
Vegetable Seeds and Plants

Shop and grow vegetable seeds and plants perfect for your home garden. A large selection of tomatoes, peppers, beans and heirloom vegetables from Urban Farmer.

The Oxheart Carrot is a small variety weighing just only 1 pound and is named for its unique short shape resembling a heart. This carrot might be tiny, but its crisp, sweet flavor is mighty making it the perfect juicing carrot! This variety is very adaptable and thrives in either heavy or shallow soils. Oxheart will store very well and can be frozen to add to soups and strews!

Dark green crumpled leaves, approximate 7 x 9 in. head, 6-8 lb, even better flavor after touched by frost, very tender.

Captain Jack is an extra-large, dark orange Jack O’Lantern-type pumpkin. Its thick flesh and flat bottom enables the fruit to stand on its own. Extremely large, thick embedded handles match the large size of this pumpkin. Large and vigorous plants can support several fruit. Grows to 35-45lbs. in size.

The Sugar Buns is hard to beat as this variety is an old-time favorite with an excellent taste. This corn is an early maturing corn that is very sweet. The Sugar Buns is one of the sweetest of the SE (Sugar Enhanced) genotype and it is definitely a customer favorite!

The Gourmet Mesclun Blend is a colorful mixture of our favorite gourmet leaves! This blend offers a pleasing mix of colors and types of lettuce that are delicious together in a salad. The Gourmet Mesclun Blend is also great for baby leaf production.

Chicory has a long taproot that penetrates subsoils which makes it drought tolerant and allows it to make minerals more available to livestock. Rich in potassium, sulfur, calcium, zinc, sodium, manganese and iron. When managed properly, Chicory produces leafy growth which is higher in nutritive and mineral content than alfalfa and other cool season grasses. Used mainly in mixes with other pasture or cover crop seeds. Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) - Warm season, broadleaf - Perennial - Upright and spreading growth habit - Protein levels: 10-32% - Forms arbuscular mycorrhizal associations Uses: - Bees & Beneficial Insects - Chicken Forage - Deer Attractant - Forage

Beautiful and small light-green squash with subtle freckling. Produces an abundance of 2-3" fruits with excellent flavor. Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew, watermelon mosaic virus, and zucchini yellow mosaic virus.

Big, pink fruit with outstanding flavour is a cross of Big Dwarf and Brandywine. An outstanding heirloom-hybrid with much higher yielding and earlier to mature than its heirloom parents, with all of the great flavor and fewer blemishes. Regular-leaved plants bear pink beefsteaks that weigh 12 to 16 ozs. and have all the wonderful taste of the original heirlooms. Matures in 75-80 days.

The Golden Hubbard Squash is probably the best eating quality squash, and the tastiest, of all the other Hubbards around! This variety produces sweet fruits packed with dry, fine-grained flesh. This winter squash is tasty when fresh, canned or frozen and it keep very well.

The Turkish Orange eggplant is a vibrant orange colored eggplant with high yields! This unique variety yields many bright orange tennis ball sized fruits! This eggplant will require support because it's so prolific. The Turkish Orange has a very flavorful, sweet and rich flavor that is perfect for stuffing.

The Purple Vienna Kohlrabi is an early variety that grows to 12" inches high. The pale purple, flattened, globe shaped bulbs are smooth and tender and form above the ground. Purple Vienna's uniquely flavored white flesh tastes the best when its bulbs are 3" in diameter. Sow in the spring to enjoy a successful harvest over a longer period of time.

The Mariachi Pepper is a 2006 All American Selection winner! This colorful pepper has just a bit of mildly hot heat. The compact 18-24" plants yield loads of 4", coned shaped peppers that change brilliantly from creamy yellow to bright red all summer. Avg. 4,690 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.