

At Urban Farmer we supply several bean varieties that work for gardeners to small farm market growers. We trial all bean varieties and select only the best-tasting, most attractive, and best producing bean plants. Choose from bush beans, pole beans, lima beans, runner beans, shelling beans and stringless beans. Beans come in a variety of maturity dates, colors, shapes, sizes and taste!

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How to Grow Beans

The Kentucky Wonder 125 bean is a wonderful bush bean that is above the others! Kentucky Wonder 125 Bush Bean matures early than most bush beans and produces beans in clusters over a long season. The bush beans’ meaty, medium-green pods are 8 inches and packed with delicious, extra-tasty bean seeds.

The Greencrop is a bush type snap bean with an excellent flavor. Superior performance in any location. Greencrop is a snap bean that has delicious pods and beans. Bush snap beans are popular because they mature earlier and do not require trellising. An All-America Selections Winner meaning it has superior taste and growth habits.

The Colorful Garden Blend is a beautiful and delicious mix of green, purple and yellow garden beans. A fun way to grow a beautiful mixture of garden beans. This gourmet blend is excellent for fresh eating and canning. All bush varieties that are high yielding and mature around the same time! Even mix of Slenderette, Royal Burgundy Purple and Cherokee Wax.

Christmas bean, scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris 'Christmas,' is a delightful and unique variety of green bean that adds a festive touch to holiday meals. This particular bean cultivar has a fascinating history dating back to the early 20th century when it was first developed by dedicated plant breeders. Its name, "Christmas bean," is derived from its vibrant red and green coloration, reminiscent of traditional holiday colors. In terms of taste, Christmas beans are known for their tender and crisp texture, making them a delightful addition to a variety of dishes. Their flavor is mildly sweet with a subtle nuttiness, making them a versatile choice for both cooking and salads. The beans typically mature in about 80 to 90 days, making them a relatively quick-growing option for gardeners. The pod size is medium to large, with an average length of 6-7 inches, perfect for harvesting when they are young and tender. Christmas bean plants are compact in size, reaching heights of around 18-24 inches. They are known for their disease resistance, particularly against common bean diseases such as rust and bean mosaic virus. When properly cared for, Christmas bean plants can yield an abundant harvest, with each plant producing a substantial number of pods. For optimal growth, they require well-drained soil, full sun exposure, and regular watering. Plant spacing should be about 4-6 inches apart in rows, and they thrive in a variety of climates, making them a popular choice for gardeners looking to add a festive touch to their holiday season while enjoying a bountiful harvest of delicious, colorful beans.  

The Jackson Wonder is the perfect bean for the care-free garden. This bean has a wonderful taste straight from the garden. The Jackson Wonder bean tolerates both heat and drought very well. Perfect bean for gardeners with very little time.

This green bean was first grown in 1962 in Twin Falls, Idaho. Tenderette is a flavorful, stringless, high-bearing green bean that has a long harvest season. The plant reaches 20" tall and bears long, straight, consistent 5" long green beans. Tenderette has an intense, rich flavor and full of snap. Excellent steamed, stir-fried or even raw.

The Kentucky Wonder is an heirloom pole bean plant with high yields and a dark green color! Delicious heirloom pole bean with heavy yields. Kentucky Wonder is a popular heirloom that is easy to grow in all parts of the country. An all-purpose bean that taste great fresh, freezing or canning when pods are young. For stringless and most tender beans harvest when they are young and only 4-5". When left to fully mature, Kentucky Wonder is a good shelling bean. Beans are light green for fresh eating and dry to pale brown color. Get multiple harvest from these prolific producers. Previous nicknames include "Old Homestead" and "Texas Pole". Kentucky Wonder first appeared in mid 1800's. Seed for sale in 1 oz. 1/4 lb., 1 lb., 5 lbs., 25 lbs. and 100 lb. packages.

The Pencil Pod Black Wax bean is a highly productive and long standing bush bean. Also known as 'Eastern Black Wax', these beans are bushy, vigorous, and resistant to rust and mosaic virus. The pods are golden color and grow to 5-7" long. A great all-purpose type, that is great fresh, canned, or frozen. As the name hints, the seeds are black.

The Rattlesnake bean is absolutely beautiful and tasty. This variety is a popular, heavy producing pole bean. Great for eating fresh, freezing or canning when pods are young. Great color of dark purple stripes on top of dark green skin. A home garden standard for generations.

Strike beans are one of the heaviest yielding bush beans on the market. Continuous setting feature protects grower from stress, better than concentrated set types. Medium green, 5" round pod with good disease tolerance. Excellent flavor that is very popular with commercial growers.

The Yard Long White is a very long bean stalk from Asia. Yard Long Bean produces high yields of flavorful very long stringless white beans. This variety is a favorite because of it's sweet and tender taste. This is the white seeded variety.

Henderson is the ultimate popular baby Lima. Henderson offers great tasting, smaller beans, that are perfect for cooking with any meal.

The Topcrop bean is a great bean for canning and freezing. Topcrop got its name for a reason. This bean plant grows a heavy, concentrated set of beans. One of the best known beans around. Harvest on the early side of maturity to get small and tender beans. Delicious eaten fresh off the vine!

A beautifully bright and vibrant red bean that stays red when cooked! Matures quick and has a delicious and crisp bite.

The Fortex bean has a long pod that is slender and stringless. Fortex grow up to 11" long and produces round pods. An early maturing and very productive bean, that is very tender when picked early at 7". A great filet bean. Has the largest yields of any fresh bean. Walnut brown seeds.

An All American Selection winner produces high quality pole beans. A cross between Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake, combining the best of both parents. Kentucky Blue Pole beans produce large, straight, round 6 to 7" pods of excellent quality on 6 to 8' vines. This vigorous grower is an improvement over standard pole varieties and is ready for harvest one week earlier.

The Harvester bean has tender pods growing as long as 6". The bean pods are high off the ground for easy picking. The plant is very hardy and grows very straight. Harvest early for stringless beans. Excellent taste and easy to grow.

Royal Burgundy beans, also known as purple bush beans, are a unique and visually striking variety of Phaseolus vulgaris, the common garden bean. These beans have a rich history dating back centuries, with their origins believed to be in Central and South America, where indigenous peoples cultivated various types of beans. The name "Royal Burgundy" reflects their regal appearance, as the pods and beans are a deep, royal purple color. They gained popularity in the United States during the 1980s and have since become a favorite among gardeners and culinary enthusiasts alike. In terms of taste, Royal Burgundy beans offer a mild, slightly nutty flavor that is reminiscent of traditional green beans. However, their vibrant purple color adds a striking visual element to dishes, making them a popular choice for salads and garnishes. The pods are typically around 4-6 inches in length and are harvested when they are young and tender, before the seeds inside fully develop. Royal Burgundy bean plants are compact and bushy in nature, making them well-suited for smaller gardens and containers. They typically reach a height of about 18-24 inches. These beans are known for their relatively quick maturity, with most varieties ready for harvest in approximately 50-60 days after planting. Their vibrant purple color is not only appealing but also serves as a natural indicator of freshness. Royal Burgundy beans exhibit good resistance to common bean diseases such as bean mosaic virus and rust. When properly cared for, these plants can yield a bountiful harvest. Yields can vary, but on average, you can expect a productive harvest of 2-3 pounds of beans per plant. Plant spacing should be around 2-4 inches apart in rows that are spaced about 18-24 inches apart. They thrive in well-drained soil with full sun exposure and regular watering, making them a relatively easy and rewarding addition to any vegetable garden.