The Curled Cress is a highly nutritious aquatic green. This cress has been cultivated for hundreds of years. This peppery and pungent cress has the same tangy flavor as watercress, as they are of the same botanical family. Curled cress is great for seed sprouting or microgreen growing!
The Upland Cress is a highly nutritious aquatic herb. This cress is a slow to bolt green, but once it's established it will take off and have a long growing season! Upland's 6-8" rosettes of dark green, glossy, rounded leaves are very tasty and refreshing. Upland is very similar to watercress, but is much easier to grow!
True Watercress is a delicious highly nutritious aquatic herb. This watercress has a wonderful fresh peppery-tasting flavor. Being semiaquatic, this cress is a creeping perennial whose leaves are popular in salads, sandwiches and as a garnish. True Watercress grow rapidly in in damp soil and can be grown in pots of soil placed in a tub of water if water is changed weekly.