Oriental Vegetables

Oriental Vegetables

Oriental vegetables include fresh greens, edamame, beans, cabbage, carrots and more. They will make great dishes including stir fry!

Slow bolting white-stem pak choi type cabbage. Develops dense, fully formed mini heads. Suitable for spring, summer, and fall production. All American Selection winner.

Midori Giant is a traditional edamame variety that is eaten in oriental food. Midori Giant is an early maturing soybean with very large pods. Consistent heavy producer with over 90% two and three-seeded pods. Adaptable to all regions of the USA.

The Kuroda Shin is a popular Oriental carrot with a nice sweet flavor. This variety is a great addition to any Oriental dish. The Kuroda Shin carrot's deep orange, stubby roots are mild and sweet. This is an excellent carrot for juicing as well. Grows well in many climate conditions, good for home or market.

The Orient Wonder bean is a white seeded yard-long bean with tender pods. This type of pole bean is sometimes called asparagus or yard-long bean. Popular in warm and humid areas, where plants are vigorously vining. Extra-long, slender pods are slow to form seeds, resulting in more tender beans that can be harvested over an extended period. Orient Wonder is popular for specialty and ethnic markets and superior to standard strains due to its ability to set in cooler climates.

The Joi Choi Bok Choy has very tender dark green leaves with crisp white stalks. This variety is slow bolting with high yields. Joi Choi Bok Choy is perfect for growing in fall and winter, as it is cold tolerant.

The White Stem cabbage or Bok Choy is a great tasting cabbage that is enjoyed cooked or raw. Bok Choy is a Chinese white cabbage. Bok Choy is grown for its stalks which are used in different oriental dishes. Can be grown as a spring and/or fall crop.

Li Ren Choi cabbage is good looking mini pak choi with light green stems and slightly darker green leaves. This variety develops a pak choi shape at a very early stage. It can even be planted in trays and harvested at transplanting time. It is one of the smaller mini pak choies on the market. Excellent production for pak choi hearts.

Beautiful round-edged leaves that form a compact rosette. Tatsoi can be harvest as young tender leaf or wait for maturity. Mild flavor that intensifies as the leaves mature. Popular as a baby leaf for salads; also excellent when added to soups or stir-fries. Cut leaves as needed at any stage or harvest the whole head.

Mei Qing Choi cabbage is a Shanghai pak choi type with good heat and cold tolerance and bolting resistance. In the U.S., this variety is harvested as baby pak choi. It is smaller than Joi Choi, weighing about a quarter of a pound. This pak choi has an excellent flavor and is extra tender.

Michihili cabbage is great for those who love stir-fry or pickling cabbage. A tight-head type with well blanched, crisp and tender interior. Michihili produces a cylindrical, leafy head. A high yielding cabbage with excellent flavor. Chinese cabbage nutrients include vitamins A and C.

Feng Qing Choi cabbage is a slow bolting Mei Qing Choi type with good plant size and dark leaf color. This variety has excellent holding ability and uniformity.

Envy is an early harvesting edamame for shorter growing seasons. Envy produces erect bush bean plants that reach about two feet in height and produce pods each containing two to three green seeds. Edamame is a popular snack in Japan, served with beer. Due to its health benefits that other snacks do not provide, it is becoming popular in the United States.

The Win Win Choi Pak Choi is definitely a winner! This Bok Choy (Pak Choi) variety is has the perfect vase shape. Win Win Choi has large bulky uniform white-stems that are 10-12" tall and very tasty. This Bok Choy variety's green leaves are slightly smaller than the Joi Choi variety.

The Yard Long White is a very long bean stalk from Asia. Yard Long Bean produces high yields of flavorful very long stringless white beans. This variety is a favorite because of it's sweet and tender taste. This is the white seeded variety.

Red Choi is a beautiful Pak Choi cabbage that has an excellent flavor cooked into meals! This variety is green with maroon veins that changes into a deep red color. The Red Choi has a compact growing habit.

A beautifully bright and vibrant red bean that stays red when cooked! Matures quick and has a delicious and crisp bite.

The Agate is an excellent tasting edamame heirloom with high yields. Agate was originally introduced to the U.S. from Japan in the 1920's. This variety produces high yields of small olive green seeds with brown saddles.

A beautifully bright and vibrant green bean that grows extra long when mature! Matures quick and has a delicious and crisp bite.