
Vegetable Seeds and Plants

Shop and grow vegetable seeds and plants perfect for your home garden. A large selection of tomatoes, peppers, beans and heirloom vegetables from Urban Farmer.

The Bullnose Pepper is an early American pepper variety that was grown by Thomas Jefferson in the mid-to-late 1800s and is gaining popularity again. This variety is one of the first medium-large "bell"-type peppers, although this strain may be larger than the strain that was grown by Mr. Jefferson. Bullnose is a delicious good-sized pepper that is great for fresh eating in salads or for cooking!

A summer squash popular in Southern states and Mexico. Tatume is a popular summer squash with round fruits with med-dark green to yellow fruits with faint stripes. Squash are best at 5-7" in diameter. Firm, fine flavor with very vigorous spreading vines. Give tatume plenty of room to spread and yields will be very high.

Edisto 47 is a large melon with a wonderfully sweet flavor! This variety is a popular salmon-fleshed melon that is mildly sweet and produces strong yields. Edisto 47 has a high sugar content and is a great disease resistant variety.

The Mushroom Basket is a large, uniquely shaped tomato with a delicious juicy sweet flavor, originating from Russia. This plant produces enormous 8-16 ounce ruffled tomatoes that are colored bright pink. These plants are Indeterminate and do require a sturdy trellis. The Mushroom Basket tomatoes are the perfect tomatoes for slicing!

Crimson radish is a vibrant and flavorful variety of radish that stands out for its striking color and crisp texture. Originating from traditional radish cultivars, Crimson radish has been cultivated for its eye-catching appearance and peppery taste. This variety is known for its round, smooth roots, which boast a deep red to crimson skin and a white, crunchy interior. The flavor is typically sharp and tangy, with a satisfying bite that enhances salads, sandwiches, and garnishes. Crimson radishes generally mature in about 25 to 30 days, making them a quick and rewarding crop for gardeners. The plants exhibit a compact, upright growth habit, growing to a height of about 6 to 12 inches with a spread of 6 to 8 inches. They thrive in cool weather and well-drained soil, preferring full sun to partial shade. Their rapid growth and ease of cultivation make them ideal for successive plantings, providing a steady supply of fresh radishes throughout the growing season. With their vibrant color, crisp texture, and zesty flavor, Crimson radishes are a popular choice for adding both visual appeal and flavor to the garden and kitchen.

The Chrystal Batavian Lettuce is known for its beautifully colored leaves! This lettuce's coloring has a bright purplish red contrast on broad green loose leaves. The Chrystal Batavian is a summer crisp type of lettuce.

In the early stages of fruit development, the Indigo Rose Tomato develops a dark purple pigment in its skin where exposed to direct sunlight. It is one of the darkest varieties on the market! This vigorous tomato starts out green when unripe and then develops into its known purple-red hue when ripe. The small tomatoes can each weigh about 1-2 ounces and have good flavor with 'plummy' overtones. The Indigo Rose's famous dark color looks great when added to any dish.

The Micro Tom Tomato is the perfect little cherry tomato variety for growing in tight places, ideal for windowsills and patios! This unusual, tiny plant grows to be just 4" tall. This variety produces good yields of tiny sized red tomatoes that everyone will love, especially kids!

The red veined Red Tabby Spinach has beautiful tender smooth leaves. This variety is an excellent baby leaf spinach that does well in spring, fall and winter. Its uniform, smooth leaves grow straight and upright. Red Tabby is also resistant to downy mildew races 1-13.

Estrella produces uniform fruit shape and exceptional flesh quality. An early maturity watermelon at 80 days make Estrella a market leader. Great for all growing conditions. Uniform fruit size, averaging 20 to 24 pounds.

Olympic Express is an early maturity melon that is good for mid season growing. This variety has great taste, excellent firmness and very good interior color.

The Black Prince Tomato is an attractive dark red and black colored juicy Russian heirloom tomato that has a rich distinctive flavor! This dark variety produces beautiful, smooth 2" oval tomatoes. The Black Prince is truly royalty!