Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry Tomato Seeds

Cherry tomatoes are named for there cherry size. These small tomatoes are very prolific and sweet tasting. Cherry tomatoes are perfect for eating right off the vine or in salads.

"42-Days” is the world’s earliest tomato plant. Be the first to harvest tomatoes with excellent flavor. Small .5-1 oz. fruits are bright red and have very few seeds. While most early tomatoes originate from cooler climates, “42-Days” is believed to have come from the southern climate of Mexico. From our experience it does well in both cool and warm climates. Perfect for container growing.

Candyland Red stays compact and tidy, so it won’t take over like other sprawling currants; easy to grow and earlier, too. The branched trusses make for accessible harvest and fruits detach without damage for more usable fruit. Produces an abundance of fruits that are very sweet. All-America Selections National Winner.

The Sweet Million has a delicious flavor with outstanding yields that keeps coming back! This hybrid produces large clusters of smooth, bright red fruits that come early and will produce all summer long. This variety is one of the most popular home garden tomatoes that always pleases. The disease resistant Sweet Million tomatoes are 1-1.5" long and produces high yields until the first frost if picked regularly.

The Patio Tomato is a hybrid tomato that produces delicious, approximately 4 oz. fruits with attractive dark green rugose foliage. The easy to grow Patio Tomato thrives in pots, patio containers and small gardens, truly good things can grow in small spaces! Also does great as a hanging tomato plant.

The Supersweet 100 Tomato has a flavor with an extra sweetness and an outstanding yield production that keeps coming back! This tomato tastes like candy and has an increased disease-fighting ability than the beloved classic, Sweet 100. This hybrid is a delicious treat that is also one of the most nutritious tomatoes available anywhere! The Supersweet 100 has a higher vitamin C content than any other tomato. The small 1 inch tomatoes have a bright red skin and flesh.

1/2" currant size tomatoes! A highly productive red currant tomato. Excellent for salads and crudites with a sweet flavor and juicy texture. Harvest is easy with an abundance of fruits continuing throughout summer into fall.

The Blondkopfchen, aka Little Blonde Girl, is a delicious heirloom cherry tomato that comes from East Germany and has a delicious sugary flavor. This high yielding variety produces an abundance of small golden yellow 1" fruits that grow in giant clusters. The Blondkopfchen is one of the best tasting cherry tomatoes as it has a high sugar content, is crack resistant and produces well until the first frost.

Small, delicious, sweet red berry- sized fruits with hundreds on a plant. Indeterminate plant.

Matt's Wild Cherry tomatoes have a bright red color with bursting flavor and high sugar content. A moderate yielder that goes great in salsa, salads and fresh eating. Some resistance to early blight and late blight.

A market growers dream. A perfect greenhouse tomato that can produce high yields on long trusses. It has very sweet, red, shiny fruits with soft skin and excellent taste. Round, glossy, deep red fruit. Sugar level reaches ± 10 Brix. Profi-Frutti™ produces indeterminate tomato plants that are excellent in tunnels, greenhouses and outdoors. Crunchy fruit with a high transport tolerance and long shelf-life. Crop time from young plant until red fruit is 11-13 weeks.

2005 American Selection Tomato! Juicy half ounce fruits, pointed oval shape, reddish pink, very sweet. Ultra high sugar content (9.5 BRIX) make 1/2 ounce fruits irresistible. Very productive vines keep setting huge clusters of fruits all season long. Terrific curb appeal.

Limoncito is a delicious mini-plum variety with good yields. Excellent for fresh eating and salads. Bright yellow fruits that burst with flavor.

Be careful... once you try the Black Cherry Tomato, you won't be able to stop! This black tomato variety is really the only true black cherry tomato there is. This tomato plant will produce huge yields in clusters of 1 inch, round, deep purple, almost black tomatoes. The Black Cherry is an irresistibly delicious treat with sweet, rich, complex and full tomato flavors that will just burst in your mouth!

Developed from a trial of SunSugar tomatoes. Honeydrop offers sweet and juicy fruits. Honey-orange colored taste almost like white grapes. They are much less prone to cracking in wet weather than Sun Gold.