Artichoke Growing Info

When to Plant:
Start seeds indoors 10-12 weeks before last frost date. Seeds should be soaked for 24 hours to help increase germination rate. Seedlings should be hardened off before placing directly outside.
Heavy feeder. Apply an organic liquid fertilizer once a month.
Location: Planting Depth: Soil Type:
Full to Partial Sun 1/4″ Well drained, fertile soil
  Seed Spacing Row Spacing Seeds per 100′ Yield per 100′ Seeds per Acre
3-4′ 6′ 35 30-40 lbs. 2,600


Artichoke Seed Count 
1 Ounce: 650 Seeds
1/8 Pound: 1,300 Seeds
1/4 Pound: 2,600 Seeds
1/2 Pound: 5,200 Seeds
1 Pound: 10,400 Seeds
* These are average artichoke seed counts.  Varieties can vary.
1 Acre = 43,560 square feet, or 435’x100′

Weight Conversion:
1 Pound = 16 Ounces