Seed Catalog

What to Plant in December

December means that it is time to start planning your garden wherever you live. You can also try growing some fresh herbs inside on your kitchen windowsill.

Listed below are flower, vegetable and herb varieties that are great to start planting in December based on the Hardiness Zone that you live in.

Herbs (Zones 3-10):
Herbs are definitely the most popular indoor plant to grow throughout the winter months. Try your hand at an indoor herb garden with a variety of herbs. Also check out the Urban Farmer Herb Kit
Learn More: How to Grow Herbs
Suggested varieties: Large Leaf Basil, Mammoth Long Island Dill, Creeping Thyme

Vegetables (Zones 8-10):
If you live in some warmer climates it is a perfect time to plant vegetables. Try some of the cool weather vegetables that can survive now that the summer heat is over.
Learn More: How to Grow Vegetables
Suggest varieties: Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Broccoli