Schefflera actinophylla, a.k.a. Umbrella Tree, is a stunning, tropical shrub or tree with a vigorous habit. This beautiful Schefflera has a natural glossy look and long, oblong leaves. The shiny green, leathery leaves are arranged on their slender stalks like an umbrella, or like fingers on a hand. As a houseplant Schefflera is super versatile and it adapts well to various conditions. Schefflera is easy to prune to any size you want. Keep it tall and slender to offer it as a tree-like stunner to cover a corner from floor to ceiling. In addition, Schefflera is a great air-purifier. Seed Germination: Soak the seeds in hot water for 24 hours before planting. Plant the seeds 1/4” deep with 2-3 seeds per container. Cover the soil with plastic to maintain the humidity and keep soil temperature around 70F. The seeds should germinate in 3-6 weeks.
Murray Eucalyptus is a fast-growing hybrid eucalyptus variety known for its adaptability, high biomass production, and resistance to harsh conditions. These leaves look beautiful in floral arrangements. Use as a filler or stand alone in a vase.
Bimble Box has oval-shaped, dark green leaves with a significant menthol scent. Produces beautiful foliage that is used in cut-flower arrangements. Also makes great dry flower bouquets. Common names for Eucalyptus populnea are: Bimble box; Gum Tree, Gomboom, Poplar box and Bimbil box.
Baby Blue is a eucalyptus tree with sickle shaped dark green leaves. Mainly used for production of floral arrangements and foliage. Eucalyptus globulus is commonly known as: Tasmanian Blue Gum; Blue gum; Southern blue gum; Tasmanian blue gumtree.
Vigorous Eucalyptus with large circular shaped leaves. These leaves look beautiful in floral arrangements. Use as a filler or stand alone in a vase. Produces silvery green leaves on tall, sturdy stems. Plant height can vary from 24-48".
Blue-Stem Yucca is a super popular houseplant that is easy to grow and needs very little care. They do best in long-lasting, direct light. Seed Germination: Can take 4-8 weeks to germinate so patience is needed. Plant 1/2" below soil and keep soil 60-70F.
A beautiful indoor tree that does great in a container. Native to the Canary Islands this is one of our favorite indoor plants. Once mature this tree is a site to see with unusual shape and white flowers that are deeply perfumed. Dragon tree is one of the several sources for the aromatic, garnet-red resin known as “Dragon’s Blood.” The plant prefers mesic to dry conditions, well-drained soil, and sun to part shade. Seed Germination: Plant at least 3 seeds per pot. Bottom heat is helpful. Takes 30-90 days to germinate.
Schefflera arboricola, a.k.a. Dwarf Umbrella Tree, is a stunning shrub with a compact and bushy habit. This decorative, subtropical beauty has glossy, oblong leaves. The shiny green, leathery leaves are arranged on their slender stalks like an umbrella, or like fingers on a hand. This dwarf-type Schefflera arboricola looks like a small version of the more tree-like S. actinophylla, with smaller thicker leaves. As a houseplant Schefflera is super versatile and it adapts well to various conditions. Schefflera is easy to prune to keep it tall and slender or short and compact. In addition, Schefflera is a great air-purifier. Seed Germination: Soak the seeds in hot water for 24 hours before planting. Plant the seeds 1/4” deep with 2-3 seeds per container. Cover the soil with plastic to maintain the humidity and keep soil temperature around 70F. The seeds should germinate in 3-6 weeks.
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, scientifically known as Eucalyptus cinerea, is a striking evergreen tree prized for its distinctive, rounded leaves that resemble silver coins, giving it its common name. Native to Australia, this fast-growing tree can reach heights of up to 30 feet, although it is often cultivated as a smaller shrub in gardens. The leaves are a soft gray-green color, with a waxy texture that adds to their visual appeal and resilience in various climates. Also know as Redbox. Silver Dollar Eucalyptus is particularly valued for its aromatic foliage, which emits a fresh, minty fragrance when brushed or crushed. This makes it a popular choice for landscaping and floral arrangements. The tree produces small, cup-shaped flowers that are generally less showy but attract pollinators. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, adapting well to a range of conditions. With its unique foliage and pleasant scent, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus is a favorite for both ornamental gardens and as a cut foliage in floral displays.
