
Snapdragon Seed

Snapdragons are fragrant flowers that earned its name by resembling the face of dragons opening and closing their mouthes. These unique flowers can grow anywhere and thrive in cold, rocky areas. Perfect for rock gardens, containers or as a border, these beautiful herbaceous plants are beautiful in any garden! Our favorite variety of snapdragons is Floral Showers (F1). We carry a large selection of Floral Showers because it does well in both spring and fall and is an excellent cut flower variety. Come in a variety of solid and bi-colors.

The Snapdragon Tall Mix is a beautiful mix of colorful, stunning tall flowers with a good spread that are popular for home gardeners! This variety does not grow like its relatives, the buttercup and eggs. The Tall Mix is controlled and does act like a wildflower.

The Snapdragon Dwarf Mix is a beautiful blend of colorful and vibrant dwarf flowers that are controlled, but act like as wildflowers! This variety does not grow like its relatives, the buttercup and eggs. These flowers are a popular fvariety to grow for home gardeners. This mix has a good spread, abundance of color.

Fuchsia Snapdragon produces pink blooms with hint of cream. Floral Showers is one of the best performing dwarf snapdragons around! This early, day neutral has a delicious fragrance, making it a perfect addition to any garden. Performs well in both spring and fall. Excellent cut flower variety. Ht. 8-10". Avg. 185,000 seeds/oz. Packet: 100 seeds.

Produces vibrant, orange-bronze blooms on full heads. The florets have a bit more dazzle and fullness than other snapdragons. Excellent performance in the field or greenhouse. Great for cut-flowers and bouquets. Ht. 28-34". Avg. 194,000 seeds/oz. Packet: 100 seeds.