Sweet Peppers

Sweet Peppers Seed

Sweet peppers are the most popular type of pepper in home gardens. Sweet peppers come in a variety of shapes in sizes but the Bell pepper is most common. Sweet pepper plants produce high yields of sweet, crispy, colorful fruits throughout the growing season. Great for salads, stuffing, grilling or including fresh with meals.

Red Bull (F1) produces high yields of extra-large sweet bell peppers. Peppers turn from green to bright red when mature. Fruits have thick walls with very sweet flesh. Perfect for stuffing or salads. The plant produces continuously throughout the season. Excellent choice for home gardens, market growers, and open field production.

An improved Cubanelle with larger fruits and thicker walls. This newer variety also matures earlier, larger yields and sweeter than the older Cubanelle.

The perfect size, shape and taste for a pickling pepper! This pepper variety is covered with thick-walled, sweet, 2-inch tapered peppers that grow in a variety of colors. The Sweet Pickle is one of the best picking peppers around!

The Pepperoncini Italian is a popular Italian pepper that is a favorite for pickling, cooking or eating fresh. This small bushy plant produces 3-5" wrinkly fruits that have thin walls and a sweet, mild heat. This variety is a delightful all-purpose pepper that can be enjoyed in numerous ways! Pick this pepper at the yellow-green stage for pickling or allow them to ripen greenish-red for eating raw or cooking! This is one of the lowest heat "hot" peppers that we offer, as it has a very slight heat with a more sweet flavor. When the Pepperoncini Italian is pickled, they become addicting!

Tolli's Sweet Italian produces large, dependable yields of 5" long and red sweet peppers. An excellent variety for fresh eating, frying, and canning.

The Rainbow Blend Bell is an assorted mixture of 7 colorful bell pepper varieties. This blend of bells contains a full range of colors with 7 varieties of top-quality, vigorous hybrids of red to green, orange, yellow, chocolate, lilac, ivory and purple! Enjoy your peppers together in a colorful dish with this excellent sweet bell pepper blend!

The Yolo Wonder Pepper is a great new and improved tasty pepper for home gardens. This variety is a top quality very well shaped pepper with thicker walls and a very blocky shape with 4 lobes. The Yolo Wonder Pepper will give great high yields!

This is a beautiful sweet pepper that has beautiful lines of color. A delicious sweet snacking type pepper. Produces an abundance of striped fruits that ripen green-and-white (50 days) to rich chocolate-red (70 days). Compact plants are great for smaller areas and containers.

Ozark Giant produces huge, long bell peppers that have delicious, thick flesh. They start out green and turn bright red when mature. Red flesh is sweet and tangy. Very productive plants and great flavor will make this old Ozarks variety a favorite.

The Whopper Pepper produces high yields of huge sweet bell peppers! This pepper plant produces huge yields of large 4" long by 4" wide bell peppers that will turn from green to red when ripe and ready to be picked. Whopper is one of the best bell peppers for home gardens and is excellent for salads, stuffing, sauteed, or fried. This tasty pepper also freezes well.

The Golden Cal Wonder is a colorful golden bell pepper that is tasty and sweet. This pepper variety is great for home and market gardens. The productive plants produce early and are good for northern climates. The Golden Cal Wonder is the perfect pepper for fresh eating raw as a snack!

Orange King is a deliciously sweet and tangy orange pepper. This blocky, thick skinned pepper turns from green to a bright orange when mature. Its plants produce average yields of 4-5 lobed block peppers that mature to 4x6." This pepper variety is the sweetest bell pepper we have tasted to date! Orange King is perfect for fresh eating, dips, salads, stuffing, stir fries and sandwiches.

The Merlot Pepper produces huge yields of big peppers on tall healthy plants! This hybrid pepper is a tall plant that is highly resistant to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and bacterial leaf spot (BST). This variety produces huge pepper yields on lush foliage that offers good protection for the newly formed bells. The Merlot begins off green, turns white, and finally begins to turn merlot purple when mature.

The Golden Greek Pepper is a mildly hot, bright yellow to red pepper! This variety should be picked when golden for the best taste! These 4" long by 1" thick peppers have a crispy flesh that is excellent when pickled or thrown in a Greek salad!

Orange Sun is a delicious and gorgeous, sweet pepper. With thick, crunchy flesh this pepper is 4 to 5 inches long, with 3 to 4 lobes. Orange Sun contains excellent flavors and quality. The fruit matures from green to orange.