
Vegetable Seeds and Plants

Shop and grow vegetable seeds and plants perfect for your home garden. A large selection of tomatoes, peppers, beans and heirloom vegetables from Urban Farmer.

The Pinto bean is a great tasting bean, very popular in many Mexican dishes! The Pinto bean plant is a half-runner type that produces 20 inch plants with light tan seeds with brown speckles. Eat young when green for delicious flavor. Great bean for using for refried beans.

Green Arrow Pea is a favorite home garden variety! This pea is an excellent sweet garden pea variety with high yields and is resistant to many pea diseases. Green Arrow is an excellent variety that is ideal for shelling and eating fresh. The Green Arrow plant produces dark green pods that grow in pairs at the top of the plant. The peas do well in the cool temperatures of spring and fall and stays sweet for a long time!

Dark Red Kidney beans are one of the most widely used beans in North America! Dark Red Kidney is a bush variety of dried bean. Each pod contains 5 large, red kidney shaped beans. If rain threatens before your beans are totally dry, pull the whole plant up, hang upside down in your barn/garage to let them finish drying. Once dry, these beans will store for a long time! This bean is often used in Mexican food.A perfect winter food full of protein straight from your own garden.

Green Magic is a great summer and fall broccoli that is consistent performer. This broccoli matures mid-early and has wide adaptability to gardening zones. It has a semi-domed, tight head with medium-small bead size and a good plant habit.

Seaside produces very uniform and great tasting baby leaf spinach. Stays baby size for extended period of time extending the season. Seaside has a nice, smooth, thick, very dark green, spade-shaped leaf making it a perfect choice for baby leaf growers. Seaside has great downy mildew resistance.

Boston Pickling cucumbers are a high yielding plant with a continuous harvest! Just like its name, the Boston Pickling is great for making pickles! This cucumber will grow to 3" long and smooth with black spines.

The Giant Caesar Lettuce is an amazing bright green looseleaf romaine type that has a buttery sweet flavor similar to a butterhead. This variety's large leaves are easy to pick without any tearing or bruising. The Giant Caesar is heat resistant and will hold its color and flavor well.

The Tall Utah 52-70 celery is a very dependable celery variety for home gardens! Tall Utah 52-70 is a fresh celery is so much tastier than store bought. This celery has dark green stalks and a very compact habit.  Start seeds when weather has warmed so crop matures in fall.

A market growers dream. A perfect greenhouse tomato that can produce high yields on long trusses. It has very sweet, red, shiny fruits with soft skin and excellent taste. Round, glossy, deep red fruit. Sugar level reaches ± 10 Brix. Profi-Frutti™ produces indeterminate tomato plants that are excellent in tunnels, greenhouses and outdoors. Crunchy fruit with a high transport tolerance and long shelf-life. Crop time from young plant until red fruit is 11-13 weeks.

The Supersweet 100 Tomato has a flavor with an extra sweetness and an outstanding yield production that keeps coming back! This tomato tastes like candy and has an increased disease-fighting ability than the beloved classic, Sweet 100. This hybrid is a delicious treat that is also one of the most nutritious tomatoes available anywhere! The Supersweet 100 has a higher vitamin C content than any other tomato. The small 1 inch tomatoes have a bright red skin and flesh.

Just like its name, the Tom Thumb Pea is a tiny bush pea plant perfect for containers! If you are hurting for space but want to grow some delicious peas, try the Tom Thumb! This pea variety produces pea pods on a tiny pea plant.

Jumbo Peanuts produce high yields of plump and tasty peanuts that are high in protein! This variety is a high yielding and delicious peanut plant. Jumbo is the perfect variety for roasting delicious fresh peanuts or making your own tasty homemade peanut butter. Seeds ship in shell.

The Snowball White Onion is our most popular onion set! This variety is always crisp and delicious! The Snowball White's big bulbs have a lovely golden yellow papery skin on the outside with a pale yellow flesh with a mild flavor that is great for cooking.

The Red Karmen Onion Set is a delicious zesty, ruby red onion! Why take the time to start your onions from seed when you can have an already started onion set? Harvest the Red Karmen onion sets a couple months earlier.

Early and adaptable red cabbage. Great for all gardens! This open-pollinated purple-red cabbage produces dense oval heads weighing 2 to 3 pounds. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The very sweet Red Creole Onion is the perfect variety for home gardens! This short day onion is great for the South and Mid-West climates and is also a good keeper. The solid, flat bulbs of the Red Creole has a spicy, red flesh that makes it a good cooking onion and is also great raw in salads.

The Long Island is a compact Brussels sprout with heavy yields! This is a workhorse variety that produces very flavorful sprouts. This compact, 24" tall plant yields 75-100 dark green, 1-2" sprouts over a long period. Don't overlook this popular vegetable for your garden. First introduced in the 1890's. This variety is a great freezing variety for long storage. Dependable yield. Great for small gardens.

Extra sweet berry size red fruits with large bunches on the vine. Good for cluster picking and the skin does not split easily. Long shelf-life and high production numbers. Profi-Fruttiâ„¢ produces indeterminate tomato plants that are excellent in tunnels, greenhouses and outdoors. Crunchy fruit with a high transport tolerance and long shelf-life. Crop time from young plant until red fruit is 11-13 weeks.