
Flower Seed

Shop and grow a beautiful selection of annual and perennial flower seeds. Try growing flowers for containers, cut flowers, or edible flowers!

The Creeping Thyme is a mat-forming evergreen plant that produces small purple spikes and makes a beautiful ground cover! This "walk on" hardy perennial not only adds a beautiful pop of color to the garden, but it also gives off a wonderful fragrance that is perfect in a bouquet.

The Red Climbing Rose looks absolutely stunning when it is climbing up vertically a fence, pillar, shed or other structures in! This variety is a very popular variety for vertical gardens. They will grow great up a trellis or an arbor so that they have a suitable place to grow. You can also be creative and train your roses to climb over a fence, a pillar, a garden shed, or other structures in your yard.

Lava Lamp blend is composed of yellow, orange and red zinnia varieties. This mixture produces beautiful blooms of semi-double to double flowers on each stem. Zinnias are a perfect choice for any cut flower grower and even attract butterflies to your garden. Large, colorful blooms lend cheer and texture to bouquets and floral arrangements. Spread at 19 lbs per acre or 7 ounces per 1,000 sq.ft.

The Peach Cobbler Zinnia Mix is composed of our ‘Canary Bird’, ‘Coral Beauty’, ‘Luminosa’ and ‘Orange King’ Zinnia varieties, creating a warm and refreshing color combination. Spread at 19 lbs per acre or 7 ounces per 1,000 sq.ft.

Procut® Red is a breeding breakthrough with the world’s first single head sunflower with deep burgundy colored petals! ProCut® Red is the only red sunflower with long stems for vase bouquets. Procut® Red is great for Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving Christmas Holiday flower markets. It mixes well with all the other ProCuts we offer.

ProCut® Plum is one of the most unique sunflowers bred. The plum color really blends well in arrangements of bronze and reddish flowers. ProCut® Plum produces a single pollenless flower on a strong stem. It is medium in maturity.

American Giant F1 pushes the label of “giant” to new frontiers in sunflower gardening. The American Giant is a quite large sunflower, really it is huge sunflower. Almost everybody saves a corner of the garden to pull out all the stops and grow a giant sunflower specimen using all their fertilizer and watering tricks. American Giant Hybrid was developed especially to respond to your best gardening efforts. It is a huge (and we mean, huge) improvement on the old garden varieties that you nursed along in the garden only to see them fall to the ground with the first big wind after flowering. American Giant Hybrid grows tall and stays standing long after the others fall. In fact, you may have to literally get out a saw and cut it down at the end of the year. Or leave it through the winter for the birds and squirrels to enjoy the seeds and to remind your neighbors of your gardening prowess. Don’t believe that the American Giant is a huge sunflower? We have seen it grow as tall as 17 feet! Now, that is a large sunflower.

ProCut® White Lite is beautiful sunflower with lush white petals that border a light colored center on single stems. This white sunflower can be used in countless arrangements. ProCut® White Lite offers a soft delicate color while still providing that eye-catching sunflower impact. Goes great with other flower blends.

Tulips are the most popular and most recognized flower in home gardens today. Tulips are available in many shapes, sizes, colors and seasons of bloom. No other flower rewards the gardener more than beautiful tulips. Plant these this fall, and next spring, watch your neighbors turn their heads.Water in fall to help good root growth before ground freezes. Do not water in excess during summer when bulb is dormant.Care: Use low nitrogen fertilizer in fall and spring. After blooming leave foliage and water weekly. This will help with root growth. When leaves turn yellow and die back foliage may be removed. Placing mulch over plant during winter will help keep plant dormant and protected.Cut Flowers:Tulips make excellent cut flowers. Cut as many as needed and bring indoors to enjoy their beauty and scent.

The Excelsior Mix Digitalis is a tall and elegant flower that produces a very lovely mixture of tubular flowers alternating in color. This variety also serves as a good border flower. The Excelsior Mix does very well in moist, shady areas where little else grows!

The Tall Mix Morning Glory is a combination of beautifully colored morning glories with heart shaped leaves and fuzzy vines that are super easy to grow! The Morning Glory is one of the most popular flowering vines and this variety produces a profusion of 4" inch, trumpet shaped flowers of indigo blue, maroon and white. These tall vines can grow up to 10+ feet tall! This mix blooms during the early morning hours and closes once the afternoon sun reaches them. The Tall Mix is attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies and also easily self-seeds.

A colorful blend of Hyacinth flowers! Hyacinth bulbs are among the most popular bulbs in America. These Hyacinth bulbs will produce brightly colored blooms that will send an aromatic scent across your yard.  

The Sweet Woodruff is an excellent ground cover plant for shady areas and produces rich dark leaves and bright white flowers in late spring to early summer. A great choice to mix with spring flowering bulbs which can come up through this plant. Very cold hardy to zone 3 but does not do well in hot areas. Will not grow under pine trees. Foliage has a lovely scent of new mown hay which increases when the plant is dried.

Beautiful 'White and Blue' Muscari mix! This mix looks beautiful in bloom. A blend of our white and blue Muscari bulbs.

The Humulus, or known as hops, is a climbing variety that produces green flowers that are most commonly used for brewing beer. The hops are what gives the beer its balance and depth as well as its bitterness.

The Goldstrum Rudbeckia is a stunning, sun-loving golden flower that is highly popular for landscaping and as a cut flower. This variety is an improved APEX seed that gives 25% more young plants, 75% minimum germination in soil. The Goldtrum is highly sought for as a roadside cut flower for its beautiful 3" blooms.

The Grandpa Ott Ipomoea is a classic Morning Glory that produces beautiful deep purple blooms with a small, bright pink center! This favored variety is a tall growing vine flower that will climb up walls and fences. The Grandpa Ott's beautiful blooms open up to reveal its lovely petals. This variety is one of the easiest morning glories to grow!

The Purple Echinacea is a coneflower that is a sturdy perennial that is native to the Midwest, Southeast and naturalized throughout the Northeast. One of the most popular wildflowers, the Purple Coneflower can withstand dry conditions, though it performs best in cooler seasons, without irrigation. This variety readily reseeds itself.