'Baby Blue' is a common florist's staple as a bouquet filler. This plant is known for its long stems with rounded leaves in shades of dusty green. Great for bouquets, wreaths or drying. Eucalyptus has a lovely menthol-like fragrance. A tender perennial in USDA zones 9–11 but mainly grown by florist as an annual. As an annual, plants reach about 24"–48", but it can become a 35'-tall tree over time where perennial. This plant is very drought and heat tolerant once established.
False aralia is an elegant shrub or small tree. This beauty plant has narrow, saw-tooth-edged leaves, starting with a metallic reddish color and mature to dark blackish green. As a houseplant it’s easy to prune to keep it tall and slender or short and compact. Also known as Elegant schefflera; Finger or Spider aralia. Seed Germination: Sow seeds on the surface of a moist seed-starting mix, as they need light to germinate. Make sure to keep soil warm above 70F. Can take between 14-28 days to germinate.
Grevillea robusta, or Silver Oak, is fast-growing evergreen tree. This decorative stunner has beautiful dense, silvery fern-like foliage. Grevillea is super versatile and is a beautiful indoor houseplant that is very adaptable to conditions. Seed Germination: Seeds should be soaked in water for 48 hours before sowing. Make sure to keep soil warm above 70F. Can take between 1-2 months to germinate.
Lemon Bush Eucalyptus, scientifically known as Eucalyptus citriodora, is a fragrant evergreen tree renowned for its refreshing lemon-scented leaves. Native to Australia, this tree typically grows between 30 to 50 feet tall, although it can be maintained as a smaller shrub through pruning. The leaves are long and narrow, with a bright green color, and they release a strong citrus aroma, especially when crushed, which has made it popular for its essential oil. Lemon Bush Eucalyptus produces clusters of small white flowers, which attract bees and other pollinators. This tree thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, preferring warm climates and tolerant of drought once established. It is often used in landscaping for its aromatic foliage and attractive appearance, as well as for its potential medicinal properties. With its vibrant scent and lush green foliage, Lemon Bush Eucalyptus adds both beauty and fragrance to gardens, making it a favorite among gardeners and herbal enthusiasts alike.
A fun plant that can be grown indoors. One reason people are taking to olive trees as houseplants is that caring for olive trees inside is easy. These trees tolerate dry air and dry soil too, making it an easy-care houseplant. And the trees are attractive too. The branches are covered with narrow, grey-green leaves that have furry undersides. Also does a great job at purifying indoor air. Seed Germination: Outer layer of seed should be broken or soaked in water for 48 hours before planting.
China Doll, Radermachera sinica, is a bushy subtropical stunner. It makes great impact with lots of attractive, fresh green leaves, that stay glossy even in the dry air of heated homes. great for air purification indoors. Seed Germination: Plant the seeds 1/4” deep with 2-3 seeds per container. Cover the soil with plastic to maintain the humidity and keep soil temperature around 70F. The seeds should germinate in 3-6 weeks.
Bay Laurel is one of our favorite indoor herb trees. Attractive ornamental shrub is well adapted to serve as a houseplant, as well as outdoors. The dark-green leaves are very fragrant, especially once dried. Use the bay leaves to add earthy flavor to stews, soups and sauces. Use bay leaves for fragrant wreathes and garlands. Seed Germination: To increase germination please cold stratify the seeds. Plant 1/2" below soil and keep soil 75-80F.
Ponytail aka, Beaucarnea recurvata or Nolina recurvata, often gets mistaken for a palm, but actually is a semi-succulent. This unique looking tree-like perennial has a large swollen trunk, which stores water. The dark green leaves are long and thin and emerge from the trunk like a fountain. Ponytail is a well-known robust, sun-loving houseplant. In mild to warmer climates it can be used as a waterwise patio plant or for landscaping. Also know as Bottle palm or Elephant's foot. Seed Germination: These seeds inherently have a low germination rate. They should also be soaked in a wet paper towel 7-21 days until they germinate. Check on seeds daily. Once germinated transfer to your seed starting soil.
Produces a beautiful tropical palm plant that is most commonly found in households. This green palm is not only beautiful but also helps clean the air indoors. Botanical name is Licuala grandis but more commonly known as Ruffled fan palm. Seed Germination: These seeds inherently have a low germination rate. They should also be soaked in a wet paper towel 7-21 days until they germinate. Check on seeds daily. Once germinated transfer to your seed starting soil.