The Partial Eclipse F1 Squash is a beautiful and tasty summer squash that has a lovely white scalloped shape with green radial stripes. This squash can be harvested as a baby while its skin is still a pale white or you can let it mature to be eaten like a winter squash or used as a display. Partial Eclipse has a very firm texture and a taste that is amazing when roasted.
A summer squash popular in Southern states and Mexico. Tatume is a popular summer squash with round fruits with med-dark green to yellow fruits with faint stripes. Squash are best at 5-7" in diameter. Firm, fine flavor with very vigorous spreading vines. Give tatume plenty of room to spread and yields will be very high.
Just like its name, the Round Zucchini is an unusually shaped round variety. This Zucchini is great roasted in salads, baked, stuffed, stir-fried or made into zucchini bread. The mini, tender and delicious Round works especially well for stuffed zucchini recipes because of its unusual shape.
Beautiful and small light-green squash with subtle freckling. Produces an abundance of 2-3" fruits with excellent flavor. Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew, watermelon mosaic virus, and zucchini yellow mosaic virus.
Beautiful and small yellow squash with subtle freckling. Produces an abundance of 2-3" fruits with excellent flavor. Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew, watermelon mosaic virus, and zucchini yellow mosaic virus.