

We now offer a large variety of houseplants to keep your green finger growing all year round. We have indoor trees, evergreens, palms and succulents. Many of these houseplants help with clean air indoors as well. All of our houseplants currently come in seed form so you can have full control from the start. Shop for houseplant seeds.

Confetti Compact White is a fun, tropical foliage plant, with a neat and compact habit and a very playful look. It has heart-shaped leaves, with colorful dark green and white speckles and blotches. Hypoestes makes for a great evergreen houseplant and helps purify the indoor air. Also know as the Polka dot plant, Baby’s Tears, Flamingo plant and Freckle Face. Seed Germination: Make sure to keep soil warm above 70F. Can take between 4-14 days to germinate.

Princess Mabel is a stunning, Chlorophytum (Spider) plant, with an vigorous upright, habit. Has colorful leaves that have striking bright orange petioles that illuminate the centre of the plant, creating a spectacular contrast with its deep green pointy leaves. Princess Mabel easily adapts to varying dry or humid climate conditions. Chlorophytum is well-known for being an easy-care houseplant with air-purifying qualities. Also known as Manderin plant, Siera Leone lily or Spider plant. Seed Germination: Plant at least 2-3 seeds per pot. Bottom heat is helpful. Takes 7-21 days to germinate.

This is a very popular choice for a decorative and functional indoor plant and it's one plant that can remain indoors all year long. It has a reputation for being particularly versatile to pruning and can handle being root bound. Seed Germination: Keep seeds on top of soil and with indirect light. Keep soil 75-80F.

Bird of Paradise is a popular subtropical foliage plant is well-known for its exotic large, upright, banana-like leaves and extraordinary flowers. Strelitzia reginae is the most common and widely used Strelitzia for pots and cut flower culture. It makes for a great houseplant and can be used outdoors during warmer periods as well. Strelitzia reginae grows striking orange and blue flowers nestled within its grey/green leaves. These long-lasting flowers usually appear 3 to 5 years after germination. Also an air purifying indoor plant. Seed Germination: Soak the seeds for 24-48 hours in lukewarm water and sow the seeds in sowing mix. Keep the soil constantly moist, cover with plastic and let the seeds germinate at a temperature of 75F. Germination may take 3-5 weeks.

Packs a big punch for a dwarf shrub. Its lovely pyramidal form and vibrant chartreuse foliage are a terrific decorative accent indoors or out. As an added treat, the foliage has a refreshing lemony scent that adds a light touch of fragrance to a room. Growing Cypress in a container limits its growth. Seed Germination: Plant 1/4" below soil and keep soil 60-70F.

Tauerii is a stunning, tropical foliage plant, with large, heart-shaped leaves with lots of perforations. Tauerii is a dwarf-type Monstera and particularly develops its leaf perforations early. This plant tends to set earlier than other Monsteras. Monstera deliciosa Tauerii is well-suited as a decorative houseplant. Monstera deliciosa Tauerii is commonly known as Swiss cheese plant. Prefers full to partial sun. Seed Germination: Plant at least 2-3 seeds per pot. Bottom heat is helpful. Takes 14-28 days to germinate.

'Baby Blue' or also know as 'Silver Dollar' is a common florist's staple as a bouquet filler. This plant is known for its long stems with rounded leaves in shades of dusty green. Great for bouquets, wreaths or drying. Eucalyptus has a lovely menthol-like fragrance. A tender perennial in USDA zones 9–11 but mainly grown by florist as an annual. As an annual, plants reach about 24"–48", but it can become a 35'-tall tree over time where perennial. This plant is very drought and heat tolerant once established.

Confetti Compact Red is a fun, tropical foliage plant, with a neat and compact habit and a very playful look. It has heart-shaped leaves, with colorful dark green and red speckles and blotches. Hypoestes makes for a great evergreen houseplant and helps purify the indoor air. Also know as the Polka dot plant, Baby’s Tears, Flamingo plant and Freckle Face. Seed Germination: Make sure to keep soil warm above 70F. Can take between 4-14 days to germinate.

Vigorous Eucalyptus with large circular shaped leaves. These leaves look beautiful in floral arrangements. Use as a filler or stand alone in a vase. Produces silvery green leaves on tall, sturdy stems. Plant height can vary from 24-48".

