field cabbage performance. A rugged hybrid that produces well in Southern winters and Northern summers. Produces large, blue-green heads with cream colored inside. Uniform cabbage that works great for markets.

The Sugar Magnolia Pea is a beautiful deep purple colored sugar snap pea that is the result of over 15 years of development! This spectacular beauty has a very sweet flavor and is best before the pods get too fat. Make sure that this climbing variety has a trellis, as its sturdy vines reach to be 6-7 feet tall. Add the Sugar Magnolia to fresh salads or as a steamed side dish for a pop of color!

Just like its name, the Tom Thumb Pea is a tiny bush pea plant perfect for containers! If you are hurting for space but want to grow some delicious peas, try the Tom Thumb! This pea variety produces pea pods on a tiny pea plant.

The Fiesta is a beautiful, heavy yielding broccoli . Uniform plants are medium height, giving rise to 5-7" blue-green heads. Heavy yields that are disease resistant, which is definitely a reason to celebrate!

The Romaine Trio Blend is a mixture of three of our specialty romaine lettuces. This tri-colored blend is very popular for not only its beautiful color variation and vigorous growth, but also for its delicious taste.

The Amazing cauliflower lives up to its name! This variety will stay fresh for long periods. The terrific holding ability means you can plant all you want of this vigorous variety and will never have to worry about rushing to eat. The bright, dense finely textured heads spread 10 inches across and are protected by their self-wrapping leaves.

The Crayon Colors Mix is a mixture of primary colored radishes that literally paints a wonderful colorful palette in your garden! The color in this mix includes yellow, pink, red, and purple.

Little SnowPea White produces dwarf-sized vines with beautiful purple flowers. This pea plant is tiny yet productive and does well in small gardens or containers. The pods mature early and have a crunchy bite. Plants will reach a maximum height of 24 inches. For pea shoots, matures in 10 days. Expect slender, tight greens with minimal side branching, upright habit, and ease of harvest and stack.