

We now offer a large variety of houseplants to keep your green finger growing all year round. We have indoor trees, evergreens, palms and succulents. Many of these houseplants help with clean air indoors as well. All of our houseplants currently come in seed form so you can have full control from the start. Shop for houseplant seeds.

This beautiful tropical palm plant is most commonly found in households. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor decoration. Grows fast and can fill up any corner of the home. Also great at air purification indoors. Seed Germination: We suggest stratifying the seeds, place them in a bag with coarse sand and shake for 2 minutes. Also light scuffing with sand paper works too. Soak seeds in warm water for 24 hours before planting in soil. Place 2-3 seeds per pot. Seeds should germinate within 10-28 days.

Produces a beautiful tropical palm plant that is most commonly found in households. This green palm is not only beautiful but also helps clean the air indoors. Botanical name is Licuala grandis but more commonly known as Ruffled fan palm. Seed Germination: These seeds inherently have a low germination rate. They should also be soaked in a wet paper towel 7-21 days until they germinate. Check on seeds daily. Once germinated transfer to your seed starting soil.

Produces beautiful lemon-scented foliage that can be used as filler in bouquets and flower arrangements. Medium-green, 2–7", sword-shaped leaves that produce a strong citronella fragrance. Leaf and stem tips turn a lovely red color in late summer/fall.

Moon Lagoon Eucalyptus, scientifically known as Eucalyptus 'Moon Lagoon,' is a stunning and aromatic Australian native plant that has gained popularity in the horticultural world for its unique foliage and versatile use in floral arrangements. This particular variety of eucalyptus is believed to have originated in Australia, where eucalyptus trees are abundant and have a rich history dating back centuries. It belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is characterized by its silvery-blue, lance-shaped leaves with a distinct moon-shaped curve at the base, giving it its poetic name, "Moon Lagoon." Moon Lagoon Eucalyptus is highly prized for its cut flower potential. Its elegant foliage adds a touch of sophistication to floral bouquets and arrangements. The leaves are not only visually appealing but also emit a pleasant fragrance, making them a favorite choice for various occasions, from weddings to home décor. The plant typically reaches a size of 6 to 10 feet in height, with a bushy and compact growth habit. It has a moderate growth rate, and under ideal conditions, it can be ready for harvest in approximately 2 to 3 years. When growing Moon Lagoon Eucalyptus from seeds, it is advisable to sow them indoors or in a greenhouse. The seeds can be sown in well-draining soil in the early spring. Space the seeds at a depth of about 1/4 inch and maintain a consistent temperature of around 70-75°F (21-24°C) for germination, which typically takes 14-21 days. Transplant the seedlings outdoors after the last frost, spacing them at least 6 to 8 feet apart to allow ample room for growth. Moon Lagoon Eucalyptus thrives in full sun to partial shade and prefers well-drained soil. Adequate moisture is essential during the initial stages of growth, but once established, it is a relatively low-maintenance plant, making it an excellent addition to gardens, landscapes, and cut flower gardens alike.

White Gum eucalyptus is a common florist's staple as a bouquet filler. Rounded leaves have a white-green hint to them. Great for bouquets, wreaths or drying. Eucalyptus has a lovely menthol-like fragrance. Eucalyptus rubida, commonly known as candlebark, ribbon gum or white gum.

Madagascar palm (Pachypodium lamerei) is a stunning succulent with a single, shiny silver, thorny trunk. It is topped with long, slender showy green leaves with a prominent white leaf vein. This plant is tolerant to a wide range of growing conditions and well-resistant to pests and diseases. As a houseplant P. lamerei stays less tall, but it can still grow dramatically over time. In its trunk it stores water, making it a highly water-wise / drought-resistant plant. Seed Germination: Soak seeds for 12 hours before planting. Plant at least 4-5 seeds per pot. Bottom heat is helpful. Takes 4-14 days to germinate.

False aralia is an elegant shrub or small tree. This beauty plant has narrow, saw-tooth-edged leaves, starting with a metallic reddish color and mature to dark blackish green. As a houseplant it’s easy to prune to keep it tall and slender or short and compact. Also known as Elegant schefflera; Finger or Spider aralia. Seed Germination: Sow seeds on the surface of a moist seed-starting mix, as they need light to germinate. Make sure to keep soil warm above 70F. Can take between 14-28 days to germinate.

Kalanchoe thyrsiflora is a great succulant that forms a basal rosette of large rounded, fleshy leaves, which are grayish cream with red margins. Plants are erect, upward-facing and are tightly arranged leaves. A beautiful indoor plant that does well in most conditions. Seed Germination: Moisten soil in a container and surface sow the seeds. Do not cover the seeds. They need sunlight to germinate. Put the container in a plastic bag to create a humid environment for the seeds. Germination should occur within 10 days.

Shangri-La is highly compact, non-vining and beautiful indoor houseplant. This decorative Philodendron has deeply lobed foliage. It is robust, with a more dense and bushy plant habit, resulting in a voluminous plant with lots of strong stems. As a houseplant, this easy-care, self-heading Philodendron easily fills up an empty space with its tropical vibe. Shangri-La develops its extraordinary leaf shape at an early stage, so even in the smaller pot sizes you instantly get the look of a unique, mature tropical plant. In addition, it makes for a great air-purifier. Philodendron bipinnatifidum is commonly known as Lace tree Philodendron. Seed Germination: Plant the seeds 1/4” deep with 2-3 seeds per container. Cover the soil with plastic to maintain the humidity and keep soil temperature around 70F. The seeds should germinate in 3-6 weeks.

Bridal Creeper a.k.a. Asparagus asparagoides, is a low-growing subtropical beauty, with a climbing and creeping habit. This fern has tiny, oval-shaped leaves that give a soft evergreen appearance. This plant can be grown indoors as a hanging plant or as a guided climber. Is an excellent air-purifying plant. Seed Germination: Plant at least 2-3 seeds per pot. Bottom heat is helpful. Takes 14-30 days to germinate.