
Vegetable Seeds and Plants

Shop and grow vegetable seeds and plants perfect for your home garden. A large selection of tomatoes, peppers, beans and heirloom vegetables from Urban Farmer.

The Win Win Choi Pak Choi is definitely a winner! This Bok Choy (Pak Choi) variety is has the perfect vase shape. Win Win Choi has large bulky uniform white-stems that are 10-12" tall and very tasty. This Bok Choy variety's green leaves are slightly smaller than the Joi Choi variety.

Goldie is tasty heirloom husk cherry! This husk cherry ripens to a lovely orange and is best enjoyed in pies. Goldie is known for its very sweet flavor that does well in different types of jams and jellies. This low growing, very prolific vine husk cherry is a favorite!

Pineapple Pig produces large and plump tomatoes. At harvest these pigs can weigh up to 2 pounds. The fruits ripen to a creamy yellow color with light green stripes and a yellow flesh. Produces a thick, meaty and extra juicy bite! The flavor is mild and sweet with very low acidity and fruity undertones.

In our opinion the best tasting small butternut squash on the market. Flesh is sweet and rich with amazing flavor. This is the perfect squash for farmers' markets and home gardens. At maturity this squash will weight 2 lbs and stores for over 3 months once picked. PMR: Powdery Mildew Resistant. AAS Winner.

Black Beauty Zucchini is a standard zucchini. This vigorous plant produces dark green glossy fruits that tapers towards each end. This zucchini is a very popular variety of summer squash. The Black Beauty plants are compact and easy to grow producing an abundance of fruit with a really good flavor throughout the summer. Certified Organic.

The Long Island Cheese Squash got its name by resembling a large wheel of cheese and has been a favorite since the 1800s! This dark orange, ribbed winter squash can weigh 6-12 pounds. The Long Island Cheese has a sweet delicate flavor that is perfect for pies and other sweet baked treats. This squash will keep up to 6 months in storage.

The Golden Hubbard Squash is probably the best eating quality squash, and the tastiest, of all the other Hubbards around! This variety produces sweet fruits packed with dry, fine-grained flesh. This winter squash is tasty when fresh, canned or frozen and it keep very well.

The Jubilee corn variety is an old-time favorite corn. Jubilee is one of the most popular varieties we sell and is excellent for late summer enjoyment. Its stalks reach 6 feet tall, and the 9 inch ears have deep, tender yellow kernels. You can pick it right off the stalk and cook for dinner. Jubilee is sure to make you happy as it is one of the great tasting corns on the market!

The Piel De Sapo is an oval melon from Spain. This mottled green-yellow skinned cantaloup is 7-9 lb and 8-12" long. The Piel De Sapo has a sweet pale green to white flesh that is tender and a very hard rind. This common European and Spanish market grower is a fine keeper.

Dulce Nectar Honeydew is super sweet with extra juicy flesh. Ripens midseason and grows well in a wide range of climates. Does well in hot weather and poor soil conditions. Produces oval, smooth and a creamy shade of white, with pale green flesh within. Once ripe these melons will harvest between 5 to 6 pounds melons. Resistant to powdery mildew and tobacco mosaic virus.

Take one bite and you will be convinced this is the most flavorful melon around! Sarah's Choice consistently wins taste tests here at Urban Farmer. Its flavor combined with its attractive oval fruits and ideal 3-lb. size, make it the best variety for retail sales and home growers. Bred by Dr. Brent Loy of the University of New Hampshire.

Obsession is one of the most tender and delicious bicolor corn you can grow, it will be your new obsession! This variety will never be found at markets because this sweet corn is so tender that it must be harvested by hand and should not be packed for transport. Pick it fresh from your own garden and eat it within hours to achieves the highest quality of flavor and texture that corn can have!