High Yielding Vegetables

High Yielding Vegetables

Your garden or growing area may be small, but that doesn’t mean that your vegetable yields have to be. Get the most bang for your buck with the high yielding vegetables we’ve selected below.

Snowball Y Improved cauliflower is a popular open pollinated variety! This cauliflower is known for its vigorous, rapid growth and long harvest. Its head is snow-white and measures 7-8" inches across. Give this cauliflower fertile soil, full sun and steady moisture and you'll be rewarded with large, delicious heads that are high in vitamin C.

The Tasty Green cucumber is a burpless cucumber that is crisp and juicy. This hybrid is a deep green cucumber with long white spines. The Tasty Green is a great cucumber for hot and humid climates. The long 12" inch burpless cucumbers have an excellent, bitter free flavor. This variety is an excellent cucumber for greenhouse growing as it produces high yields.

The Long Island is a compact Brussels sprout with heavy yields! This is a workhorse variety that produces very flavorful sprouts. This compact, 24" tall plant yields 75-100 dark green, 1-2" sprouts over a long period. Don't overlook this popular vegetable for your garden. First introduced in the 1890's. This variety is a great freezing variety for long storage. Dependable yield. Great for small gardens.

The Betty Tomato is an extraordinary tasting dark red juicy tomato that has a substantial beefsteak size. This variety has the characteristics of an heirloom tomato combined with the large yield of a hybrid. The delicious Betty is known for being good for early spring production.

The Fiesta is a beautiful, heavy yielding broccoli . Uniform plants are medium height, giving rise to 5-7" blue-green heads. Heavy yields that are disease resistant, which is definitely a reason to celebrate!

Redarling produces beautiful purplish sprouts with firm heads. The uncommon color and mild taste make Redarling ideal for fresh market sales. Produces high yield potential.

Silvia is a great choice for small gardens. Grows on a compact plant that reaches 2' tall. They may be short but they are packed full of 45+ sprouts per stalk. This early maturing is great roasted, sautéed or steamed. For the sweetest flavor harvest in the fall after several frost.

The Sweet Million has a delicious flavor with outstanding yields that keeps coming back! This hybrid produces large clusters of smooth, bright red fruits that come early and will produce all summer long. This variety is one of the most popular home garden tomatoes that always pleases. The disease resistant Sweet Million tomatoes are 1-1.5" long and produces high yields until the first frost if picked regularly.

The French horticultural shell bean, also known as "Haricot Tarbais," is a classic heirloom variety renowned for its exceptional flavor and versatility in culinary applications. Originating in the Tarbes region of France, this bean has a rich historical significance in French cuisine. Its taste profile is a harmonious blend of nutty, earthy, and slightly sweet notes, making it a sought-after choice for gourmet dishes. This bean is classified as a pole bean, meaning it grows as a climbing vine that requires support. The pods of the French horticultural shell bean are medium-sized, typically reaching 4-6 inches in length, and they display a stunning mottled appearance with a creamy background and reddish streaks. The plant itself can attain a height of 8-10 feet, and it generally takes around 70-80 days to reach maturity from planting. In terms of disease resistance, the French horticultural shell bean exhibits decent resistance to common bean diseases like rust and mildew, although it's advisable to monitor and manage pests as needed. Under ideal growing conditions, this variety can yield approximately 1500-2000 pounds of beans per acre. Proper spacing is crucial for optimal growth; ensure that plants are spaced about 6-8 inches apart in rows that are 2-3 feet apart. These beans thrive in well-drained soil with full sun exposure and benefit from regular watering to maintain consistent moisture levels throughout the growing season. With its outstanding flavor and culinary versatility, the French horticultural shell bean is a delightful addition to any garden or kitchen.

