
Vegetable Seeds and Plants

Shop and grow vegetable seeds and plants perfect for your home garden. A large selection of tomatoes, peppers, beans and heirloom vegetables from Urban Farmer.

The Vitaverde cauliflower, or "broccoflower," is the famous cross of broccoli and cauliflower! The Vitaverde broccoflower grows up to 1 pound. This hybrid has a vibrant green head, is heat tolerant and cooks fast with a mild sweet taste.

The spicy flavor, attractive purple stems, and green leaves of the Hong Vit Radish makes it the perfect addition to any salad! This radish is a longtime favorite that is now available in organic form. A very fast growing microgreen! Grows straight and attractive purple stems that are hairless. Micro radish leaves add spicy flavor, visual appeal, and bulk to mixes.

Schoon's Hardshell melon is a large heirloom favorite! This big melon can weigh 5-8 pounds. The slow to ripen thick gray-green skin has a highly flavored orange flesh. The flavor is very sweet and will maintain the taste and texture for long after being harvested. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

A white, elongated paste tomato that has a wonderfully sweet flavor. A highly productive determinate tomato that makes a wonderful sauce.

The Hearts of Gold actually has a heart of deep-orange, "golden" flesh that is thick and sweet! This variety produces high quality melons that are sweet, juicy and fragrant. The Hearts of Gold's rinds are thin, heavily netted and medium ribbed. This prolific producer's round, medium-sized, 2-3 lb. fruits are a popular commercial cantaloupe in the Midwest.

The Benning's Green Tint is a very light green scallop-shaped summer squash with a deliciously tender and good quality flesh. This squash variety is easy to grow and produces high yields. The Bennings Green Tint Scallop is an old time favorite squash that is great for markets and home gardens.

The Cincinnati Market Radish is a uniquely skinny and elongated pink to red radish that is a fresh-from-the-garden-favorite! This six inch variety has a delicately mild taste with a very tender and crisp texture, making it perfect for fresh eating. The early maturing radish has been an heirloom garden favorite since 1885. You can enjoy the delicious Cincinnati Market from spring to fall.

A Galia type melon with great resistance to powdery mildew resistance. Produces an abundance of 5-6lb. melons on vigorous vines. Thick, aromatic, sweet green flesh of excellent eating quality. Small seed pocket. Harvest at full slip, when the skin of the fruit is yellow.

Passport is a high quality Galia type melon that is early to mature. Produces large melons that reach 5 to 7lbs at maturity. These fruits have high sugar levels and delicious flavor. The fruit slips when ripe and the rind turns from green to yellow.

An augmented bi-color corn type that was developed at the University of Florida. Everglades had great trial results throughout the Northern and Southern areas of the USA. Everglades has a high level of consistency, a nice dark green package, good kernel contrast. an easy snap and it maintains these qualities in a wide range of conditions while retaining the high eating quality of the Augmented hybrids. Intermediate/Moderate Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight.

Imperial Star is an Asian type spinach that is early maturing. This is a smooth-type spinach with medium sized green leaves. Grows upright on sturdy stalks. Perfect for cooler climates but also low bolt tolerance. Also has a high tolerance for downy mildew.

Delectable RM has large well-filled ears and dark green husk. It has a wide range of adaptability and versatility in several markets. It is pleasing to the consumer for it's good texture and taste. Delectable RM has also been given an added boost with a stronger disease package, making a favorite more favorable. Intermediate Resistance: Stewart’s Wilt, NCLB