Eye grabbing pumpkins that are great for fall decorations. A flat shaped with wide ribs on a unusual yellow-orange skin. Small fruits only weight 1/2 lb. at maturity and produces good yields. Medium vine plant habit. Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew.
Super hot little peppers turn to a rainbow of colors when mature. Ripen to an array of colors, from purple, cream, yellow, orange to red as they ripen. Need I say ornamental? The plants are great for containers inside. Just pick a few any time to liven up your meals.
Revolt is a composite of a number of inbred lines that you can save seed from. Work on this synthetic population began in 2003. Its parents were older inbreds that formed strong hybrids and its adaptation is the northern part of the Corn Belt. Has Ga1s traits. Ga1s are naturally occurring traits in corn that will greatly reduce outcrossing with plants that don’t carry the same trait. This trait is called gametophytic incompatibility. This trait helps prevent accepting unwanted pollen from transgenic and other field corn. Revolt was developed by Dr. Frank Kutka and the Seed We Need Project.
Yellow Jarvis corn seed is a traditional heirloom variety known for its vibrant yellow kernels and exceptional adaptability to diverse growing conditions. This variety originated in the early 1901 in NC by a farmer named James Monroe Jarvis. This variety is prized for its robust growth, drought tolerance, and high nutritional value. The corn produces medium-sized ears with deep yellow kernels that are often used for making grits. Yellow Jarvis corn is particularly valued for its rich, sweet flavor. Its resilience in challenging environments and its rich heritage make it a sought-after choice for sustainable and heritage-focused farming practices.
Extra sweet berry size red fruits with large bunches on the vine. Good for cluster picking and the skin does not split easily. Long shelf-life and high production numbers. Profi-Frutti™ produces indeterminate tomato plants that are excellent in tunnels, greenhouses and outdoors. Crunchy fruit with a high transport tolerance and long shelf-life. Crop time from young plant until red fruit is 11-13 weeks.
The French Lentil Sprout is a tasty and popular addition to salads, marinates, soups or sautés. This variety is popular for its delicious sweet and peppery flavor! Time to Sprout: 3-5 Days Flavor: Sweet and pepper flavor Nutrition: Vitamins A, B, C & E, Calcium, Iron, Niacin & Phosphorus, Protein: 25%
The Gabriella is a loose leaf lettuce variety that has beautiful deep wine colored leaves. This variety's purple leaves are frilly and sweet -- perfect for adding a pop of color to salads! The Gabriella's leaves are delicious from mesclun size to maturity. This variety is heat resistant and slow bolting.
This Swiss Chard has a deep crimson stalk that runs into the veins of the leaves. The leaves are glossy dark and heavily crumpled. Cardinal’s stalks can be cooked like asparagus while the leaves like spinach. However both can be used raw. Certified Organic.
The Juane Canary Melon is an old heirloom football shaped melon with a canary yellow rind and a creamy, white to green flesh. This 4-5 pound melon has a delicious sugar sweet taste that is perfect for summer picnics! This variety will keep well in full sun.
The Robust 98114W White Popcorn has delicious white kernels that, just like its name, makes the perfect popcorn. This white hull-less corn pops very crisp and tender. This corn has an excellent eating quality and improved stalk strength and yield potential.
The Early Doll Tomato is a bright red, juicy tomato that is an improvement of the Quick Pick, making it a good slicing variety. This variety is a great tomato to grow in Northern areas where the season is short, however this tomato plant is also great for Southern locations where you can harvest the crop before insects and disease start to take over.
The Pink Summercicle Radish will bring you an endless summer with its bright pink color, sweet taste and popsicle-like shape! These 5-6 inches long roots have a crisp white inside with an extra sweet flavor. This very adaptable variety is best when grown in the early spring or fall. Enjoy the Pink Summercicle in salads or stir-fries!