Blue Lake 274 is a popular variety of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) known for its exceptional taste and reliable performance in home gardens and commercial agriculture. This cultivar has a rich history, tracing its origins back to the Blue Lake region in California. Blue Lake 274 beans are beloved for their tender, crisp texture and sweet, earthy flavor, making them a favorite among gardeners and consumers alike. The Blue Lake 274 bean plant typically grows to a height of 18 to 24 inches, with a bushy, compact habit that makes it suitable for both garden beds and containers. It is classified as a bush bean, which means it doesn't require trellising or support structures. This variety is known for its relatively quick maturity, typically taking about 55 to 60 days from planting to harvest. The pods of Blue Lake 274 are long and slender, usually reaching a length of 6 to 7 inches. They are a vibrant green color and are prized for their straightness and uniformity. Blue Lake 274 beans exhibit resistance to common bean diseases such as bean mosaic virus and bean common mosaic virus, which contributes to their reliability and yield consistency. Speaking of yield, you can expect a bountiful harvest from this variety, with each row typically producing around 8 to 10 pounds of beans. For optimal growth, Blue Lake 274 beans thrive in well-drained, fertile soil with a pH level of 6.0 to 6.8. Plant them in rows with spacing of approximately 18 to 24 inches between plants. They require full sun exposure for at least 6 to 8 hours a day and should be watered consistently to keep the soil evenly moist. With the right care and conditions, Blue Lake 274 beans are sure to provide a delicious and productive addition to your garden.

Large tomatoes the ripen extra early! Early Girl is a large, extra-early tomatoes grow on a true bush. The Early Girl fruits have great flavor, extra red fruits that ripen early in the season. Amazingly compact and self-supporting, yet productive.

The Imperial Star Globe Artichoke, scientifically known as Cynara scolymus 'Imperial Star,' is a remarkable and highly sought-after variety of artichoke. Originating in Italy, this artichoke has a rich history dating back centuries. It is believed to have been cultivated by the ancient Romans and Greeks for its culinary and medicinal properties. The Imperial Star Globe Artichoke is a testament to the enduring popularity of this unique vegetable. In terms of taste, the Imperial Star Globe Artichoke is renowned for its tender and flavorful heart, which is the edible part of the plant. Its taste is often described as nutty and slightly sweet, with a mild, earthy undertone. This makes it a favorite in gourmet dishes and appetizers, as well as a popular addition to salads and dips. The Imperial Star Globe Artichoke is a type of globe artichoke, characterized by its large, round, and spiky green flower heads. These artichokes can reach a size of 4-6 inches in diameter, making them an impressive addition to any garden or dinner table. They typically take around 85-100 days to reach maturity from seed, although this can vary depending on growing conditions. Each plant produces multiple flower heads, and they are known to be prolific producers. Seeds from the Imperial Star Globe Artichoke are readily available, and they thrive in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight, making them a popular choice for home gardeners and culinary enthusiasts alike.

The Trip-L-Crop Tomato is an extremely long and productive heirloom tomato plant variety that thrives in a greenhouse setting! This tomato produces huge yields on a 15 foot vine that needs a trellising. The large 1-2 lb. tomatoes are red, meaty and great for canning.

1/2" currant size tomatoes! A highly productive red currant tomato. Excellent for salads and crudites with a sweet flavor and juicy texture. Harvest is easy with an abundance of fruits continuing throughout summer into fall.

2005 American Selection Tomato! Juicy half ounce fruits, pointed oval shape, reddish pink, very sweet. Ultra high sugar content (9.5 BRIX) make 1/2 ounce fruits irresistible. Very productive vines keep setting huge clusters of fruits all season long. Terrific curb appeal.

The Blue Lake FM-1K Pole is a stringless pole bean that is very tasty! Blue Lake beans are known for reliability, disease resistance, flavor and high yields. This is the pole version of the popular bush type that is widely planted for the canning industry. These bright green beans are straight and reach up to 7'. Perfect for those who are tired of bending over to pick beans, but still want the high yield of a bush bean.

The Marion Tomato is a great tasting, bright red Rutgers variety that is perfect for slicing and fresh eating in a salad or on a sandwich. This variety is earlier and more disease resistant and crack resistant than other tomatoes.

The Abe Lincoln Tomato is a popular heirloom variety with very good disease resistance that has been a farm favorite since the 1920's! This tomato variety produces bright red, perfectly round and medium-sized 12 oz. tomatoes in clusters up to 9. This tomato is very delicious and rich with slightly acidic tomato flavors. The Abe Lincoln will be in your garden for years!