An early maturing, high yielding squash, the straightneck summer squash is a summer favorite. Fruits have a creamy yellow, tender flesh. Straightnecks are known for their tapered, straight neck making it easy to slice into lengths for grilling. Tasty treat if sliced thin for fresh dips or cooked in any number of dishes.
The Golden Zebra F1 Squash is a bright golden yellow summer squash variety with orange stripes that has an excellent flavor. This unique squash is a medium length that is very slender and grows on bushy 24-36 inch plants. Harvest the Golden Zebra when they are 7-8 inches long or smaller for baby use.
The Early Prolific Straightneck Squash is a summer squash that is very popular in the United States. This variety is a tasty, bright yellow, straight-necked type squash that tapers towards the stem end. Harvest this squash at 12-14 inches long but are more tender and succulent when they are 5-6 inches long. In 1938, the Early Prolific Straightneck was an All-American Selection winner!