
Vegetable Seeds and Plants

Shop and grow vegetable seeds and plants perfect for your home garden. A large selection of tomatoes, peppers, beans and heirloom vegetables from Urban Farmer.

German White garlic, scientifically known as Allium sativum 'German White,' is a popular garlic variety revered for its mild yet robust flavor and large bulb size. This garlic variety typically produces bulbs that are noticeably larger than other common garlic types, with a single bulb often reaching a diameter of 2 to 2.5 inches (5 to 6.35 cm). These bulbs are encased in a papery, white skin that protects the cloves within. Inside each German White garlic bulb, you'll find an impressive number of individual cloves. On average, a single bulb can contain anywhere from 6 to 8 cloves, although some bulbs may yield even more. These cloves are typically medium to large in size and are known for their easy-to-peel, plump, and juicy characteristics. German White garlic is favored by many chefs and home cooks alike for its versatile culinary applications, making it a staple in various dishes, from roasts to sauces, due to its well-balanced garlic flavor that isn't overpowering. In addition to its culinary appeal, German White garlic is also sought after for its adaptability in different climates and its ability to store well. Its robust growth and resistance to diseases make it a reliable choice for home gardeners and commercial growers. Overall, German White garlic is celebrated for its impressive bulb size and the generous number of cloves it offers, making it a cherished ingredient in the kitchen and an excellent addition to any garlic enthusiast's garden.

The Lady Godiva is such an attractive pumpkin to add to any garden! The naked-seeded pumpkin seeds are hull-less making them perfect for roasting. The seeds also yield a very delicious and savory oil. These pretty compact pumpkins are yellow-orange with bright green stripes. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Amish Paste Tomato is an excellent tomato with a wonderful, juicy taste for making tangy sauces or sliced for fresh eating! This tomato produces bright red 8-12 ounce fruits that vary greatly in shape from an oxheart variety to a rounded plum-shape.

The Young's Beauty Pumpkin is a very uniform New England Pie variety that is the perfect small pumpkin for Halloween carvings! At only 10-12 pounds, this jack-o-lantern sized pumpkin will look great in a family garden. This deep orange, slightly ribbed variety produces high yields.

The Hooligan is a small bicolored Jack Be Little hybrid with orange and white mottled colors. This pumpkin variety only weighs a 1/4 of a pound! Hooligan's vines provide excellent cover for high yields of fruit.

The Merlot Pepper produces huge yields of big peppers on tall healthy plants! This hybrid pepper is a tall plant that is highly resistant to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and bacterial leaf spot (BST). This variety produces huge pepper yields on lush foliage that offers good protection for the newly formed bells. The Merlot begins off green, turns white, and finally begins to turn merlot purple when mature.

Purple Passion is a fun and colorful asparagus to grow. This dark purple asparagus roots are a perennial that can be planted just once and the succulent spears can be enjoyed for years. A very nutritious and delicious vegetable to have in your garden.

The Baker's Choice Marbled F1 Squash is a butternut winter squash variety that has a long round to oval and bulbous shape. This squash has a high sugar content, making it one of the best tasting squashes around! This uniquely shaped winter squash is a must grow for both home and market growers.

The Delicata is a very distinct squash that has a delicious, sweet taste. This variety is a high sugar content squash with fruits that weigh in from 1-3 lbs. each. This old heirloom was introduced in 1894 by Peter Henderson and Co.. The Delicata is a favorite for its very sweet flavor that is great for cooking, especially stuffing.

The Agate is an excellent tasting edamame heirloom with high yields. Agate was originally introduced to the U.S. from Japan in the 1920's. This variety produces high yields of small olive green seeds with brown saddles.

The Slenderette bean is an improved Blue Lake bean. So, so good! The Slenderette bean is slow to become fibrous, giving it a quality that in unmatched by any other bean. Stringless. We found it to be very prolific in our test garden. Fast maturing and small seeds when picked for fresh eating. Very straight pods that look great for market selling. Excellent bean, high yields and straight pods.

Light green rind with thin dark tiger strip. Bright red flesh is crisp and extra sweet. Eight to nine lb fruit perfect icebox size. Very early maturing excellent for northern climates. Vines are vigorous and cover plants from sunburn.

Enjoy a mouth watering blend of the Sweet Potato Mix! This mix contains all 3 of the sweet, delicious sweet potato varieties that we carry, the Georgia Jets, Beauregard and Centennial. Not sure which variety to buy? Try all 3!

Certified - Georgia Jets is such a fast growing sweet potato! This sweet potato is a marvelous variety that just like its name suggests, matures extremely fast! In 90 days you will have large, ready to eat sweet potatoes. Georgia Jets is also high yielding!

Leningrad garlic, also known as Russian Red garlic or Allium sativum 'Leningrad,' is a distinctive garlic variety renowned for its robust flavor and impressive adaptability. This heirloom garlic hails from the city of Leningrad, now known as Saint Petersburg, in Russia. It is characterized by its large, purple-striped bulbs and rich, complex flavor profile. Leningrad garlic is classified as a hardneck garlic, meaning it produces a woody central stalk called a scape, which can be harvested and used in culinary applications as well. One of the standout features of Leningrad garlic is its ability to thrive in colder climates. It is well-suited for regions with harsh winters, making it a favorite among northern gardeners. The cloves are typically planted in the fall and harvested in mid-summer the following year. Leningrad garlic is appreciated for its strong, spicy flavor with a hint of sweetness, which intensifies when roasted. Its cloves are easy to peel, making it a convenient choice for home cooks and chefs alike.

The Red Oxheart Tomato, also known as the Hungarian Heart, is an excellent flavored unique, "ox heart" shaped tomato variety. This tomato variety has vigorous vines that produce plenty of beautiful, red, tomatoes that weigh anywhere from 8 ounces at their smallest all the way to 2 pounds! These tomatoes have such a sweet and juicy flavor that will make you want to grow them for years!

The Golden Greek Pepper is a mildly hot, bright yellow to red pepper! This variety should be picked when golden for the best taste! These 4" long by 1" thick peppers have a crispy flesh that is excellent when pickled or thrown in a Greek salad!

The Dixie Red Tomato is a delicious hybrid that consistently produces high yields of vibrant red tomatoes with excellent disease resistance. This tomato plant variety produces large, firm, deep oblate-shaped fruits that are great for both market and home gardens. The Dixie Red thrives in the Southern heat, but does well in other places.