Green Manure

Green Manure

Green manures are slightly more specific than cover crops. Green manures are usually legumes, mustard and grasses that are grown specifically to increase soil organic matter and nutrients. Green manures help add nitrogen and other nutrients back into the soil.

The White Dutch Clover is a perennial clover variety that is a customer favorite for controlling erosion while protecting the soil! This legume is a living mulch of permanent cover that spreads by stolons. Grow low so takes close mowing and grazing. The White Dutch Clover benefits bees and insects as well as fixes nitrogen. Uses: Bees & Beneficial Insects, Chicken Forage, Deer Attractant, Erosion Control, Forage, Green Manure, Nitrogen Fixation, No Till, Weed Suppression

California Blackeye #5 is a high yielding, vigorous and easy to grow. You can use these as green shell peas or dry like winter beans. Pods reach 6-8" long and are loaded with creamy, delicious seeds. Does well in high heat areas. Treated Seed.

The Dimpled Brown Crowder is an excellent cowpea for canning, freezing or drying. The Dimpled Brown Crowder Cowpea is a prolific yielder with pods that contain 12-15 peas that are closely bunched together. If you are using this variety for Nitrogen fixation, we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant. Try with cowpea inoculant for maximum Nitrogen fixation.

Pinkeye Purple Hull cowpea is one of the most popular varieties preferred by Southerners. Cowpeas in general are great for drying and canning. This variety's hulls are purple and its cowpeas are green with pinkeyes when freshly picked turning cream with dark maroon when dried. The Pinkeye Purple Hull produces pods that are six to seven inches long and purple. If you are using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant.

The Zipper Cream cowpeas are very easy to grow and are a tasty Southern favorite! This variety produces bushy 2-3' plants that bear heavy yields. The 6-9" large pods have large, creamy-white seeds. There are 18-20 seeds per pod. The Zipper Cream is an easy to shell cowpea. Treated Seed.

The Sideoats Grama is a warm-season bunchgrass grain variety that is easy to grow and native throughout much of North America. The ornamental and distinctive seed spikes hang from only one side of the stalk, and these make good fresh or dried cuttings. This grain prefers full sun and moderate to dry soils. The Sideoats Grama is recommended for meadow and prairie plantings, beds & borders, and as a component of forage mixes for livestock and wildlife.

The Mississippi Silver cowpea is adapted to hot humid climates, but does well in most climates. This variety produces pods 6-7 " long, and that are colored silver, occasionally streaked with rose. The Mississippi Silver is easy to grow and shell. If you are using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant. Try with cowpea inoculant for maximum Nitrogen fixation.

The Knuckle Purple Hull is a bush type cowpea producing heavy yields of purple pods. Cowpeas in general are great for drying and canning. This variety tends to stay off the ground and cluster making for easy picking. This cowpea is referred to as a "Knuckle Hull" because of the big, plump cowpeas. Try with cowpea inoculant for maximum Nitrogen fixation.

The Elite cowpea is a bush type cream southern pea that produces heavy yields of 7" pods with cowpeas that are delicious and easy to shell. This cowpea is one of the most productive of all the cream peas. If you are using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant. Try with cowpea inoculant for maximum Nitrogen fixation.

The Sadandy cowpea is a heavy yielding Southern pea great for fresh shelling. The Sadandy variety is very similarly to 'Texas Cream' but the peas are slightly smaller. These bush-type plants are prolific and thrive in hotter, Southern weather. The Sadandy is a "cream pea" type variety, they are generally used at the fresh shelling stage. If you are using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant.

Lady is the smallest and most tender Southern cowpea on the market. This cowpea variety is a popular and hard to find southern cowpea. Lady is excellent freshly cooked and very tender. The short plants are great for small gardens, and yields are high. If you are using for Nitrogen fixation we highly recommend using a cowpea inoculant. Try with cowpea inoculant for maximum Nitrogen fixation.

Phenomenal cowpeas are a remarkable variety known for their impressive yield and versatility. These cowpeas produce robust, productive plants that are well-suited to a variety of growing conditions, making them a favorite among gardeners and farmers. Characterized by their large, green pods and high nutritional value, Phenomenal cowpeas offer a rich source of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins. The plants typically reach about 2 to 3 feet in height and can be grown both in garden beds and containers. They are valued for their resilience in hot and dry climates, which makes them particularly well-adapted to regions with challenging weather conditions. With a maturity period of around 70 to 80 days, Phenomenal cowpeas provide a generous harvest of flavorful, tender beans that can be enjoyed fresh, dried, or cooked in a variety of dishes. Their adaptability and high productivity make them a standout choice for both home gardeners and commercial growers.

The Black Crowder cowpea is a high yielding variety of long pods. The cowpeas themselves have a deep purple color when first shelled which then turn black when dried. The Black Crowder's green pods are easy to shell. Try with cowpea inoculant for maximum Nitrogen fixation.