Slicing Tomatoes

Slicing Tomatoes

There are several great slicing tomato varieties available for home gardens. We have a large assortment of slicer tomatoes.

The Vintage Wine Tomato is a favorite tomato among gourmet gardeners! This is a wonderful tomato plant to add to your garden as it grows large tomatoes that can reach 1.5 lbs. This variety produces big pink colored tomatoes with golden stripes that have a great tender, sweet and mild flavor. The Vintage Wine plant has potato leave foliage.

The Early Cascade Tomato is an early maturing bright red saladette type of tomato that has a wonderful fresh taste in salads! This very productive variety produces little 4 ounce vibrant tomatoes in clusters of 5-8 fruits.

The Green Zebra is a beautiful gold ripening tomato with dark-green "zebra-like" stripes that has an extra tasty lemon-lime flavor. This small 2-inch tomato variety is great for adding extra color in salads and sauces. Once you start growing Green Zebra's in your garden, you will keep them for years to come!

The Early Doll Tomato is a bright red, juicy tomato that is an improvement of the Quick Pick, making it a good slicing variety. This variety is a great tomato to grow in Northern areas where the season is short, however this tomato plant is also great for Southern locations where you can harvest the crop before insects and disease start to take over.

The Marglobe Supreme Tomato is great for home and market growing as it is the highest producing tomato plant that we have ever seen! The Marglobe Supreme tomato plant was originally released by the USDA in 1925 and was first developed in 1917 from a cross between 'Marvel' and 'Globe'. Marglobe Supreme has been in demand for several generations while many other varieties have come and gone. This high yielding tomato plant is stocky, vigorous, and has excellent disease tolerance. Its vine growth is uniform and provides good protection from sun scald. The Marglobe Supreme produces high yields of crack resistant  4-6 ounce, smooth and round shaped tomatoes that are perfect for canning.

The Pruden's Purple Tomato, also known as Prudence, is considered to be one of the best heirloom beefsteak tomatoes in America! This tomato variety is an indeterminate, potato leaf plant that has heavy yields of 10-16 ounce, dark pink fruits. Pruden's Purple produces only very few seeds and is widely adapted.

Hillbilly tomatoes, also known as "Hillbilly Potato Leaf" tomatoes, are a unique and heirloom variety of tomato with a rich history dating back several decades. These tomatoes are renowned for their distinctive appearance and delicious flavor. The fruit size of Hillbilly tomatoes can vary, but they typically range from large to very large, often exceeding 1 pound (0.45 kg) per fruit. Their shape is irregular and somewhat flattened, with deep ribbing and prominent shoulders, giving them a rustic and charming aesthetic. The plants of Hillbilly tomatoes are known for their vigorous growth and can reach a height of 5 to 7 feet (1.5 to 2.1 meters). They have potato-like leaves, which is how they earned their "Potato Leaf" moniker. These tall and sprawling plants require ample space and support to accommodate their robust growth. Hillbilly tomatoes are indeterminate, meaning they continue to produce fruit throughout the growing season, making them a favorite among home gardeners. When it comes to growing conditions, Hillbilly tomatoes thrive in full sun with well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. They prefer warm and consistent temperatures, making them suitable for summer cultivation in most regions. Adequate watering and regular pruning to encourage air circulation are essential for healthy plant development. Hillbilly tomatoes are cherished for their sweet and slightly tangy flavor, making them a popular choice for fresh salads, sandwiches, and canning due to their large fruit size and rich taste. Their unique appearance and historical significance make them a treasured addition to any garden or kitchen.  

The Ananas Noir Tomato, or also known as the Black Pineapple, is a beautiful, super sweet tomato originally from Belgium. This variety was introduced as "Pineapple" by Pascal Moreau in 2005. These non-vining tomatoes produce large 1-1.5 pound fruits. The delicious Ananas Noir has a sweet, rich flavor and a "tie-dyed" color in the interior when sliced open.

The Copia Tomato is a yellow and red striped beefsteak variety that is a cross between the Green Zebra and Marvel Striped. This sweet and juicy tomato is perfect for slicing and adding to salads and sandwiches for a sweet and tangy kick! This beefsteak can weigh 10-12 ounces each.

The Chef's Choice Black is an All American Selection winner that is a prolific producer of juicy, dark purple-black tomatoes. The purple-black color of this unique variety spreads throughout the entirety of the tomato. The Chef's Choice Black is not only popular for its unusual coloring, but also for having a wonderful flavor.

The Azoychka Tomato is a highly productive Russian heirloom that produces good yields of smooth, sweet and citrusy tomatoes. This variety is an indeterminate, open-pollinated tomato plant that produces tomatoes that weigh 10-16 oz. each. The Azoychkas are slightly oblate with a yellow-orange flesh and a higher than normal acidic balance than most other yellow tomatoes, that gives off delicious flavors unlike any other yellow tomato. This tomato variety does well throughout the United States in both hot and cool locations.

Bush Champion II is an improvement from earlier varieties with big, meaty, extra-early maturing fruit is produced on compact, 24" plants. More productive and widely adapted. Can be grown staked, but not essential. Determinate.

The Striped German Tomato is a beautiful large sliced variety with very attractive, brilliant and bright orange-marbled stripes! The flat, medium to large, variably ribbed-shoulder tomatoes are shaded yellow and red. The marbled interior of this variety looks absolutely beautiful sliced! The complex, fruity flavor and smooth texture makes the Striped German Tomato a customer favorite .Organically grown.

The Italian Heirloom Tomato is an old heirloom that is one of our most tasty tomatoes we offer, as it is just bursting with flavor! These bright red tomatoes can grow to over 1 pound per fruit! This productive variety will give you a continual harvest of these delicious fruits into fall. The Italian Heirloom is an excellent variety for cooking, eating fresh or canning.

The Black Sea Man Tomato is a fantastic tasting Russian heirloom that has a wonderful rich flavor when added to different dishes. This tomato variety is a small plant that produces good yields of medium-sized brownish-pink fruits that have a beautiful olive green shading. The Black Sea Man has a beautiful marbled flesh that gets even more attractive when blanched and peeled.

The big, meaty red Better Boy Tomato hybrid grows to be at least 8 ounces and higher. This variety has been a trusted favorite for many years! This hybrid is an All American Selections winner that is an overall great tomato.

The classic Burpee's Bush Big Boy Tomato is the same large, juicy favorite but has been made even better, especially for small-space gardeners. With this variety, you get the same number of tasty, big red tomatoes (10 to 11 oz. each), with the same sweet, aromatic, melt-in-your-mouth juiciness as the original, but the compact plants are only half the size!

DarkStar is a reliable grower that is perfect for home and market growers. Offers a wide range of disease resistant including late blight, a common disease of tomato plants. A great way to get heirloom tomato flavour and modern hybrid tomato performance. Early-maturing, rich, purple beefsteak fruit has higher yield potential and fewer blemishes than most heirlooms. Large, purple beefsteak fruit is perfect for eating fresh on a sandwich or for preserving in sauce.