Bay Laurel is one of our favorite indoor herb trees. Attractive ornamental shrub is well adapted to serve as a houseplant, as well as outdoors. The dark-green leaves are very fragrant, especially once dried. Use the bay leaves to add earthy flavor to stews, soups and sauces. Use bay leaves for fragrant wreathes and garlands. Seed Germination: To increase germination please cold stratify the seeds. Plant 1/2" below soil and keep soil 75-80F.

Giant Bird of Paradise is remarkable, decorative foliage plant with exotic large, upright, banana-like leaves and extraordinary flowers. The leaves of Strelitzia nicolai are fewer but larger than the reginae types. Giant Bird of Paradise makes for a great houseplant and can be used outdoors during warmer periods as well. It grows striking blue and white flowers, nestled within broad its grey/green leaves. These long-lasting flowers usually appear 3 to 5 years after germination. Also an air purifying indoor plant. Seed Germination: Soak the seeds for 24-48 hours in lukewarm water and sow the seeds in sowing mix. Keep the soil constantly moist, cover with plastic and let the seeds germinate at a temperature of 75F. Germination may take 3-5 weeks.

A fun indoor plant that will need vine support. A fast growing vine, especially in the tropics, the passion fruit can grow over 20ft in a single year. This fern has tiny, oval-shaped leaves that give a soft evergreen appearance. This plant can be grown indoors as a hanging plant or as a guided climber. Also does a great job at purifying indoor air. Seed Germination: Soak seeds in water 24-48 hours before planting. Plant 1/2" below soil and keep soil 75-80F.

Grevillea robusta, or Silver Oak, is fast-growing evergreen tree. This decorative stunner has beautiful dense, silvery fern-like foliage. Grevillea is super versatile and is a beautiful indoor houseplant that is very adaptable to conditions. Seed Germination: Seeds should be soaked in water for 48 hours before sowing. Make sure to keep soil warm above 70F. Can take between 1-2 months to germinate.

Produces an abundance of large, round leaves with silvery blue-green colors. A great foliage for fresh cutting and use in dried arrangements.

Plumosa is a fast-growing, green stunner, with and an extensive climbing habit. This robust, decorative foliage plant has a delicate appearance with tiny, fine needle-like leaves. Plumosa can be grown as houseplants and filler foliage for cut flower bouquets. Also great a great clean air houseplant. It is commonly known as Plumosa fern, Asparagus fern, Lace fern or Climbing asparagus fern. Seed Germination: Plant at least 2-3 seeds per pot. Bottom heat is helpful. Takes 14-30 days to germinate.

A beautifully bold, shiny, dark green palmate leaves more than 1' across, forms a large, rounded, open shrub, white flowers in fall, should be grown in bright, indirect light. Often grown as a house plant, native to Japan. Also know as paper plant. Seed Germination: Find a bright, indirect spot within your home. Plant 1/8" below soil and keep soil 80F with heat mat. Keep soil moist and avoid drying out. Should germinate within 2-4 weeks.

Yucca rostrata is an eyecatching tree-like desert plant with a thick trunk. It has a showy rosette of thin, sharp pointy leaves on top of the trunk, in a grey or bluish/green color. The slow-growing Yucca rostrata is very hardy and great for patios and indoor growing. In summer it can grow clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers. Seed Germination: Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before planting. Plant the seeds 1/4” deep with 2-3 seeds per container. Cover the soil with plastic to maintain the humidity and keep soil temperature around 70F. The seeds should germinate in 4-8 weeks.

Ponytail aka, Beaucarnea recurvata or Nolina recurvata, often gets mistaken for a palm, but actually is a semi-succulent. This unique looking tree-like perennial has a large swollen trunk, which stores water. The dark green leaves are long and thin and emerge from the trunk like a fountain. Ponytail is a well-known robust, sun-loving houseplant. In mild to warmer climates it can be used as a waterwise patio plant or for landscaping. Also know as Bottle palm or Elephant's foot.  Seed Germination: These seeds inherently have a low germination rate. They should also be soaked in a wet paper towel 7-21 days until they germinate. Check on seeds daily. Once germinated transfer to your seed starting soil.