Trellis Garden

Trellis Garden

Wanting to grow more vegetables, but don’t have the right amount of space? Then a trellis garden is perfect for you! Trellises are one of the best ways to make use out of smaller garden spaces. Adding structure and height to your garden also adds an attractiveness. We have selected the best, most productive vegetables that can be grown up, so you don’t have to worry about not having enough space!

The Oregon Sugar Pod II Pea is a high yielding snow pea that has a high percentage of two pods per cluster! This variety grows to a height of 28" and bears 4 1/2" long pods that are disease resistant to pea virus, common wilt and powdery mildew. The Oregon Sugar Pod II produces delicious flat and tender pea pods that are superb for freezing!

A fun cucumber that can be grown outdoors or inside on a sunny windowsill or counter, without a garden! Enjoy these minature delights over a few week window of harvest. Best to provide a trellis for support of these plants and pinch when the vine reaches the top. Produces  a crisp and sweet cucumber that are great for fresh eating. Produces without a pollinator. Harvest when 2" long for best flavor and seedless fruits.

The Fortex bean has a long pod that is slender and stringless. Fortex grow up to 11" long and produces round pods. An early maturing and very productive bean, that is very tender when picked early at 7". A great filet bean. Has the largest yields of any fresh bean. Walnut brown seeds.

Christmas bean, scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris 'Christmas,' is a delightful and unique variety of green bean that adds a festive touch to holiday meals. This particular bean cultivar has a fascinating history dating back to the early 20th century when it was first developed by dedicated plant breeders. Its name, "Christmas bean," is derived from its vibrant red and green coloration, reminiscent of traditional holiday colors. In terms of taste, Christmas beans are known for their tender and crisp texture, making them a delightful addition to a variety of dishes. Their flavor is mildly sweet with a subtle nuttiness, making them a versatile choice for both cooking and salads. The beans typically mature in about 80 to 90 days, making them a relatively quick-growing option for gardeners. The pod size is medium to large, with an average length of 6-7 inches, perfect for harvesting when they are young and tender. Christmas bean plants are compact in size, reaching heights of around 18-24 inches. They are known for their disease resistance, particularly against common bean diseases such as rust and bean mosaic virus. When properly cared for, Christmas bean plants can yield an abundant harvest, with each plant producing a substantial number of pods. For optimal growth, they require well-drained soil, full sun exposure, and regular watering. Plant spacing should be about 4-6 inches apart in rows, and they thrive in a variety of climates, making them a popular choice for gardeners looking to add a festive touch to their holiday season while enjoying a bountiful harvest of delicious, colorful beans.  

The Kentucky Wonder is an heirloom pole bean plant with high yields and a dark green color! Delicious heirloom pole bean with heavy yields. Kentucky Wonder is a popular heirloom that is easy to grow in all parts of the country. An all-purpose bean that taste great fresh, freezing or canning when pods are young. For stringless and most tender beans harvest when they are young and only 4-5". When left to fully mature, Kentucky Wonder is a good shelling bean. Beans are light green for fresh eating and dry to pale brown color. Get multiple harvest from these prolific producers. Previous nicknames include "Old Homestead" and "Texas Pole". Kentucky Wonder first appeared in mid 1800's. Seed for sale in 1 oz. 1/4 lb., 1 lb., 5 lbs., 25 lbs. and 100 lb. packages.

The Rattlesnake bean is absolutely beautiful and tasty. This variety is a popular, heavy producing pole bean. Great for eating fresh, freezing or canning when pods are young. Great color of dark purple stripes on top of dark green skin. A home garden standard for generations.

Wando is an exceptionally sweet pea! The best way to stretch the harvest is to plant early and late varieties. This pea variety is one of the most productive warm weather peas. However, Wando is also tolerant of cold for early sowing. The Wando has a wonderful quality both fresh or frozen.

The Spring Pea is the sweetest pea pod you can grow in the garden! This variety is a very early maturing medium sized pea plant that produces super sweet peas. Spring bears large crops of pods that hold 6 to 7 plump peas that are delicious in soups and stews.

A beautifully bright and vibrant red bean that stays red when cooked! Matures quick and has a delicious and crisp bite.

The Muncher cucumber plant variety produces a smooth nearly spineless, medium green cucumber that is crisp and delicious. This low acid favorite is now available in organic seeds. The Muncher is mosaic resistant and produces heavy yields. The taste of this cucumber is non-bitter and very tender. It can be pickled when young or eaten fresh once it reaches 8-10 inches long.

An All American Selection winner produces high quality pole beans. A cross between Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake, combining the best of both parents. Kentucky Blue Pole beans produce large, straight, round 6 to 7" pods of excellent quality on 6 to 8' vines. This vigorous grower is an improvement over standard pole varieties and is ready for harvest one week earlier.

Great for summer and fall crops. Good shelf life, short necks, dark green skin, 14-16" fruits. Strong adaptability and strong root system. Best for greenhouse growing.

The McCaslan 42 bean is one of the oldest heirloom varieties around! The medium green pods reach eight inches long and produce meaty, slightly flattened beans of superb quality. An old Southern favorite introduced in 1912 by the McCaslan family of Georgia. The vines produce prolifically throughout the growing season. Great dry or as a snap bean. Seeds are ivory-white, oblong and flat. A great cooking and canning bean.

Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean, also known as Lablab purpureus or simply Hyacinth Bean, is a unique and versatile legume known for its vibrant appearance and culinary potential. This heirloom variety is named for its striking ruby-red pods and dark green foliage, making it an attractive addition to both ornamental and edible gardens. Ruby Moon Hyacinth Beans are typically grown as annuals, but in tropical regions, they can be perennial. In terms of taste, the young pods and seeds of Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean are edible and have a mild, nutty flavor similar to green beans. They can be consumed both raw and cooked. However, it's important to note that mature seeds contain toxic compounds and should not be eaten without proper processing. Ruby Moon Hyacinth Beans have a rich history, with their cultivation dating back centuries, primarily in Asia and Africa. They are valued not only for their culinary uses but also for their ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, enhancing soil fertility. This plant is categorized as a warm-season annual and typically matures in about 60-90 days, depending on growing conditions. The size of the Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean plant can vary, but it generally reaches a height of 6-10 feet, making it suitable for trellises or fences. When it comes to yield, you can expect approximately 10-15 pounds of pods per plant or around 800-1,200 pounds per acre under ideal conditions. These beans thrive in full sun and well-drained soil, and they require a warm climate to grow successfully. Adequate moisture and support for climbing are essential for a bountiful harvest. With proper care, Ruby Moon Hyacinth Beans can be a delightful addition to your garden, offering both visual appeal and a tasty, nutritious addition to your plate.

A beautifully bright and vibrant green bean that grows extra long when mature! Matures quick and has a delicious and crisp bite.

The White Wonder cucumber is a white cucumber with a fresh, crisp texture. This variety was introduced in 1893 and has since been a fun cucumber to grow in the garden. White Wonder looks great in salads to add that extra pop of color. This plant grows cucumbers to be about 6-8" long and 2-3" wide. The White Wonder is known for its great crisp texture that is perfect for fresh eating or tasty pickles!