Garlic in most cases should be planted right before your first frost date in the fall. For more Southern states that are in zones 8-10, garlic should be planted in early December.
Learning Download: How to Grow Garlic
Before Planting:
Prepare garlic for planting by breaking apart all cloves from the garlic. Be careful to leave the outer skin attached. Soak cloves in a jar of water for 2 hours prior to planting. If you have some seaweed fertilizer laying around add some of this to the water. This will help prevent fungal disease.
Plant garlic in a rich, well drained soil that is weed-free. Dig a hole 2″ deep and place soaked garlic clove in hole with the flat end facing down (pointy end up). Cover with soil and add an organic fertilizer on top. Space cloves 4-6″ apart in same row and rows 18-24″ apart.
For best results cover soil with 6-8″ of straw. In a couple months you will see shoots poking through. During the winter months growth will stop. When spring arrives growth will resume.
Spacing in Rows: 4-6 inches
Row Spacing: 18-24 inches