
Vegetable Seeds and Plants

Shop and grow vegetable seeds and plants perfect for your home garden. A large selection of tomatoes, peppers, beans and heirloom vegetables from Urban Farmer.

Opal Creek is a unique cross of a golden snow pea and a green snap pea. Produces a mild pea with flattened pods of a snow pea. Grows on 5-6 foot vines that produce an abundance of delicious yellow pods.

The Long Island Cheese Squash got its name by resembling a large wheel of cheese and has been a favorite since the 1800s! This dark orange, ribbed winter squash can weigh 6-12 pounds. The Long Island Cheese has a sweet delicate flavor that is perfect for pies and other sweet baked treats. This squash will keep up to 6 months in storage. Certified Organic

The Ten Commandments Gourd is a unique softball sized variety that comes in a mix of striped, mottled and multicolored that is perfect for decorating. This variety is named for the 5 pairs of protruding prongs that point towards the blossom end. The bright, festive colors will add an autumn look to any home!

The Hailstone Radish is a round white radish with a very crisp flesh that is a nice color contrast on relish trays and in salads. This quick growing radish is suitable to both spring and fall planting. Begin harvesting this radish variety when its nearly an inch across.

The Early Scarlet Globe is an early forcing radish that is perfect for home and market growers! This variety is a great bunching radish that produces 1" globes with bright red skin and a white flesh. The Early Scarlet Globe is great for both spring and fall planting!

These beautiful little carving pumpkins are great for smaller growing areas. Mature at just over 4" in diameter and 3.5" tall. Produce uniform, golden-orange fruit are topped with a sturdy, broad, deep green handle and are just right for fall decorating indoors and out. The semi-bush plants send out short, 4–6 foot vines and set an astonishing dozen or more fruit per plant.

Elongated, glossy, deep red fruit that does not yellow at the shoulders. Heavy yields and huge trusses on a healthy plant. Excellent fruit quality for canning or cooking. 10 +/- Brix. Profi-Frutti™ produces indeterminate tomato plants that are excellent in tunnels, greenhouses and outdoors. Crunchy fruit with a high transport tolerance and long shelf-life. Crop time from young plant until red fruit is 11-13 weeks.

Iron and Clay cowpeas makes a great cover crop for smothering weeds and adding Nitrogen to soil. This variety of cowpeas are grown just like soybeans. Iron and Clay is a fast growing plant that can reach 3'. The best time to plant is during spring for best results as the frost will kill the cowpeas. Iron and Clay has long taproots that help withstand drought conditions and can produce as much as 300 lb./acre nitrogen. This variety has a high organic matter production. Broadcast up to 120 lb./acre, 1/2 to 1" deep. Try with cowpea inoculant for maximum Nitrogen fixation.

The China Rose Radish is a tasty rose colored radish with peppery undertones. This long radish variety with 5 inch long roots is one of the oldest heirloom radishes around. The China Rose is a very hardy type that can be grown year round.

Captain Jack is an extra-large, dark orange Jack O’Lantern-type pumpkin. Its thick flesh and flat bottom enables the fruit to stand on its own. Extremely large, thick embedded handles match the large size of this pumpkin. Large and vigorous plants can support several fruit. Grows to 35-45lbs. in size.

The Fiesta Blend is a five color radish blend of red, pink, yellow, white and purple! This colorful blend will be sure to a pop of fun color to any garden. Serving up the Fiesta Blend in salads or dishes is a great addition to any party or gathering!

A great pumpkin for compact growing and Powder Mildew is a concern. Magic Lantern’s produces classic size pumpkins in the 16-24 lb. range with bright orange skins and attractive medium ribs. Growers note good crown set on Magic Lantern’s vines, as well as higher yield per acre from closer planting.