The perfect choice for first-time kohlrabi growers as well as those kohlrabi veterans. Konan has a smooth, globe-shaped bulbs that can grow up to 6 inches in diameter and are the perfect upright size and shape for container gardening and garden plots.
The Prizehead Lettuce produces luscious slow bolting heads of loose, large green leaves with curled maroon tips. This variety is a popular lettuce for both home gardens and markets. Prizehead is truly a prize for its flavor being great in salads and sandwiches.
This cabbage is known for its solid head and excellent flavor. Early Flat Dutch is a big cabbage, it is a good keeper and the standard early season variety. Heads form up to 12 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds. Early Flat Dutch has an excellent flavor.
The Malabar Red Stem Spinach is a beautiful climbing spinach that looks and taste great! This vigorous climbing vine needs to be trellised and grows into fall. This spinach variety has a taste that resembles a mild Swiss chard. Use Malabar Red Stem's leaves and young stems sparingly in salads or stir-fries.
The Purple Vienna Kohlrabi is an early variety that grows to 12" inches high. The pale purple, flattened, globe shaped bulbs are smooth and tender and form above the ground. Purple Vienna's uniquely flavored white flesh tastes the best when its bulbs are 3" in diameter. Sow in the spring to enjoy a successful harvest over a longer period of time.
The Marvel of Four Seasons is a French butterhead lettuce with bibb-type rosette leaves. This butterhead, also known as Merveille des Quatre Saisons, is tasty and beautiful. The Marvel of Four Seasons has a robust shape with leaves ranging in bronze, gold, red and green.
'White Solemacher' (Also known as Weiss Solemacher) is a white fruiting alpine strawberry cultivar that has been around for many years. It was discovered in Germany. The fruit is among the largest white fruit produced by alpines. It is a clumping type (few to no runners) and is day neutral which means it is not dependent on day length for flowering. The white fruit has the distinctive wild strawberry flavor and aroma expected from fraises des bois. The fruit has a hint of pineapple flavor typical of white alpine fruit. We like it that birds don't seem to know the fruit is ripe and so it Fools the Birds and a part of the collection by that name.
The Common Flax is a cool season annual broadleaf with small taproots and very small, narrow leaves that are less than an inch long. This variety's stems are branched near the base of the plant, with plants reaching 30 to 36 inches in height. The multiple stems or branches of a flax plant are slender and flexible, bearing attractive blue flowers. Flax has the same performance benefits of other grasses and grains, of quick germination and a highly fibrous root mass. Flax will take up excess N and other minerals, will winter kill and provide moderate to high amounts of organic matter back to the soil. Flax provides excellent mulch for protection of erosion and improving water permeation during the winter and spring. Flax (Linum usitatissimum): Cool season, broadleaf, Annual, Upright plant habit Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken Forage, Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Savenger, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass)
The Brilliant Rainbow Quinoa blends beautifully into meals or salads. Just like its name, this quinoa contains a spectrum of many different colored heads - red, orange, gold, white, and green. The Brilliant Rainbow Quinoa's leaves have a salty spinach-like flavor. Harvest for greens when 6-8" tall or let grow for beautiful tall blooms that can be harvested for grain. This Quinoa's grain has a nutty flavor that goes well with any dish!
The Mizuna Purple Mustard produces bright purple tinged and sharply serrated green leaves. This is a tasty variety that is fast maturing and slow bolting.
The Texas Cream is a heavy yielding Southern cowpea that is great for fresh shelling. This variety is very similarly to 'Sadandy' but the cowpeas are slightly larger. These bush-type plants are prolific and thrive in hotter, Southern weather. Texas Cream is a "cream pea" type variety, they are generally used at the fresh shelling stage. Treated Seed.
The Common Alfalfa is a somewhat winter hardy perennial legume, but it grows more quickly than other regular alfalfa varieties. As an annual green manure, this cool-season "Summer" alfalfa can produce up to 10 tons of organic matter per acre. Its long taproots break up compacted soil and bring up subsurface minerals. High nitrogen fixation and great bee forage. Alfalfa is basically good at everything, as it great for nitrogen fixation and bee forage! Just look at all it's uses below! Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.): Cool season, broadleaf, Perennial, Legume (N-fixation), Upright plant growth, Crude protein: hay or silage 14-22% Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken Forage, Compaction Control, Deer Attractant, Erosion Control, Forage, Green Manure, Nitrogen Fixation, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass), Weed Suppression
Round blue green 7-8 in. heads, 5-7 lb, standard storage type, does well in mountain areas, will adapt to Northeast, excellent yields, keeps until the late spring, very dependable.
This cabbage is known for its solid head and excellent flavor. Late Flat Dutch is a big cabbage, it is a good keeper and the standard late season variety. Heads form up to 12 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds. Late Flat Dutch has an excellent flavor.
Dark green crumpled leaves, approximate 7 x 9 in. head, 6-8 lb, even better flavor after touched by frost, very tender.
The Selway is a Lolla Rossa type lettuce with beautiful light green and dark purple coloring. This variety has deeply curled loose leaves with frilled dark-purple edges edges. The Selway is an essential in salad mixes for its color and taste. For baby leaf production, this variety can be harvested in 30 days and for full sized leaves, it can be harvested in 55 days and can be cut repeatedly!
The White Vienna Kohlrabi is an early variety that grows to 12" inches high. The pale green, flattened, globe shaped bulbs are smooth and tender and form above the ground. The uniquely flavored white flesh of this Kohlrabi is tastes the best when bulbs are 3" in diameter. Sow in the spring to enjoy a successful harvest over a longer period of time.
The Ruby Red Lettuce is an early variety that produces good yields of bright green to ruby red colored leaves. This beautiful variety is a very heat tolerant lettuce that is slow to bolt. Ruby Red's color does not fade in the hot weather! This lettuce is excellent for adding color to salads or garnishes.